IACM 2023: What to Expect in Session Rooms
Good day, IACM Conference Attendees.

If you did not yet get a chance to read through the prior mailing that covered the conference program and poster sessions, you can do so by clicking here.

Questions or concerns? Contact IACM Executive Director Brandon Charpied at
Session Rooms, Tech, and Presentations
There will be five (5) session rooms - plus the ballroom - used during our conference programming. The rooms are:
  • Amfitrion I
  • Amfitrion II
  • Aristotelis II
  • Erato
  • Kalliopi
  • Alexandros Ballroom

The concurrent session rooms will be setup theater style (chairs, no tables) in order to maximize seating capacity for this large conference. Some rooms may indeed exceed capacity in which case there will be standing-room-only.

The ballroom sessions (data blitzes and roundtables) will utilize the roundtables already set up in the rooms.

Hybrid Programming & Recording
Sessions being held in Amfitrion I will be part of our hybrid programming and will utilize our 360-degree Owl Meeting Cam. Amfitrion I sessions will have a designated Zoom link provided in the conference program. Sessions in any other rooms utilizing hybrid presenters will need to coordinate such amongst co-presenters.

Tech to Expect
All session rooms will have a projector, screen, podium, and microphone. As is customary with IACM, it is up to each attendee to bring a laptop to share their slides/presentation. With the increasing variety of AV inputs on devices (HDMI, mini-HDMI, USB C, Thunderbolt, Lightning, etc.) please make sure to bring your necessary adapter. It is also recommended that you carry a backup to your presentation on a flash drive.

Presentation Order
For grouped paper presentations, the order of presentation will proceed as is listed in the conference program. There are no designated discussants/facilitators, so please make sure you stay on time. If so willing, it is highly recommended that the last paper being presented assist in time keeping. Please note that there is a minimum 30 minute break between each concurrent session, so it is fine if a session does indeed briefly spill over into a break.
Tour of Thessaloniki
Sunday, July 9 from 9:45am - 12:00pm
Departing from Makedonia Palace Hotel
This event is for those that have registered for it. If you would still like to attend this tour, we opened up a second tour group and there are a few spots available. Click here to register.

During this tour, you'll get to experience a seafront deck offering spectacular views of Thessaloniki. We'll also make a stop outside the iconic White Tower of Thessaloniki and pass through Navarinou Square, where you can see the remnants of the Galerius Roman palace. Continuing our journey, we'll visit Kamara and Rotunda, which are part of the Galerius complex and recognized as UNESCO monuments. Finally, we'll conclude the tour at Navarinou Square after exploring the Rotunda.

Brandon Charpied
IACM Executive Director
+1 (843) 855-0301 (Cell/Text/WhatsApp)
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