For more information about this project, please contact the 405 Community Outreach Team at or 888-400-8994, or visit

Si prefiere recibir información en español, por favor llame este numero 888-400-8994.

Nếu quý vị muốn nhận được thông tin này bằng tiếng Việt, xin vui lòng liên lạc với cô Lý Gia
To view and print a detailed list of closures and detours CLICK HERE!
COMING SOON! Northbound (NB) and Southbound (SB) I-405 Full Closures at the I-405/SR-73 Connector for a Concrete Pour
Crews will close all northbound (NB) and southbound (SB) I-405 freeway lanes at the I-405/SR-73 Connector in Costa Mesa to pour concrete for the new Express Lanes connector.

The closures are anticipated as early as 8 p.m. Saturday, June 4, to 11 a.m. Sunday, June 5.

The 405 Community Outreach Team will provide detailed schedule, closure and detour information in future alerts.

Sign up for project-wide and bridge-specific construction alerts at
REMINDER! Southbound (SB) I-405 On-Ramp from Bolsa Avenue to Close TONIGHT for
Approximately One Month
Click image to enlarge.
Crews will close the SB I-405 on-ramp from Bolsa Avenue for approximately one month to accommodate the freeway widening.

The closure is anticipated to start as early as 10 p.m. TONIGHT, May 25.

Sign up for project-wide and bridge-specific construction alerts at
REMINDER! Southbound (SB) I-405 Loop On-Ramp from Harbor Boulevard Closed for Approximately One Month
Click image to enlarge.
Crews closed the SB I-405 loop on-ramp from Harbor Boulevard to accommodate the freeway widening.

The ramp closed Monday, May 23, and is anticipated to reopen after approximately one month.

Sign up for project-wide and bridge-specific construction alerts at
NEW! Northbound (NB) I-405 Closure for Restriping
Crews will restripe lanes on NB I-405. This work will require a full NB I-405 closure between the NB I-405 off-ramp to Beach Boulevard and the NB I-405 loop on-ramp from Goldenwest Street.

The NB I-405 closure is anticipated for 11 p.m. Tuesday, May 31, to 5 a.m. Wednesday, June 1.

The 405 Community Outreach Team will detailed closure and detour information in future alerts.

Sign up for project-wide and bridge-specific construction alerts at
COMING SOON! Northbound (NB) I-405/Westbound (WB) SR-22 On-Ramp from Valley View Street to Close for Approximately Two Months
Crews will close the NB I-405/WB SR-22 on-ramp from Valley View Street for approximately two months.

The ramp is anticipated to close in early June.

The 405 Community Outreach Team will detailed closure, detour and schedule information in future alerts.

Sign up for project-wide and bridge-specific construction alerts at
COMING SOON! North Gate Road Extended Closure
Crews will close North Gate Road for approximately two months to conduct sewer line work. This closure is currently anticipated for

The 405 Community Outreach Team will detailed closure, detour and schedule information in future alerts.

Sign up for project-wide and bridge-specific construction alerts at
NEW! Fairview Road Bridge Closures
Click image to enlarge.
Crews will begin sealing joints in the Fairview Road bridge over I-405. This work will require nightly bridge closures in early June.

The 405 Community Outreach Team will provide detailed schedule information in future alerts.
UPDATE! Southbound (SB)
I-405 Closures to Install Falsework for the Bolsa Avenue Bridge
Click image to enlarge.
Crews will continue installing falsework for the Bolsa Avenue bridge over I-405.

This work requires SB I-405 closures between the SB I-405 off-ramp to Springdale Street and the SB I-405 on-ramp from Bolsa.

Closures are anticipated as early as 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. Monday through Thursday, and 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. on Friday.

Nightly SB I-405 closures are anticipated to continue through Friday, June 3, on weeknights.
UPDATE! Southbound (SB)
I-405/Eastbound (EB) SR-22 Connector Extended Lane Reduction POSTPONED
Crews will conduct permanent pavement work along SB I-405 and EB SR-22. This work will require the connector to be reduced to two lanes.

The 405 Community Outreach Team will provide an update when the work is rescheduled.
UPDATE! Northbound (NB) and Southbound (SB) I-405 Lane Reductions for Newland Street Column Foundation Activities RESCHEDULED
Crews will continue pouring concrete for cast-in-drilled-hole (CIDH) pile installation to support the foundation of the center median columns at the Newland Street bridge. This work will require lane reductions on NB and SB I-405.

The nighttime lane reductions that were planned for Saturday, June 4, are now anticipated for Friday, June 3.

The 405 Community Outreach Team will provide detailed schedule information in future alerts.
OPENING SOON! Northbound (NB) I-405 Loop On-Ramp from Seal Beach Boulevard is Anticipated to Open Soon
Click images to enlarge.
Crews closed the NB I-405 loop on-ramp from Seal Beach Boulevard on Monday, April 25, to accommodate the freeway widening.

The ramp is anticipated to open in the coming days.
OPENING SOON! Southbound (SB) I-405 Goldenwest Street On-Ramp and Bolsa Avenue Off-Ramp are Anticipated to Open Soon
Click image to enlarge.
Crews closed the SB I-405 loop off-ramp to Bolsa Avenue and the SB I-405 loop on-ramp from Goldenwest Street on March 12, to accommodate the freeway widening.

