New Huntron Workstation 4.3 Release
Version 4.3.9083 has been released for download from the Huntron website. This version is mostly a maintenance update with fixes to some minor issues but also includes a firmware update for Huntron Tracker 2800/2800S/3200S OS (ver. 4.45) for serial numbers 3000 and higher.
4.3.9083 Highlights
- Updates to Prober pane image zoom window; Zoom level is displayed
- Added step during Probe Replacement for Access DH/DH2 to allow for physical probe tip alignment
- Updated Workstation and CAD Tutorials
- Update to loading CAD database file for Sync CAD functions
- Added Python example files for Remote Control; Updated Workstation Remote Control PDF
- Issue with Access DH2 cabinet light toolbar button fixed
The new version can be downloaded from the Huntron Software web page.
Huntron Software web page