Fall 2019
On behalf of the Board of Directors, we want to thank everyone who attended IAOPCC’s 48th Annual Conference at the Gaylord Rockies Resort and Convention Center in Denver, Colorado this past September. If you were able to attend, I hope that you found the conference to be informative and worthwhile. I also hope you made many great connections, created memories, and shared some laughter.
The primary goal of our conferences is to bring together leaders of the Pet Cemetery & Cremation Industry to provide educational opportunities, networking and encourage an open dialogue to discuss the issues facing our profession.
We believe our diverse and dynamic group of speakers and panelists provided in-depth insight, as well as, actionable and practical tools of engagement models, methods and mechanisms that have worked in other businesses. Your participation at our conference helped to make this event a great success and your enthusiasm and positive spirit made our time together both productive and fun. We wish great success to our conference attendees as you take those learned experiences back to your businesses, and we hope you continue to be engaged with the IAOPCC.  

If you have not attended an IAOPCC Conference recently, please make your plans now to attend our 49th Annual Conference taking place in Chicago, September 24 – 26, 2020.  
And if you can’t wait that long, get ready to travel to Australia in March 2020 . If you haven’t heard yet, the IAOPCC will be hosting our first International Conference outside of North America. If you’re looking for a good reason to escape the winter, here’s your excuse. Check out our website for all the details.
Stay tuned for upcoming events by visiting  iaopc.com

Robert Blosser

What an exciting and wonderful Conference we had in Denver! I appreciate all the time and energy put in by our Board and our Members to ensure such a successful Conference.

We had such a great response to our Conference and our Certification courses including our newest course, Occupational Health & Safety Certification Many thanks to Dr. Richard Hobart for helping to create an educational class that speaks directly to our industry regarding specific health and safety standards – an industry first found only here at your IAOPCC

Exciting News for 2020   We have begun to work on additional on-line programs for our certification classes! These on-line classes will be introduced in late 2020 so be sure to keep a watch for all the details. What a benefit! As a Member of the IAOPCC you will soon have a convenient and easily accessible opportunity for your employees to become certified in their field.  (If you have not yet checked out our already in place On-line Crematory Operator Program, do so today and find out how you can get all your staff CPCO Certified).  

More exciting news to look forward to for 2020!  We are set to host our first ever international conference outside of the United States - to be held in Australia on the beautiful Gold Coast of Queensland, March 13 – 15, 2020 . Martin Hopp, our International Director, has put together a fantastic itinerary complete with educational opportunities, certifications, and TWO pet crematory/cemetery tours. Check out all the details on our website, or you can contact Martin or the home office directly by email to learn more. I am also looking forward to our 2020 Conference in Chicago, Illinois, September 24 – 26, where we will tour the Remkus Family’s beautiful Hinsdale Pet Cemetery & Crematory. Mark Your Calendars Now!   You will not want to miss this Conference!

As an update for our Accredited Members , we have already begun our first on-site inspections for Accredited Facility Members. Our Standards Committee has spent the past four years diligently preparing for the on-site inspection process. If you became accredited in 2014 -2015, watch for your letter with all the details. If you have not yet checked into becoming an Accredited Member, please request your Workbook before December 31, 2019.  Beginning January 1, there will be a cost increase, so get on board today! More than 73% of our members are working towards Accreditation – be a part of history and get your accreditation started today!

Lastly, as we quickly approach the end of another year, and a new one begins, I hope you will take some time to enjoy family and friends and to return thanks for all that you’ve accomplished over the past year. In the daily hustle of life, it can sometimes be difficult to slow down and just be thankful. I am grateful for each of you and the many things I’ve learned and the friendships gained over the years.  Looking forward to keeping us moving forward! Bring on 2020! 

Wishing you and your family the Happiest of Holidays, and Many Blessings in the New Year!   

