August 27, 2023

Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

10 am Worship


A Service of Word and Song

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Last Sunday's Service

Choir Season 2023 Begins!

Two weeks ago, at the Barn Service, we had a lovely reminder of how beautiful and inspiring the Chancel Choir is. This week they and the Adult Handbell Choir return from their summer hiatus. We have an exciting musical year ahead. The bells will return to playing once a month. And, in addition to the weekly choral offerings, the Chancel Choir will be joined by the Academy Chamber Orchestra to perform the Requiem by Gabriel Fauré during morning worship on All Saints’ Sunday, November 5. There will be additional choral services after Christmas, so stay tuned!

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Introducing the “Hymn of the Month” Project

Beginning in September, we institute a project called, The Hymn of the Month. In it, we’ll spend a month exploring, in depth, one hymn that is not well known to the congregation. The goal is to expand the congregation's repertoire and to help us all reflect on the hymns we sing and why we sing them.  

At the beginning of the month I’ll introduce the tune and we’ll start to get to know the music. During the rest of the month we’ll sing the hymn at each service and I will share some reflections on the meaning of the text and the history and importance of the words. I hope this will be a blessing to you and for the congregation.

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Mid-Week Worship Continues This Fall.

Moves to Tuesdays!

Join us at 7pm on the following dates, inside or outside depending on the weather:

September 5 and 19

October 3 and 17

November 7

Northmont will soon be offering a New Members Class, scheduled to begin the week of September 17 (pending attendee availability). 

Over 3 sessions, gatherings will focus on the participants spiritual needs, along with useful information of what it means to be Presbyterian. 

For more info, please contact Pastor Ben.

If you have been missing our Zoom chats over coffee, then wait no further! Our weekly time to get together (on Zoom) over coffee is returning in September, now with some new and different times to get together.

Moving forward, we are going to try having some of these chats in the morning as we did before, and some of them in the evening, with the hope that folks who can’t join us early in the day can chat later :)

I will finalize the dates and times and post them for you next week!

Women’s Bible Study begins on September 12th. The lessons are from the Horizon series, Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts! We usually meet the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. in the Berean Room. All women are invited to join us. If you are interested, please contact Sarah Jane Beorn,, or Melody Hannegan,

Mark your calendars for all the fall events!



What’s on the Calendar?

Sunday Sep. 3

Worship, 10 am, Sanctuary

Monday Sep. 4

Office Closed

Tuesday Sep. 5

NBC 9 am Fellowship Hall

Wednesday Sep. 6

Ingomar Garden Club 9 am Fellowship Hall

Knit Wits 9:30 am Mangochi Room

Youth Night 6 pm Fellowship Hall or Youth Lounge

Stephen Ministers: EMS Presentation 6:30 pm Parking Lot or Fellowship Hall

Thursday Sep. 7

Adult Handbell Choir Practice 5 pm Choir Room

Chancel Choir Practice 6:30 Choir Room

Friday Sep. 8

Saturday Sep. 9

Boy Scout Car Wash 8 am Parking Lot

Sunday Sep. 10

Worship, 10 am, Sanctuary

Fellowship Time

View the full Church Calendar Here

Book Groupwill be back in the fall

Pickleball Group — To play, 

contact Lindsey Cunko at

Dining-Out Group — Domenico’s Ristorante, 20550 Rte 19 #1, Cranberry Twp. PA 16066 on Tuesday September 19, at 6:30

Traveling God’s World Group — TBA

If you’d like to participate in any of these, email me to put in the correct email chain for your chosen group.

Have questions? Contact Rev. Ben at

Get Connected

First Look

Koehler and Phelps Class

Sundays at 8:45 in Mangochi Room



has been posted between the library and cloak room. Please consider ordering flowers to beautify our sanctuary and to honor loved ones or to commemorate special occasions at the Sunday service you choose.

Please contact Bill English to sign up and make arrangements. 

Phone: 412-366-1713


Outreach Opportunities

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Specialized Ministry

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