Hybrid Worship
March 6, 2022
Welcome to Worship! Whether you're joining by Zoom or in person, it's good to be together.

It's a big Sunday. Check out this "bulletin insert" for today's scripture and information about our worship theme, trauma, mental health, and healing.
Have we experienced or witnessed harm from faith communities? How do we respond in ways that promote healing and wholeness?

Spirituality includes an invitation to offer grace to ourselves and to others.
Order of Worship
Adult Spiritual Formation - 9:00 am
You're invited to Spiritual Formation, in person in the Shadow Rock Multipurpose Room and on Zoom. All are welcome, and all of YOU is welcome! We begin our Lenten series this morning on church trauma and healing. This same content and discussion (with more reflection and quiet) is available Wednesday evenings beginning March 9 at 7:00 pm on Zoom.

Worship Begins - 10:15 am

Prelude ~ "Seams" shared by Keegan White

Welcome and Announcements ~ Pastor Ken
As worship begins, we pause to welcome and extend greetings to anyone visiting us this week! No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.

Stay tuned to Shadow Rock news mid-week with Rock the Week, our Wednesday email newsletter.

Coming Together
One: We come together to honor our past.
All: We come together to affirm our lives here and now. We come together to symbolize the future of our world. 
One: May our time together renew our hope.
All: May the stories we share refresh our courage.
One: May the songs we sing lift our spirits.
All: May the words we speak invigorate us.
One: May the touch of hands, the sound of laughter, the sight of faces new and familiar,
All: build our resilience in trust and love.
One: May we be for each other what the world needs. Let us sing! 

Singing Our Faith ~ "Companions on Our Journey"
We are companions on our journey,
Breaking bread and sharing life.
In the love we bear is the hope we share
For we believe in the love of our God.
Yes, we believe in the love of our God.

No longer strangers to each other,
No longer strangers in God’s house,
We are blest and we are nourished,
By the love we all can share. Chorus

Although the journey may be rocky,
Although the way’s not always clear,
We will share God’s love a-plenty,
With all people far and near. Chorus
Celebrations and Prayer Requests
This is our time to share the celebrations of our lives: birthdays,
anniversaries, words of kindness and works of peace and justice.

Celebration Song

Celebrating Belonging: The Sacrament of Baptism
John Henry Bosch, Born June 22, 2021

Congregation’s Statement of Support
We stand as witnesses to the commitment made to and for John this day. We pledge ourselves to you for spiritual support and care as he and his family discover the ways the Spirit unfolds for them.

Baptismal Prayer

Singing Our Faith - "No Matter Who"
No matter who, no matter what
No matter where you are on the journey of life.
You’re welcome, welcome here in this place.
No matter who, no matter what
No matter where you are on the journey of life
Accepted, welcomed by God’s grace.
For we are family, meant to be, Purposed for eternity.
Born in love, from above; God’s community.

Invitation to Give
May what we give today be blessed. May all that we receive today enrich our lives and the lives of others. Let us give of ourselves and our offerings to make life good.

Word About Life for Today ~ Rev. Ken Heintzelman

Celebrating the Table of Inclusion, Justice, and Spirituality
Spirit of Life and Love, as we anticipate the taking of this bread and cup, we give thanks for all the influences in our lives that have helped us see beyond the present and have called us to live in hope and trust whatever losses and endings we have experienced. We give thanks for the Spirit of New Life active in our lives and active in the world as it was in the life of Jesus of Nazareth. Amen.

Words for Mission
One: Go now, into the world God loves so much, to bear the fruit of love. Go in peace and with delight for the Spirit of life and love goes with us. In this, is a great blessing!
All: And a blessing to all whom we touch.
One: These are the times.
All: We are the people.
One: All of Creation is blessed.
All: May we love all and serve all.
One: May God be with you.
All: And also with you.
One: Amen.
All: Amen.