Donna Shugart-Bethune, IAOPCC Executive Director
History is going to be made and we want you to be a part of it! The International Association of Pet Cemeteries and Crematories (IAOPCC) will be holding its first ever International Conference on the beautiful Gold Coast of Australia, March 13-15, 2020. This promises to be an exciting time of networking with your peers while providing educational learning opportunities specific to your concerns and issues - and we don't want you to miss it!
With our member base growing rapidly outside of North America we want to make it easier for our international members to have access to all the benefits the IAOPCC has to offer. This year's conference will not only provide you with numerous networking opportunities, but also pertinent information that you can relate directly to your business, including trends in the industry. The Conference is open to all pet cremation business owners and staff members. With more than 80 pet crematoriums operating in Australia, now is a great time to start building relationships with other like-minded business owners who understand the challenges and opportunities of our industry.
As a person who not only gives seminars but attends as many as I can, I have always said if I can just learn ONE thing, it was worth my time. That ONE thing may be a technique that helps you with your clients; you may connect with that ONE person who helps you break into another area of the industry; that ONE idea that launches you into a better way to do business....... I think you get the point. Success doesn't come overnight, it's a combination of years of hard work and dedication toward a specific goal. Being a part of the IAOPCC can help you meet your goals.
I would like to formally invite you and your staff to this inaugural event. If you are not yet a member of the IAOPCC, I would like to invite you to join our association and be on the forefront of our industry. We are excited about this opportunity and look forward to hearing from you!
Robert Blosser
IAOPCC President  
Save the date for the IAOPCC 49th Annual Conference to be held September 24-26, 2020:

Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza River North
350 West Mart Center Drive
Chicago, IL

Look for registration information in the Spring.

The IAOPCC thanks all of our Attendees, Exhibitors and Sponsors for your participation in the successful 48th Annual Conference! A great time was had by all in Colorado.


Melissa You of Queensland, Australia, is the recipient of the 2019 Doyle L. Shugart Scholarship. Ms. You is a veterinary student at the University of Queensland, Queensland, Australia. Best wishes to Melissa as she continues her studies.

 THE STANDARDS CORNER with Steve Woods & Keith Shugart, Co-Chairs of the IAOPCC Standards Committee
Welcome to the Standards Corner! Follow along as our Standards Committee Chairs answer questions and discuss excerpts from our IAOPCC Accreditation Workbook offering sound advice and standards when working towards achieving accreditation. Questions regarding accreditation may be sent to info@iaopc.com

This edition will deal with Alkaline Hydrolysis and International Pet Cremation Standards. If you attended our September Conference in Denver, you were treated to a wealth of knowledge regarding Alkaline Hydrolysis presented by Samantha Sieber, Biologist and Vice President of Research at Bio Response Solutions, Inc. 
The lecture was informational and was received with much enthusiasm by our members. As this process for pet aftercare has continued to grow, the question arises as to how alkaline hydrolysis will fit into the IAOPCC International Pet Cremation Standards and Accreditation.

Robert Erdman, Vice President of the IAOPCC , is the chairman of the sub-committee on alkaline hydrolysis. He and his committee are tasked with conducting meetings and discussing these issues. They are receiving input from members that are currently using alkaline hydrolysis in their pet aftercare practice.

The findings of the sub-committee will be turned over to the IAOPCC Standards Committee for further discussion and evaluation. The findings will then be turned over to the IAOPCC Board of Directors for further discussion, evaluation and approval.

If any of the members of the IAOPCC would like to help the sub-committee on alkaline hydrolysis they are encouraged to contact Robert Erdman at Precious Pets Cemetery in Spencer, Oklahoma. His telephone number is 405-771-5510.

Writing and approving standards is a lengthy and sometimes difficult and time-consuming process. It took more than five years of study and two years of submission for the original pet cremations standards to be approved. That includes committee members meeting several times per month and a significant amount of research on the part of the standards committee members. The result was the highest quality pet cremation standards in the world and something all of our members can be proud of. Remember we follow these standards for the pet’s aftercare and our client’s peace of mind. Quality in pet aftercare is what the IAOPCC is all about. We continue to raise the bar of excellence!
Congratulations to the facilities and IAOPCC Members that have received IAOPCC Accreditation in 2019 :

AWL Pet Cremations , Wingfield South Australia
Craig Road Pet Cemetery , Las Vegas, NV
Okanagan Pet Cremation, Oyama, BC, Canada
Pets in Peace, Clontarf , Clontarf, Australia
Pet Cremation Services of Kansas City , Kansas City, MO
Precious Pets Cemetery, Spencer, OK
River Valley Gateway Pet Crematory , Grand Junction, CO
Tracks to Heaven Pet Crematory , Klamath Falls, Oregon

The 2018 Accreditation Workbook available. 
Being an accredited facility allows you to demonstrate to your community and your clients your ongoing commitment to excellence. Request your Accreditation Workbook today!

