Dear Friends,
We've all seen the devastating images of the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. We grieve for lives lost, communities destroyed, residents displaced, and we lift up all those affected in prayer.
The Outreach Committee at Bethesda is committed to making a tangible difference in the lives of those impacted by such disasters. To this end, we are offering to match parishioner donations for hurricane relief up to $10,000 through Episcopal Relief & Development's Hurricane Helene Recovery Fund.
ER-D is, frankly, one of the best things about the Episcopal Church. They work with partners on the ground to get relief to those in need quickly and efficiently. In this case, donations will go to affected communities in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina.
To participate in the matching grant, we invite you to make a donation through our Giving Page by selecting "Hurricane Helene Relief" in the dropdown menu.
On a personal note, I have spoken with a number of our parishioners who have evacuated summer residences in North Carolina. They are all safe but, in some cases had harrowing journeys to safety.
I appreciate both your generosity and your prayers in the days ahead.
In Christ,
Prayer for Those Impacted by Hurricane Helene
Compassionate God, source of all comfort, we pray for the people whose lives have been devastated by Hurricane Helene. Bring them comfort, we pray. Protect the vulnerable. Strengthen the weak. Keep at bay the spread of disease. Have mercy on all those working to rebuild. And may our response to their suffering be generous and bring you praise. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.