The voice for compounding pharmacy | April 5, 2019
From IACP's President...
It's been an eventful couple of weeks in terms of IACP's legislative and regulatory priorities.
For one thing, our bill to clarify the compounding provisions of DQSA was reintroduced (read about it below). For another, we issued a call-to-action to our members, urging you to reach out to your members of Congress to encourage them to sign-on to a congressional letter asking FDA to make adjustments to the state MOU they've circulated (read about that below, too).
And lastly, we began an effort to redeem more than 1300 lapsed IACP members who, for one reason or another, have dropped their membership over the past five years. "What does that have to do with our legislative and regulatory priorities?" you may ask. Answer: Everything.
The stronger we are, the more voices we add to the call for Congress and FDA to act to protect patient access to compounded medications, the more effective we can be in getting the job done.
We definitely NEED those former members - but not only those former members.
We also need the members of your compounding team - pharmacists and technicians alike - who are not IACP members to join IACP. As a part of IACP, they're stronger than they are on their own, and our influence will be stronger when they are a part of us.
Read on to learn about our legislation and the congressional MOU letter. But I hope you'll also encourage those on your team who aren't part of IACP to join.
They can do so online here
or they can call (281) 933-8400 to do it by phone.
Looking forward to seeing you at Compounders on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC in a few weeks. You can read more about that opportunity below, too!
Jennifer Burch, PharmD, RPh, CDE
IACP President
We're six weeks away from CCH. Where are you?
If you've already registered, thank you. If you haven't, GET GOING! We need you...
Come to Washington, DC, May 18-21 and help us move the ball on our DQSA-clarifying legislation.
Compounders on Capitol Hill
is your once-a-year opportunity to join with fellow compounding pharmacy owners from across America to tell members of Congress about the effects of regulatory overreach on your patients and the real value you provide in helping those patients live healthier lives. And this year, our priority is clear: Gather additional co-sponsors for H.R. 1959, which would clarify DQSA's compounding provisions to assure your patients can continue to access compounded meds and you can continue to serve their needs.
When you invest time and money to travel to DC to meet with your members of Congress on their turf, they take notice. They listen. And we get things done for compounding.
Join us May 18-21 in Washington, D.C. for IACP's
25th Annual CCH.
Register today
, and be sure to plan to stay through Tuesday, May 21st for congressional visits on Capitol Hill.
(Don't forget to book your room at the Renaissance Washington at the
discounted CCH room rate of $229
. And hurry! Our room block will be full before you know it ...)
ALSO: We've added two great panel discussions to the conference agenda ...
- Sunday, May 19: A 'How-To' Session on USP Compliance, with leading experts to guide you to the info you need in order to get it right
- Monday, May 20: "Coming to Consensus on Public Policy Priorities in Compounding" a panel discussion featuring industry lobbyists David Pore, Amy Shank, Aaron Lopez, and Jim Rock.
Don't miss either one.
Register today
before the discount deadline April 15th.
Advocacy Updates:
URGENT: Tell your member of Congress to sign Welch Griffith letter to FDA
Congressmen Peter Welch (D-VT) and Morgan Griffith (R-VA) have drafted a congressional letter to FDA urging FDA to make essential revisions to the state Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), and are seeking additional members of Congress to sign the letter. Read more about it here, and urge your member of Congress to sign-on to the letter.
The Preserving Patient Access to Compounded Medication bill, H.R. 1959 reintroduced
Join IACP Stateside Coalition and influence state compounding regs
IACP has created a Stateside Coalition and are seeking state liaisons. This is a coordinated, state-level effort by a network of respected compounders to educate their local boards of pharmacy and state legislators on issues affecting the compounding industry and to unify the states in their efforts to promote patient access to compounded medications. Read more about it here. Intersted in becoming a state liaison? Email
Missouri Board of Pharmacy adopts emergency rule for veterinary use compounds
Missouri BoP has adopted an emergency rule allowing pharmacies to provide non-patient specific compounded preparations for veterinary use to a Missouri-licensed veterinarian to administer/dispense to the veterinarian's animal patients. More info here.
IACP and ACHC announce $500 members-only discount on PCAB accreditation
IACP members can receive a $500 discount on PCAB accreditation fees under IACP's new agreement with the Accreditation Commission for Healthcare. "This discount alone is worth the value of IACP dues for a year." said IACP Executive Vice President Scott Brunner, CAE.
In combination with a compounding pharmacy's commitment to continuous compliance, PCAB Accreditation significantly reduces the risk associated with compounding medications and demonstrates a commitment to meeting the highest industry standards for quality and safety.
IACP members will receive the discount via a coupon code they must access at (login required).
"IACP is delighted to continue our partnership with ACHC to elevate the practice of compounding pharmacy via PCAB accreditation," said Brunner. "Through this agreement, we aim to increase the number of accredited pharmacies across America and to showcase to consumers, policymakers and the media that IACP membership and PCAB accreditation are the marks of excellence and integrity in compounding pharmacy." More details about the agreement can be found here.
Some USP <800> compliance resources for you
Make sure you know what's required. If you don't have your copy of the chapter yet, you can get a FREE download of USP <800> here. Also, there's an app for that: Take a look at the USP HazRx Mobile app for only $3.99. It breaks down compliance by drug and dosage form. Get it for Apple or Android. And of course you should attend our 'How-To' Session on USP Compliance at CCH in a few weeks.
Do you follow?
As the voice for pharmacy compounding, IACP is active on social media. Join - and continue - the conversation by following us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn today
(and please like and share our social media posts).
- On Twitter: Search @IACPrx and click "follow."
- On Facebook: Search for International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists and "like" our page.
- On LinkedIn: Search for International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists and join our group.
Three Opportunities:
The American College of Apothecaries (ACA) is offering Fundamental Compounding training.
Register for Veterinary Pharmacy Conference. The American College of Veterinary Pharmacists'
#VPC2019 is the only veterinary pharmacy conference focused on independent pharmacy. It's coming to Louisville, Ky. on June 6-8, 2019. For info, visit
RxInsider launches Spring 2019 edition of 20 Ways.
20 Ways educates independent, long-term care, specialty pharmacy owners, and retail chain executives on 20 unique products and services that promise to improve patient care and
increase pharmacy profitability.
The print issue circulates to more than 35,000 pharmacy
professionals across the United States. Check out the 20Ways Spring 2019 issue here.
Other stuff worth reading
NEW! IACP call for presenters
We are always looking for knowledgeable, energetic, and experienced speakers who want to share their compounding expertise with others.
Now we're offering presenters an opportunity to self-recommend to speak at IACP education events.
Click here
to complete the IACP Speaker Volunteer form.
Upcoming Live Webinars
Don't miss our JUST-IN-TIME
IACP offers multiple webinars throughout the year, perfect for self-paced learning. Click title for exact dates.
IACP Compounder Calendar
Compounder Calendar
is your one-stop resource for all things compounding! Compounder Calendar provides a comprehensive listing of compounding events and continuing education programs.
It's an investment with a return... Please
INVEST in IACP's One Fund and help preserve patient access to compounded medications via IACP's advocacy efforts!