It seems a little risky to utter these words. We don’t want to appear helpless or needy, but when we look in the mirror, we know we were not designed to do life solo. Our culture rewards hyper-individualism. That’s living life with no regard or need for others. It’s me, myself, and I at the center. BUT I need you! God put me in a family because I need the care and comfort of my brothers and sisters. He is the Head of the Body, so as one of its parts, I cannot in pride say I do not need a hand or a foot. We are being built together as living stones—plural—and when I get annoyed at the other stones and think I can pull out, the integrity of the building is compromised. This is not about you or me, but an eternal message that I alone cannot proclaim or present to a watching world. “Christ in you, the hope of glory. Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ” (Colossians 1:27b-28). As we corporately embody the riches of being in Christ, we not only showcase that beauty, but we also grow up and mature in the context of community. Uttering, “I need you” is the first step towards growing up in Christ and seeking to live covenantally.
Your needy friend,
So, friends, what would it look like for us to grow in God’s covenantal realities this year?