I am repeating MFR III and Subtle Energy in Sedona at the end of June. I will drive there after work on Thursday and be back in the office on the 30th. Attending seminars with John is always a learning experience but MFR III is beyond technique - it's a deep dive into all aspects of MFR. I'm looking forward to time with John in the Sedona Energy.
May has got to be the wettest month I've ever seen in Texas! My garden has tons of weeds but for the first time ever - I actually have produced peppers.. and squash, tomatoes, cabbage, and others.., And no need to water. Truly amazing! Getting the hay out of my pasture is going to be a whole other story - that's not going to dry up for weeks yet... But maybe my second cutting will be better.
I appreciate those of you who have found that booking on line at
www.lindyphysicaltherapy.com to be easy. And for those who find it difficult - please text or call and we'll get you set up. I also appreciate those of you who refer your friends and family to me. I appreciate you!
Suggested Reading - John Barnes - Healing Ancient wounds. It's available on amazon or from John's site -
www.myofascialrelease.com. There are lots of articles you can read on his site as well - If you have not poked around on there - it might be a good thing to do.
Bemer is finally putting on live meetings again and their second one is right here in our back yard... There is a free Friday night introduction great for people just wanting to learn more about how and why to use the Bemer... This is followed by an all day
Bemer Saturday for $49. That includes lunch. The Bemer Saturday goes deeper into the use and science behind the equipment then also dives into how to make money sharing Bemer. The event is July 16 and 17 at Sonesta Suites, Dallas Park Central. I will pay you the $49* at the Saturday event if you come talk to me about becoming a Bemer Rep. (*limit 2 per family). Space is limited so get your tickets soon!
As many of you know the Bemer was on hold due to the FDA deciding we had to go to the FDA 2 status that we had applied for back in 2016 but as they would not qualify the whole package of goods - we choose to stay FDA 1. So July last year - we offered the Go Pack and then proceeded to go about getting everything else approved for FDA 2. We are now back to selling the mats and soon will have the B-sit back (yeah!!) and last but not least - we'll get our light and then we can have the full package again. In the mean time you have options to get into a Bemer. You can continue with the "go" unit or purchase a "home" unit. The main thing is the Bemer technology (systemic application to improve your circulation in two 8 minute sessions per day). works with the B-pad or the B-mat. With the B-pad you have to go into setting and choose low for the systemic application... with the B-mat it automatically takes the intensity down... And you must have a B-mat to use the patented sleep program. If you have not looked into the Bemer as an amazing way to help your health please look at
www.life.bemergroup.com. I've had mine for 4 years not and wouldn't trade it!!!
For those of you who don't want to drive to Dallas - I'm going to offer a similar evening at my office Monday July 5th at 6 pm. We'll learn about the Bemer signal, the basic plan and the sleep program.
I also have purchased a device that should let me video myself doing little exercise instructions. I plan to do a few while I'm in Sedona and post them on the web site and offer them in this format in the coming months. If you have a particular topic you would like to see me cover - text me and I'll see what I can do. I would also like to feature your story of how Lindy Physical Therapy has helped you in your healing journey.
I look forward to assisting you on your Journey to health with MFR and Bemer. Sorry I'm on a time crunch trying to pack to get out of town - so I promise more pictures and a video for the next news blast.