Headlight News

Hurley Xpedite Driver Newsletter - Sep. 2022

Important Dates

Sep. 5: Labor Day

Sep.10: Monthly Maintenance Reports Due

Sep. 11: Patriot Day

Sep. 22: Fall Equinox

September Birthdays

Sep. 5: Bobby Zuetlau

Sep. 6: Leo Dalipi

Sep. 13: Michael Curtis

Sep. 14: Nicole Howard

Sep. 17: Willie Pouncy

Sep. 19: Lisa Johnson

Sep. 26: Robert Catron

Need Repairs?

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Follow these guidelines:

  • All repairs (both truck and trailer) should be paid at the time of service.
  • Hurley Xpedite's account may be used for discount only--you cannot have the bill sent to Hurley for payment.
  • All invoices should be sent to BILLING (not Safety!) for reimbursement. If Billing does not receive them, they may not be reimbursed. Please send all invoices to
  • Send all documents when you send the invoice (for example: if you have a DOT Inspection, send the invoice, receipt, and DOT Inspection Form)

Welcome, Destined!

Welcome to Destined, Hurley Xpedite's newest dispatcher! Destined is a Fort Wayne native who loves getting outside and exploring the town. When he is not spoiling his 3-year-old daughter, he likes to hike and walk in the local parks. He is also getting ready to welcome a dog to his family, to join him on his walks!

Red Flags for Truckers

Human trafficking is modern-day slavery. Traffickers use force, fraud, and coercion to control their victims. Any minor engaged in commercial sex is a victim of human trafficking. While the initial purchase of victims may occur online, the real-time sale of victims can happen in many locations, including truck stops, restaurants, rest areas, hotels/motels, strip clubs, private homes, etc.

Professional drivers are the eyes and ears of our nation’s highways. If you see a minor working in any of those areas or suspect that the person selling sex is under someone else’s control in order to make a quota, call the National Human Trafficking Hotline and report a tip. If you are witnessing a crime in progress, please call 911.

What to look for:

  • Lack of knowledge of their whereabouts; not in control of ID/passport
  • Restricted or controlled communication – not allowed to speak for self
  • CB chatter about “commercial company” or flashing lights signaling “buyer” location
  • Acknowledgment of a pimp and making a quota
  • A van or RV that seems out of place out by trucks; a vehicle dropping someone off at a truck and picking them up 15-20 minutes later

Warning: Please do not approach traffickers.

Allow law enforcement to deal with traffickers and recover victims. Approaching traffickers is not only dangerous for you and their victims but could lead to problems in the eventual prosecution of traffickers.

Weighing your truck?

Safety needs copies of all scale tickets unless purchased with your Comdata card. These must be kept on record for auditing purposes. Scale tickets can be scanned or emailed to

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GM Safety Reminder

Drivers arriving at GM sites MUST wear an orange high visibility safety vest. It has become an ongoing issue of drivers NOT having this required PPE on arrival to GM.

August Clean DOTs

Congrats to Juan & Jose Valdez for having the only clean DOT inspection in August. Great job, guys!

Report it!

All Roadside inspections, accidents, and incidents big or small must be reported to dispatch IMMEDIATELY. You must speak to a live person when reporting. We are staffed 24/7/365 in dispatch. Failure to report an inspection or incident at the time of occurrence will result in immediate termination, NO EXCEPTIONS!

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The Chrome Side


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