A Message from IACM President Cynthia Wang
Dear IACM friends,

I am excited to serve as IACM President and I look forward to working with you in the next several years.

It was wonderful to return to an in-person conference format, our first in several years, this past summer in Ottawa. Thank you to the conference organizing team for an amazing experience. Kudos goes to our Conference Chair, Jiyin Cao, for putting together a fantastic program, IACM’s Executive Director, Brandon Charpied, who continues to ensure attendees have a memorable experience, and A.J. Corner, our Local Arrangements Chair, who highlighted the best parts of Ottawa. We would like to thank Deb Cai, Michael Gross, and Laura Rees for hosting a fantastic Doctoral Student Workshop sponsored by the Conflict Management Division of the Academy of Management. In addition, we thank Negotiation and Team Resources Institute (NTR) and Jeanne Brett for support in establishing the NTR-IACM Early Career Scholars Program.

Last but not least, thank you to Taya Cohen. As Bruce Barry mentioned in the 2022 Ottawa conference, I have some big shoes to fill following Taya Cohen’s presidency, where she led several initiatives—just to name a few, she has worked with former Editor-in-Chief, Qi Wang, to shepherd NCMR (our flagship journal) to open access, hosted successful virtual conferences at the height of COVID-19, and improved IACM governance.

In 2023, we head to Thessaloniki, Greece, for our next IACM conference with Nicholas Hayes as our Program Chair and Illias Kapoutsis as our Local Arrangement Chair—save the date for July 9-12, 2023. I have already heard from many of you that you plan to attend, so it should be a lively and intellectually stimulating time.

Beyond planning for the conference, the IACM leadership team will continue to support the community in several ways, including hosting virtual seminar series, publishing impactful research on conflict and negotiation in NCMR (led by our new NCMR Editor-in-Chief, Jimena Ramirez), and continuing to connect with our community. We are excited that Scott Wildermuth and Siyu Yu will join Rachel Campagna and Niro Sivanathan as our Board Representatives-at-Large, who will help support these initiatives.

Best regards,

Cynthia Wang
IACM President 2022-2024
Rubin Award Winner Deborah Kolb
Our 2022 Rubin Theory-to-Practice Award Winner, Deborah Kolb, gave a truly memorable and inspirational speech. IACM would like to share this speech with you, which can be read at our website by clicking here or watched below via our YouTube channel.
IACM 2023 in Thessaloniki, Greece
IACM 2023 will be hosted in Thessaloniki, Greece from July 9-12 at the Makedonia Palace Hotel situated on the banks of the Thermaic Gulf. Hotel booking links will be available soon as the group block will only be valid through April 25th, 2023.

Our Call for Papers and submission system will go live by the first week of November, so be certain to prepare for your submissions and travel plans to join us in this long awaited conference location!

For general preliminary information on the conference, refund policy, and more, click here.
How to Stay Smart in a Smart World – A conversation with Gerd Gigerenzer
Rescheduled for Tuesday, December 6th
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Gerd Gigerenzer, Director Emeritus Max Planck Institute for Human Development
Moderated by Michel Mann

From dating apps and self-driving cars to facial recognition and the justice system, artificial intelligence (AI) has been widely championed – but there are limitations and risks too. Humans are the greatest source of uncertainty in this situations and Gerd Gigerenzer shows how, when people are involved, trust in complex algorithms can lead to illusions of certainty that become a recipe for disaster. We need, now more than ever, to arm ourselves with knowledge about how to make better decisions in a digital age.

In this conversation, we will learn from Gerd Gigerenzer how managers and negotiators can use smart heuristics to improve their decision-making. And we will hear more about his critique of behavioral economics.

Negotiation & Conflict Management Research
Negotiation and Conflict Management Research (NCMR) is an Open Access Platinum journal hosted by Carnegie Mellon University Library Publishing Service. Click here to learn more about NCMR, view our Open Access articles, and submit your papers.

Negotiation and Conflict Management Research
Issue 15(3) Table of Contents

Ramirez-Marin, J., Druckman, D., & Donohue, W. A. (2022). Lessons from practice: Extensions of current negotiation theory and research. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 15(3). 

Cai, D. A. (2022). From theory to practice and back again: Lessons from hostage negotiation for conflict management. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 15(3),

Druckman, D., & Donohue, W. (2022). Working together: Bridging the researcher-practitioner gap. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 15(3),

Rana, Y. S., Druckman, D., & Canduela, J. (2022). A turning points analysis of cross-border merger and acquisition negotiations. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 15(3),
Institutional Affiliates
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SiGNAL Newsletter Editor, Dejun "Tony" Kong
A special thanks to Dejun "Tony" Kong for his efforts as Editor of the SiGNAL Newsletter. Don't forget that we have our SiGNAL Archive at where you can find our newsletter dating back to 1986!

Dejun “Tony” Kong, Ph.D.
Associate Editor, Journal of Organizational Behavior
Associate Professor of Organizational Leadership
Leeds School of Business
University of Colorado Boulder, USA

Brandon Charpied
IACM Executive Director
+1 (843) 855-0301 (Cell/Text/WhatsApp)
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