Activity On The Music Front 

What’s Happening at RpT’s Library

I am collaborating with five songwriters this month:

* Michael Wesley Stinson has sent three songs to consider for his next release

* Craig Mytton has brought me four songs which we will work on two at a time

* Brenda Merz and I recently met and will start working on one of her songs this week

* Judith Miller just sent me a CD of a children’s song I need to get in the cue

* Tom “Top” Clark sent me lyrics to a song entitled Broken Hearts. I look forward to collaborating with him on this one.


In addition to the above, I have songs of my own to work on plus cast rehearsals for Bluebonnet Road and I just played my first gig in quite a while with Sarah Pierce, Randy Brown, and Randy Palmer in Austin during the recent Memorial Day weekend. Things are really picking up.


 June is here and the weather continues to be mystifying. People are still experiencing winter snows in parts of our country, others (including us) have been deep into an incredibly early summer – except for the last few days which have been extremely pleasant early and hot later. Flowers, bees, butterflies, and birds are everywhere. The only challenge we are facing is how to help all the creatures displaced by the construction going on behind our house. Their habitat and food sources have been destroyed. The deer have especially been hard hit. Just keep on watering, rain will come . . . someday.


I recently posted a Facebook meme asking the question: In your next life will you still want your father to be your father again? Drop me a note with your answer if you have the time.


I am amazed at the number of people who rejected their father.


The story behind

My Father's Son

My Father’s Son Video -


I have been thinking about my father lately. In fact, I think about him almost every day, I started working on this song last year around this time hoping to have it finished to honor his July 13th Birthday. Roberto Ramos and I recorded a demo, but it took longer than expected to get the final recording done. It’s now ready for release in time for Father’s Day. My dad passed away May 17, 2007, and I miss him still.


I remember a trip he and I took to revisit the places he would travel to with my mother. We took three days to explore northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. He hadn’t been there since my mother passed in the early 50’s. He could hardly recognize the place after all the years that have passed. Being with him on this trip is one of my favorite memories. I loved that man and miss him dearly.


I wrote My Father’s Son from my own point of view, but I hope daughters will be able to relate to my story recalling stories of their own. I’d appreciate hearing from you if you are so inclined.


I don’t remember telling him how proud I was to be his son!


FYI – regarding the meme I mentioned above, my answer was “Yes, but I will need to be a better son.”

A Bluebonnet Weekend on

June 24th thru 26th at the Salado Museum!

A special event combining two musical presentations into one glorious evening of music, song, and dance with a part of the proceeds going to the Salado Museum


Come and join us for a night to remember!

GREETINGS DEAR FRIEND – I am producing this event in Salado, and I hope you will consider attending one of the performances.

The night will begin with the premier of Bluebonnet Road, a musical comedy with a Salado cast. This premier was originally scheduled for March of 2020. I think you know what happened. We are glad to be back on track with this production.

Our story begins in April of 1979, when Olive Trundle is prodded by her older son, Noah, an Austin singer/songwriter, to fulfill the will of her late father. He has written a letter asking the family to scatter his ashes on the family farm. However, the river was dammed a few years ago and the farm may now be under water.

Finding it by boat could be a problem. Secrets are revealed and each member of the troupe is compelled to adapt to an already highly charged and emotional situation.

Together, they face the challenge of finding a way to get home again.

To close out the evening, I am presenting My Life in Song, taking you along on my journey as a songwriter. I’ll be telling the stories that inspired me to write them and to bring out the meanings and emotions only a song can reveal. My hope is to spark your own creativity and fulfill the need for fun after our long pandemic nap.


Don’t forget to bring along your dancing shoes.

Tickets are available at or at the door.

  Why not make it a weekend!

If you can plan a weekend getaway, Salado has wonderful lodging plus lots of fun things to explore.

Check out for more information.


I hope to see you in the audience! RpT



You may be aware that the creation of videos and recordings of my songs is not a money-making proposition. The costs for projects like this and other recordings are fully absorbed by me. Any revenue they produce doesn’t come close to covering these costs. Toward that end, I have set up a Patreon site as a place to join with friends, share my thoughts, songs, videos & lots more.


Please take a few moments to check out my Patreon site and consider subscribing. Click on the link below. Thank you!




Richard Paul Thomas


“There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life – Music & Cats” Albert Schweitzer

RpT's Library

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