Volume 02|February 2019
IANA Monthly Newsletter
Prophetic Reminder
Aisha (RA) reported Allah's messenger (PBUH) said "The acts most pleasing to Allah are those that are done continuously, even if they are small." (Sahih Muslim).

The blessed Month of Ramadan is here! This Ramadan let's all try to pick up good habits and do them continuously! Make goals for yourself and make sure to follow through with it.
Some goals you can have is to read a Juz of Quran every single day, and if this is too much for you, allot a certain amount of time in your day, in which you are free (lunch time, after work, before iftar) to read some Quran.Another goal is to try your absolute best to go to Taraweeh prayer every night, and take part in the beautiful, heart moving Dua's and recitation. This Ramadan, limit your time on social media and doing things that are a waste of your time. Time is the most valuable gift God has given us, let's use it wisely.

With that said, we wish you all a blessed and peaceful month of Ramadan! May we make the most of this blessed month and achieve all of our goals! May we reunite in Jannah and live to see many more Ramadans!
Muslim Advocacy Day

Muslim Advocacy Day is a day at the United States Capital where Muslim leaders circulated 3 building(names) near capitol hill. They went around advocating a full 8am to 5pm working day meeting with all kinds of officials and voicing the Muslim people's issues and pushing our agendas. It was beautiful, powerful, inspiring gathering, all of us working to bring about the needs of the Muslims living in the United States.

17 IANA delegates from MN, Seattle, WA, and Boston, MA went on this trip lead by IANA's executive Director Sheikh Hassan Jama. We would like to thank them for coming and speaking on behalf of their communities. Also, special thanks to MAS for organizing these appointments with officials. These appointments were for faith leaders to hold accountable their elected officials and urge them to push the issues that matter to the Muslims. The

The U.S. Council on Muslim Organizations (USCMO) held its 5th Annual National Muslim Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill on Monday April 1 and Tuesday April 2, 2019. More than 500 delegates from 28 states met with more than 250 elected officials and congressional staffers during the record-breaking fifth annual “National Muslim Advocacy Day” on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.

Faith leaders from both IANA and MAS have gone to USCMO's 5th Annual National Muslim Advocacy Day in D.C. They met with Representative Betty McCollum, Richard. They met with Representative Ilhan Omar she is the U.S. Representative for Minnesota's 5th congressional district. The issues they discussed were many, including opposing the Muslim ban, recognizing American Muslims' history and contributions to this nation, addressing immigration reform, supporting human rights for Muslims worldwide.
Muslim leaders advocated and urged Congress to support all legislation pushing back against Unconstitutional laws. They pushed for the National Origin-Based Anti discrimination for Non-immigrants (NO BAN) Act, that is expected to be introduced early April. They pushed for legislators to protect dreamers by supporting the Dream and Promise Act of 2019 (H.R. 6). This act ensures that 800,000 children who were brought to the US as children can become permanent residents and ultimately citizens. They asked for Congress to address forced detention of Uighur Muslims in China by supporting the Uighur Human Rights Policy Act of 2019. (s. 178/H.R.) This act calls for an end to the inhumane detention of Uighurs. USCMO urges Congress to address the persecution of the Rohingya Muslims in Burma. They pushed for Senate to support the resolution calling for the safe return of Rohingya.

This day of advocacy was organized by the United State Council of Muslim Organizations. The USCMO is a national Muslim organization and has national Muslim organizations as members. It recognizes large organizations such as our that brings together large groups of Muslims. The USCMO works to streamline “all-way” communication between and among our local and national organizations, to build a laser-focused, consensus-based national vision, and to cooperate in mobilizing the Muslim populations of our local communities and that of our fellow Americans for the good of all.

IANA has taken part of USCMO's Muslim Advocacy Day since it began in 2014 as guests. Now they are co-sponsors and members. In December of last year IANA has attended the USCMO's 5th Annual Banquet with keynote speaker Keith Ellison Minnesota Attorney General -elect.

Allah says:
واعتصموا بحبل الله جميعا ولا تفرقوا
"And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves..." [3:103] 
Islamic Association of North America (IANA) was founded in the year of 2001 to meet the religious and social needs of Muslim societies in North America. As a response to the changing realities of Muslim communities, IANA re-positions itself to effectively reach diverse Muslim communities across the country. We are a nationwide umbrella organization with over thirty centers and organizations. In Minnesota alone, we have more than a dozen Islamic organizations.  www.ianaonline.org