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Welcome and Announcements
Joining Our Voices ~
"It’s the Work of Many Hands"
One by one we gather here for such a time as this
To celebrate with joyful hearts our holy heritage,
People with a mission, anchored in our faith,
Following the Spirit’s call in every time and place.
It’s the work of many hands,
It’s the sound of many voices,
It’s the love of many hearts that make a church. Repeat
Singing, praying, serving now, and speaking from the heart,
All of us have special gifts that make us who we are.
Hopeful and united as one community,
Growing with each other in God’s human family. Chorus
Keep searching the horizon here for evidence of grace.
The gospel message comes alive when others you embrace.
So feed the hungry, help the homeless, let your spirits soar.
Let the love of Jesus Christ live in you more and more. Chorus
Call to Worship
One: Like clay, we arrive at this time of worship:
Many: Shapeless and full of potential, we arrive.
One: Like clay, we prepare for this time of worship:
Many: Stretched and twisted, shaped by our experiences, we prepare.
One: Like clay, we enter this time of worship:
Many: Ready for the warmth of creativity and challenge, we enter.
Singing Our Faith ~ "Walls Marks Our Boundaries"
Walls mark our bound’ries and keep us apart;
Walls keep the world from our eyes and our heart.
Tables are round, making room for one more,
Welcoming friends we had not known before.
So build us a table and tear down the wall!
Christ is our host. There is room for us all!
Walls make us sure who is in and who’s out
Walls keep us safe from all question and doubt,
But at a table in open exchange
New ties are formed as our lives rearrange. Chorus
Once we were strangers, divided, alone.
Hate and distrust built a wall stone by stone.
Now at a table the bread that we share.
Joins us to Christ in a circle of care. Chorus