Hybrid Worship
August 7, 2022
Face Mask 1
Welcome to Worship. Because of local and Phoenix-area COVID-19 infections, we're strongly recommending masking and a renewed emphasis on social distancing this morning. Whether you're joining us in person or online, you are welcome. Let's continue to keep each other safe.
Spiritual Formation Update
Adult Spiritual Formation
Adult Spiritual Formation will re-start in September. Beginning next Sunday, August 14, look for a Sermon Reboot discussion at 11:15 am. That's right after worship, in the Narthex.
Worship - 10:15 am
**We're discouraging disruptions to our service by changing
the Zoom link frequently. Please join with the button above.**


Welcome and Announcements

Joining Our Voices ~
“Clothe Yourselves With Compassion”
We are the people of God; we are the people of God.
We’re accepted and beloved,
and so we must clothe ourselves…
With compassion, and kindness, humility,
gentleness, and patience.
And over all these things, over all these things,
over all these things, put on love. 

Call to Worship
One: We recognize and give thanks that we humans are
creatures of the Earth living in the ecosystem in a particular place and at a particular time.
All: We recognize and give thanks for our home in this ecosystem: flowers, trees and insects; land, waters, Shaw Butte, and the North Mountain Preserve, that are each unique and beautiful.
One: Let us acknowledge the awesome mystery embodied in
every person.
All: In our unique beauty, the people we are in this place and time - we are grateful and nourished. Through us, Creativity God comes to expression.
One: In the spirit of return and homecoming, we give thanks and sing.

Singing Our Faith ~ "Come Sweet Justice"
The world is hungry for justice,
God’s word will point the way.
The One who came to speak the truth,
to challenge those who say:
that we need not care for strangers,
the sick, the lost, the poor, the voiceless ones, the outcast, the honored guests of God.

O come, O come sweet justice, come. Repeat

When will we learn how to see them,
each one a child of God?
When will our voices raise for them,
to demand their stories heard?
Do we wait until all hope is gone, their songs to die away?
With passion we must rise up—Risk in the name of God. 


Opening Stillness
Amid all the noise in our lives,
we take this moment to sit in silence:
to give thanks for another day;
to give thanks for all those in our lives
who have brought us warmth and love;
to give thanks for the gift of life.

This is our time to share our lives: 
celebrations such as birthdays, anniversaries, words of kindness and works of peace and justice. 
  • Sabbath Joy
  • Flat Jesus

Celebration Song ~ "Circle of Friends," chorus only
Laugh (echo) Cry (echo) Live (echo), Die (echo)
Hello! (echo) Goodbye! (echo)
And God makes us a circle of friends.

Invitation to Give
Our tradition says we should give thanks and be generous... May all givers be blessed because we need to be generous in order to be whole.

Offering and Offertory
The Great Banquet - Celebrating Communion

One: May it be well with you.
All: And also with you.
One: Sacred is the cosmos, whirling, expanding, living, dying, yearning for abundance and freedom.
All: We come to this table awe-struck creatures, conscious that as we take a bite, take a sip, the whole cosmos—gathered up in us—feasts with us, and in us.
One: How can we not stand in wonder and awe! Those same vast processes that created galaxies and suns and stars and planets, continue to shape our existence…

Left side: Out of the Big Bang the stars!
Right side: Out of the stardust the Earth!

One: Out of the molecules of the Earth, life. Earth was planted with the seeds of its future. 
All: Out of the fullness of time, Earth flowered with life. In the human species, nature became conscious of itself and open to fulfillment in thought and word and deed.

One: Blessed be Earth.

Left side: Blessed be Earth, our home.
Right side: Blessed be Earth, our home.

One: And so we remember the living tradition… How, during a meal, Jesus would take Bread, give thanks, break it, and share it with both friend and stranger. In this piece of bread is the body of the whole cosmos, sky and sun, earth and water. 

(brief silence)

And after conversation he would pour a cup of wine, offer thanks for it, and share it with all those with him. Wine, fruit of the vine, gift of nature. Sharing a meal of bread and wine renders the universe both sacred and intimate.
All: Our gratitude places us in solidarity with all life. Amen. 

Communion Song Walls Mark Our Boundaries
Walls mark our bound’ries and keep us apart;
Walls keep the world from our eyes and our heart.
Tables are round, making room for one more,
Welcoming friends we had not known before.

So build us a table and tear down the wall!
Christ is our host. There is room for us all!

Once we were strangers, divided, alone.
Hate and distrust built a wall stone by stone.
Now at a table the bread that we share.
Joins us to Christ in a circle of care.


Word About Life - Luke 12
“Do not be afraid, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give alms. Make purses for yourselves that do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."


Words for Mission
One: As we prepare to leave this sacred space where we have celebrated together,
All: Let us return to our community’s work enlivened and renewed. May we move out into the world, tasting, hearing, touching the presentness of creation in every moment.
One: These are the times.
All: We are the people.
One: All of Creation is blessed.
All: May we love all and serve all.
One: May God be with you.
All: And also with you.
One: Amen.
All: Amen.

Sending Forth Song