Presented by the United Women in Faith of Texas
Sunday - Tuesday, January 26-28
You can still register for in-person or virtual!
A sister is looking for a roommate-- are you? Contact
Participants get unbiased, up-to-date information on issues of concern, meet with experts to discuss solutions and leave empowered to advocate and work for progress in their communities. People from all faith communities are welcome to learn and advocate with us. This United Women in Faith event has a record number of people registered this year. Your friends and neighbors are welcome to join us.
Deep-dive into Issues like:
Maternal & Child Health, Public Education, Climate Change, Resisting Christian Nationalism, Just Immigration, Supporting Families, and Voting Rights.
Advocacy 101 • Legislative Visits
In Austin or Virtual Options • Scholarships & Stipends available
Registration, speaker & full schedule info is at