The sorting capabilities in the Huntron Workstation Tree pane provide many ways to customize tests to match your needs. In this Quick Tip, we will look at the sorting functions in the Component tab of the Tree pane.
Sorting within the Component tab allows you to quickly change the order of how components are displayed and scanned. Right-click on any column header you will see a menu displayed. For all columns you will see "Sort Ascending" and "Sort Descending". Sort Ascending will sort alphanumerically upward. Sort Descending will sort alphanumerically download. An example of where this would be useful is if you have a board with hundreds of components and you want find a specific one. You can Sort Ascending by Name and then scroll down to the desired component.
Right-click the column header for the Order column and you will see additional selections. Selecting "Set to Current Order" resorts the Order number column based on the currently displayed Component list. This is useful if you want to run a Sequence test based on a particular setting such as "Number of Pins".
"Set by Location" is used by Access Prober users to resort the Order number based on the Component XY location. This improves test speed by making the test order more efficient. This is useful for tests created with CAD data but can also be used with tests created manually.