The ramps are anticipated to open in the coming days.
UPDATE! Northbound (NB) and Southbound (SB)
I-405 Closures to Install Falsework for the I-405/SR-73 Connector
Click images to enlarge.
Crews are installing falsework for the I-405/ SR-73 Connector over I-405.

This work requires NB I-405 closures between the NB I-405 off-ramp to South Coast Drive and the NB I-405 on-ramp from Hyland Avenue and a SB I-405 closure between the SB I-405 off-ramp to Harbor Boulevard and the SB I-405 on-ramp from Bristol Street.

Ongoing closures are anticipated as early as 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. Monday through Thursday, and 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. on Friday.

  • Nightly NB I-405 closures are ongoing through Friday, June 3, on weeknights.
  • The NB I-405/SR-73 connector will also be closed 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.
  • Nightly SB I-405 closures are ongoing through Thursday, May 26, and will continue Thursday, June 2 and again Friday, June 3.
This work may be loud. The schedule is subject to change due to inclement weather or unforeseen operational issues.

Este trabajo puede ser ruidoso. El horario está sujeto a cambios debido a las inclemencias del tiempo o problemas operativos imprevistos.

Xin lưu ý là công việc này có thể gây nên những tiếng động ồn ào. Lịch trình có thể thay đổi vì thời tiết xấu hoặc những yếu tố công tác không thể dự đoán.
REMINDER! Crews have demolished a portion of the sound wall along the westbound (WB) SR-22/7th Street connector, adjacent to the Montecito Channel, behind homes on College Park Drive and are preparing the foundation for the new wall which is anticipated to be constructed summer 2022.
Temporary fencing and sound blankets were installed.
Crews may access the work zone, intermittently along College Park Drive and from the WB SR-22 connector, to mobilize equipment as early as 6 a.m., and some activities may occur at night from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m.
Please be advised that this work may be loud. The schedule is subject to change due to inclement weather or unforeseen operational issues.
REMINDER! Crews will perform electrical work along Almond Avenue. Activities include cutting concrete, excavating, trenching and installing electrical components.

Parking along the south side of Almond will be restricted. Traffic will be maintained in both directions, and flaggers will be on-site to direct traffic, as needed.

Electrical work began Monday, May 23, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and is anticipated to continue for approximately three weeks, on weekdays.

Crews may mobilize equipment as early as 6 a.m., and some activities may occur from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. as needed.

Please be advised that this work may be loud. The schedule is subject to change due to inclement weather or unforeseen operational issues.
REMINDER! Crews will continue installing piles for the foundation of the outside abutments for the Springdale Street bridge over I-405. The foundation consists of 226 piles.

Pile installation activities are ongoing, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays and Saturdays, as needed for approximately two more weeks.

This work will also include intermittent nighttime lane reductions on Springdale and Westminster.

Crews may mobilize equipment as early as 6 a.m., and some activities may occur from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. as needed.

Please be advised that this work may be loud. The schedule is subject to change due to inclement weather or unforeseen operational issues.
REMINDER! Crews will continue constructing the new traffic signal at the Westminster Boulevard/Springdale Street intersection as part of the bridges' reconstruction.

Activities include permanent pole foundation work, as well as electrical work. After the temporary signal is complete, crews will begin construction of the permanent traffic signal.

Construction of the permanent signal is ongoing, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays and Saturdays, as needed.

This work will also include intermittent nighttime lane reductions on Springdale and Westminster.

Crews may mobilize equipment as early as 6 a.m., and some activities may occur from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. as needed.

Please be advised that this work may be loud. The schedule is subject to change due to inclement weather or unforeseen operational issues.
UPDATE! Crews will continue remove shoring beams and plates along the sound wall adjacent to southbound (SB) I-405, between the Bolsa Avenue bridge and the railroad. Additionally, crews will excavate, grade and compact soil along the southbound I-405 on-ramp from Bolsa.

Shoring removal began Tuesday, May 24,
9 p.m. to 6 a.m. and will continue for approximately one week.

Excavation, grading and compaction is anticipated to begin Thursday, May 26, 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. for approximately one week.

A crane is planned to be staged at the freeway level for this work.

Please be advised that this work may be loud. The schedule is subject to change due to inclement weather or unforeseen operational issues.
REMINDER! The closures that were scheduled to work on columns at Harbor were postponed to a later date.

The 405 Community Outreach Team will provide an update when the closures are rescheduled.
We are taking you Inside the 405 Project with our new video series highlighting the progress we’ve made. Throughout this series, we’ll be diving into how the 405 project started, what’s coming up, all the different ways our team helps you get where you need to go, working with our first responder partners, talking to diverse communities along the 16-mile project area, looking at future travel options in the 405 Express Lanes and working with local businesses through our 405 Forward Program.

We are excited to bring you along on this journey as we talk through all the progress we’ve made on the 405 Project!
Now, more than ever, local businesses need your love and support! Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is partnering with the cities of Fountain Valley, Westminster and Huntington Beach and their Chambers of Commerce for the 405 Forward program. We want to highlight businesses along the I-405 Improvement Project, and we need your help!
The 405 Community Outreach Team in Action!
The 405 Community Outreach Team is excited to partner with the neighboring cities and their Chambers of Commerce for the FREE 405 Forward program.