Hybrid Worship

15 January 2023

Sunday Morning Greetings!

No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here. Welcome to the season of Epiphany and to the New year. You are loved.

At 9:00 am Adult Spiritual Formation, we're continuing our exploration of prayer experiences, in coordination with the sermon series. This week, we will be looking at a framework for spiritual types.

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Welcome and Announcements

Call to Worship

One: We continue to move into the New Year. We do so with intentionality. What do we need to let go of? What do we wish to welcome? 

All: Let us let go of the idea that we are separate from one another and from Creation. Let us welcome opportunities for unity and connection.

One: Letting go frees us for welcoming newness.

All: May we let go of past grievances and hurts that have become too heavy for our spirits. May we welcome forgiveness and healing.

One: The new year extends an invitation to transformation.

All: Can we let go of self-centeredness and consumerism? Can we welcome simple living and plentitude?

One: With grace, we can.

Singing Our Faith ~ "Many Gifts, One Spirit"

God of change and glory, God of time and space,

When we fear the future, give to us your grace.

In the midst of changing ways,

give us still the grace to praise.


Many gifts, one Spirit, one love known in many ways.

In our difference is blessing, from diversity we thank

One Giver, one Lord, one Spirit, one Word,

Known in many ways, hallowing our day.

For the Giver, for the gifts, Thanks, Thanks, Thanks!

Freshness of the morning, newness of each night,

You are still creating endless love and light.

This we see, as shadows part,

many gifts from one great heart.



Opening Prayer and Silence

Special Music ~ "Quiet Place"

In this quiet place

In this quiet place

Help me be still and know

How I can give, and how to forgive

In this quiet place

In this quiet place

Help me be still and know


Like Jesus in the garden

Let me be in this quiet place

Let me see your path for me

Let me trust in your grace

In this quiet place

In this quiet place

Help me be still and know

How to be true in all I do

In this quiet place

In this quiet place

Help me be still and know




At this time, we share moments from our lives: birthdays, 

anniversaries, works of peace and justice. We celebrate even sorrows and grief as part of a comprehensive view of life. 

Celebration Song

Celebrate your heart and your spirit.

Celebrate your life while you live it.

Even when it’s hard to do,

celebrate the best of you!

Celebrate your dreams and your visions.

Celebrate the love you’ve been given.

Cherish all that you’ve been through.

Celebrate the best of you!

Invitation to Give

One: What happens when a gift leaves our hands? 

All: It is all mystery. We give in hope and in trust, believing in a new world. 

One: What happens to us when we give? 

All: It is all mystery. We give—open to the possibility that our giving will change us.

One: What happens to the world when the Spirit enters our giving?

All: It is all mystery, and we are grateful for it all.

Offering and Offertory

Give Online

Word About Life—I Kings 5: 8-14

But when Elisha the man of God heard that the king of Israel had torn his clothes, he sent a message to the king, “Why have you torn your clothes? Let him come to me, that he may learn that there is a prophet in Israel.” So Naaman came with his horses and chariots and halted at the entrance of Elisha’s house. Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, “Go, wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored, and you shall be clean.” But Naaman became angry and went away, saying, “I thought that for me he would surely come out and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God and would wave his hand over the spot and cure the skin disease! Are not Abana and Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? Could I not wash in them and be clean?” He turned and went away in a rage. But his servants approached and said to him, “Father, if the prophet had commanded you to do something difficult, would you not have done it? How much more, when all he said to you was, ‘Wash, and be clean’?” So he went down and immersed himself seven times in the Jordan, according to the word of the man of God; his flesh was restored like the flesh of a young boy, and he was clean.

Word About Life for Today

Shared by Rev. Ken Heintzelman


Words for Mission

One: Friends, we acknowledge that we are seeking. What is it that we seek? What or who is seeking us?

All: In our seeking is blessing. 

One: We acknowledge that we are looking. What is it that we are looking for? What or who is looking for us?

All: In our looking is a calling on our lives.

One: These are the times!

All: We are the people.

One: All of Creation is blessed.

All: May we love all and serve all.

One: May God be with you.

All: And also with you.

One: Amen.

All: Amen.

Sending Forth Song ~ "Trees of the Field"

You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace;

The mountains and the hills will break forth before you.

There’ll be shouts of joy, and all the trees of the field

  will clap, will clap their hands.

And all the trees of the field will clap their hands (clap, clap)

The trees of the field will clap their hands (clap, clap)

The trees of the field will clap their hands (clap, clap)

While you go out with joy.

(Repeat faster)

Sermon Reboot will return! Today is Let's Find Out (a time for questions and conversation for new folks) and next week is Coffee Chat! Stay tuned, friends.