Pre-Service Environment: We enjoy visiting with each other and connecting. Online participants are invited to open their camera feed and unmute to visit.
Welcome and Announcements
Singing Our Faith ~ “God Is Still Speaking”
God is still speaking, blessed invitation,
God is still speaking listen and draw near,
God is still speaking, see a new creation,
God is still speaking, stand and do not fear.
All creation groans and yearns ~ God is still speaking
Seek the way that life returns ~ Listen and draw near
Through our broken, wounded earth ~ God is still speaking
God can bring new seeds to birth ~ Stand, and do not fear. Chorus
To the ones enslaved, oppressed ~ God is still speaking
God is here in human dress ~ Listen and draw near
When the poor and lost are found ~ God is still speaking
When the mighty are cast down ~ Stand, and do not fear.
Call to Worship
One: The way of the Spirit is everyday holiness.
Many: Holy One, we seek your presence in small and
mundane ways.
One: The way of the Spirit is wonder, awe, and delight.
Many: Wondrous Creation! We marvel at your beauty and your emptiness.
One: The way of spirituality is both tiny and enormous. Spirit, keep our eyes and hearts open!
Many: Sustaining God, we call out to you in hope.
Singing Our Faith ~ "Go, Make a Difference"
Go make a diff’rence.
We can make a diff’rence. Go make a diff’rence in the world.
We are the salt of the earth, called to let the people see
the love of God for you and me.
We are the light of the world, not to be hidden but be seen.
Go make a diff’rence in the world. Chorus
We are the hands of Christ, reaching out to those in need,
the face of God for all to see.
We are the spirit of hope; we are the voice of peace.
Go make a diff’rence in the world. Chorus
Opening Prayer
Liberating One, we keep you before us. Our souls rejoice and our hearts are gladdened. Our very beings find safety and security in your presence. We approach you with thanksgiving and anticipation. Enliven us to be your people in the world. Embolden us to live in freedom. Empower us to be your good news. Stand up in us and show us the path of life. Amen.