FEBRUARY 2020 NEWSLETTER | www.hydepark.org
HPKCC President's Message
Listen to HPKCC President Fylynne Crawford's message below to learn more about upcoming Conference activities:
Parks Committee Completes MLK Day of Service at Jackson Park's Earl Dickerson Playground
On January 20th, HPKCC's Parks Committee celebrated the MLK holiday by completing its Day Of Service at Jackson Park’s Earl Dickerson Playground. The Committee was joined on the cold snowy work day by parents and children from the apartment building across the street. The Committee and volunteers filled in the deep holes under the swings, evened the chips, picked up the litter, and did a fact-finding tour of Jackson Park’s lakefront to photograph the shoreline destruction by the latest storm. Earl Dickerson was a community leader and civil rights lawyer who helped made Black homeownership possible by litigating racially restrictive covenants in the Woodlawn neighborhood.

-Louise McCurry, Parks Committee Chair
Schools Committee Hosts Annual Principal's Coffee
On January 29th, the Schools Committee held its annual Principal’s Coffee at Reavis Elementary School, which was attended by several area elementary and high school leaders. This event enables principals to share their great programs, plans and needs, some of which we can help fund with our Small Grants Program. The Schools Committee in turn shares ways the Committee and the Conference as a whole can support strong schools.

During this year’s Coffee, Brandi Snodgrass from the University of Chicago Neighborhood Schools Program shared information about its schools and family tutor programs and pathways the University has developed to prepare students for college. Coffee attendees also learned about Kenwood Academy’s programs and outreach strategies to address freshman math under-preparedness.

In its mission to generate community awareness of, support for, and involvement in schools and encourage every school to be a “source of pride”, the Schools Committee:

  • Provides small grants and encourages schools to develop local partnerships;
  • promotes strong elected Local School Councils;
  • works with principals and hosts an annual informational Coffee;
  • hosts a biennial Appreciation Dinner for school leaders and volunteers; and
  • posts school contact information.

For more information or to join the Schools Committee, please contact schools@hydepark.or g .   

-Donna Peace, Schools Committee Chair
HPKCC and CECD to Host Candidate Forum on February 29th at Kenwood Academy
HPKCC and the Coalition for Equitable Community Development will co-host a Legislative Community Forum on Saturday, February 29th from 10 a.m. to noon at Kenwood Academy (5015 S. Blackstone Ave.) for candidates for the 25th and 26th House Districts and the 13th Senate District in the March 17, 2020 Primary Election. Currently, all candidates have confirmed attendance at the Forum except State Representative Curtis Tarver (25th District). Questions relevant to the work of the Illinois General Assembly will be taken from the audience via index cards. Questions also can be sent in advance to info@hydepark.org

-Gary Ossewaarde, HPKCC Secretary
Transit Task Force Joins Coalition for a Modern Metra Electric at February 13th Public Meeting
HPKCC is a member of the Coalition for Modern Metra Electric, which is promoting a pilot project to enhance the Metra Electric Line by increasing transit ridership through reduced fares, increasing train frequency, and seeking universal fare card transfers with CTA and PACE, among other things.

A public meeting regarding this project will take place on February 13th, at 6 p.m. at St. John MBC, 211 E. 115th St. A free bus will leave St. Paul and the Redeemer Church, 4945 S. Dorchester Ave. at 5:30 p.m. and return by 8 p.m. Please contact transit@hydepark.org to sign up for the bus.

-Roger Huff and Gary Ossewaarde, Transit Task Force Co-Chairs
United Church of Hyde Park to Hold
Town Hall Meeting on February 20th
United Church of Hyde Park , located at 1448 E. 53rd Street, invites the public to a town hall meeting on February 20th to share ideas for sustainable, community-friendly shared uses of the facility. Come at 6:30 p.m. for docent-led exploration of this historic space. At 7 p.m. learn about prospects and challenges, then break out to consider a bright, sustainable future.
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Hyde Park-Kenwood Community Conference
1507 East 53rd Street, #404