Hyde Jackson Monthly
February 27, 2019


Our neighborhood is home to many types of people from many places and they are young, old, and all ages in between. According to the City of Boston's Age Strong Commission, approximately 15% of residents in the Hyde Jackson Square Main Street district are age 60 and above.

All residents here have special abilities and skills and some have conditions that limit their safe access to visit stores and be able to walk and roll down sidewalks. Because of residents' challenges, we jumped at the chance to work with the City of Boston's Age Strong Commission to work towards making the business district Age & Dementia-Friendly. Over the next several months we will be coordinating with businesses to be certified as Age & Dementia-Friendly with the City of Boston and will be looking longer-term to improve physical access of our public infrastructure and cognitive access of signage.

By making the district walkable, rollable, and comfortable for all ages and for people with disabilities, we hope to improve the district for residents, shoppers, and businesses alike.

CreateAgeFriendlyCreating an Age-Friendly Business District       

Working with store-front businesses to provide great service and amenities to older adults    
Hyde Jackson Square Main Street is excited to present its first 10 Age & Dementia-Friendly businesses. Over the past few months, we have been working closely with the City of Boston's Age Strong Commission to create an Age & Dementia-Friendly business district, one that is friendly to all types of people and all ages.
The first phase of the project is to train and certify businesses in customer service for older adults and those living with dementia and to analyze physical layouts in their store-front businesses so that they are all inclusive. These certified businesses will have taken proactive measures to be inclusive to older adults and those with dementia. The second phase of the project will be to analyze public infrastructure in the district (crosswalks, signals, sidewalks, ramps, lighting, etc.) and take steps to ensure safety and comfort of residents, visitors, and shoppers.
Look for the blue "B" in shop windows to know that these businesses take extra care when serving older adults and those living with dementia.
Our first 10 certified businesses are:
Yakidy Restaurant  278 Centre Street
Amador & Oller Executive Group  296A Centre Street
J&P Dry Cleaners 300B Centre Street
Cappy's Pizza & Subs 304 Centre Street
Codman Square Market 331 Centre Street
Pimentel Market 340B Centre Street
Fernandez Travel 360A Centre Street
Centre Street Dental Care 379 Centre Street
Ultra Beauty Salon  401 Centre Street 
Rose JP  51 Heath Street
An up-to-date map showing certified business locations and additional information about our Age & Dementia-Friendly project can be found on our website .

  MainStreetActivitiesMain Street Activities  
Join us in celebrating 21 years of local economic vitality   
Come celebrate with us at our Annual Party on April 11 as we toast our accomplishments and our community and enjoy delicious food, camaraderie, and drinks.
We are still confirming a party location but 3 things are certain: 1) you will have fun, 2) you will make your stomach happy, 3) you will be proud that you came to support the local economic work we do in Hyde Square and Jackson Square and the surrounding area. The party will be from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm.

To purchase tickets, please go to our event page on our website.              

CommuntiyCalendarCommunity Calendar  

Activities to enjoy in Hyde & Jackson Squares 
Beautification Team 2018   

Main Street Activities  
Annual Party
Thursday, April 11, 6:30 pm
Join us as we celebrate 21 years of local economic development and community.
Spring Mulchcapade - Centre Street Beautification
Saturday, April 27, 9:00 am
Spread mulch in tree pits and paint bollards and join for community lunch. Meet at Mozart Park.  
Fun Events in Our Stores & Restaurants  
The Haven
April Fools Compass Box Dinner 
Monday, April 1, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
For more information and tickets go to their website 

  MerchantResourcesMerchant Resources  
Free and low-cost workshops & resources for merchants 
City of Boston Workshops
JPNDC (Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation) 
Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) Boston
How to Reach Millions to Sell Products Quickly
Tuesday, March 5, 6:00 am - 7:30 pm
Staples, 1660 Soldiers Field Road, Brighton  
Establish A Social Media Marketing Blueprint   
Wednesday, March 6, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
10 Causeway Street, Auditorium, 1st Floor, Boston 
Retirement Plans for Closely Held Businesses  
Wednesday, March 6, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Cambridge City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, 2nd Floor, Cambridge
Simple Steps for Growing Your Business      
Tuesday, March 12, 5:45 pm - 8:00 pm
Boston Public Library, The Exchange Room, 700 Boylston Street, Boston



Member of the Main Street America network



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  Constant Contact

Celebrate the neighborhood everyday!   ¡Celebre la comunidad cada día!

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