President Biden’s ostentatious display of words such as “consensus” and “unity” may sound invigorating, but when reality sets in, they turn out to be just another set of executive dictatorial decrees and campaign lies. What comes into question is the new president’s veracity. The problem with saying one thing and doing another in a democratic republic - where ultimate authority and power is held by its citizens - is that this form of government remains viable only if people can be relied upon to tell the truth and to keep their word.
Thus, we come to the place where Christians find themselves today. Cultural Marxism looms large over America like a disaster about to happen. Government collusion with secularists dominates the spiritual, intellectual, educational, economic, and vocational levers of influence and power. With its secular priesthood and the profane “holy orders” issued by the White House, secularism controls every powerful element in the culture, including public and higher education, and the entire sports and entertainment industry.
If public education is radically secular, if Apple, Amazon, Twitter, Facebook & Google manipulate social media and impose censorship by discriminating against Christian conservatives and those holding a biblical worldview, if culture is juggled to place cultural Marxist ringleaders like Antifa and Black Lives Matter on a pedestal, if Bill Maher, Howard Stern, and Ellen DeGeneres are our youth’s tutors for common beliefs and social norms, if Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian’s sex-tapes are something to emulate and the key to stardom and riches, then, to paraphrase Mark Steyn, having an ‘R’ behind one’s name isn’t going to make much of a difference.
Fiercely antagonistic, cultural Marxism forcefully opposes any rival or alternative point of view.
our column about gaslighting, we made the claim that secularism is just another offshoot of cultural Marxism.
5 And, admittedly, it has been wildly successful over the last 100 years or so, largely by camouflaging itself and its agenda as “
neutral” in regard to religion, all the while indoctrinating and infusing America’s youth with its profane tenets of faith.
The claim of “neutrality” is highly deceitful, for not to believe in God is every bit of a religious belief as is believing in God.
Theologian and biblical scholar Harold O.J. Brown [1933-2007] foresaw years ago the strong link of cause and effect between secularism and America’s demise, based on what he in 2005 saw that “we have come to in seven decades ...” [hence since 1935, just before WW II, with the rise of Nazism].
“The distinctiveness of marriage has been abolished [Baird v. Eisenstadt]; prayer and Bible reading in schools has been stamped out [Abington, Schemp, et al.]; the mother’s womb has become the most dangerous place for a baby [Roe v. Wade, et al.]; the rights [but not the duties] of fathers and parents of minor girls have been voided [Planned Parenthood v. Danforth]; divorce has become easier than marrying; the Ten Commandments have been banned from public view; and now the natural distinction between male and female is being abolished [Goodridge, Lawrence, etc.]. The Pledge of Allegiance is forbidden; the Boy Scouts are under attack; Christmas carols are banned; pornography is everywhere.
“The structure of American society is being demolished brick by brick. Within a few short years, Americans will have reached the ‘liberty’ desired by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the abolition of every particular dependency. This is what Hannah Arendt called ‘the atomistic mass,’ a precondition for the establishment of totalitarianism.”6
What can be done?
Firstly, realize the great differences between the spiritual believer and the carnal professor. “The formalist and the hypocrite never seek God [except when, Pharisee-like, they would parade themselves before men] except under the pressure of their own needs, and not from any concern for God’s honor.”7
Secondly, reestablish prayer in America’s churches, led by senior pastors.
Thirdly, Evangelical and Pro-life Catholic Christians should move out of the church building and enter the public square in obedience to Jesus’ Kingdom assignment in Matthew 16:18, forming His ekklesia.
And lastly, take a moment to thank God for the Gideons and Rahabs that are beginning to stand in the public square.
David Lane
American Renewal Project
6. cited in Pat Buchanan, Day of Reckoning; 2007.
7. A.W. Pink, Gleanings From Paul.