We would like to welcome the newest IAOPCC members:

Affiliate Members
A Greener Place LLC , San Tan Valley, AZ
Animal Kingdom Pet Services , Orlando, FL
Heath Olinger , Dallas, TX
Peaceful Paws Memorial Services LLC , Miami, FL
Furrever Friends , Huntington Beach, CA

Regular Members
Lasting Paws Pet Memorial Services , Henderson, CO
Loyal Paws, LLC, Clarkston, MI
Paws at Rest Pets Cremations, LLC, Merrill, WI
Pets at Peace California , San Ramon, CA
Rainbow Bridge Pet Crematorium , Johnstown, CO
Soul Friend Pet Cremations , Palmerston North, New Zealand

Supplier Members
Pet Praise Products , Winston-Salem, NC
Madelyn Co , Janesville, WI
Sky Urns , Atlanta, GA

INTERNATIONAL NEWS with Martin Hopp, IAOPCC Board Member
The big news is that the IAOPCC will be holding our first ever Pet cremation conference outside of America. The world is a small place and if the IAOPCC want to be an international body we need to go to other countries.

The conference in Australia has been budgeted to break even so this event will not impact the association 2020 budget. We are hoping to have 80 people attend our conference from all over Australia and New Zealand from March 13-15, 2020.

This conference will not replace our annual American conference which is in Chicago next September. The Australian conference is open to all members so if anyone wants to come over and join us we would love to see you.

Our membership numbers out side of America are the strongest they have ever been and this is showing the growth and strength of the IAOPCC. We listened to our International members who have told us that they would love to come to our conference every year but the cost both in time and dollars is prohibitive.

 We have chosen the beautiful Gold Coast in sunny Queensland for our conference location so even if you can not join us this year jump on line and google the Gold Coast and feel sorry for us as we lay on the beautiful beaches under the best weather you can ever imagine. 

All the conference details are on our web page so please have a look at the conference itinerary and other information.

If anyone has any questions about the Australian conference please feel free to contact Martin on +61 407964092 or email him at  marhopp@gmail.com.  
A membership vote was taken at the 2019 Conference in Denver to update our Definitions & Terminology brochure to reflect the terminology as stated in our Accreditation Workbook and International Pet Cremation Standards. The vote was 17 to 8 in favor of the updates.
This Is What It's Like to Run A Pet Cemetery As Your Family Business. More than 80,000 animals, including famous pets, reptiles and a Bengal tiger, are buried in Hartsdale Pet Cemetery.

Please CLICK HERE for article.
American Cemetery & Cremation: An Interview with the IAOPCC President:

Robert Blosser is the president of the International Association of Pet Cemeteries & Crematories, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing the standards, ethics and professionalism of pet cemeteries and crematories around the world. With members in more than 15 countries, the association is a recognized leader in the pet aftercare profession. Blosser is the general manager of the Midwest Cremation Service of Wisconsin. As a third-generation family-based business, MCS was founded in 1980 by Blosser’s grandmother, Patricia Blosser who founded the IAOPCC in Chicago in 1971. Blosser is also well known in the fishing world, where he’s a competitive angler. We recently had a chance to talk to Blosser about his goals for the IAOPCC, educational outreach and more. 

CLICK HERE for article.
American Cemetery & Cremation: What Can Your Suppliers Do For You?

As a company that has been in the cremation market for more than 25 years, it can be easy for us to sometimes overlook the fact that not all funeral homes – and not all families – are ready to embrace cremation. Our position in the funeral industry is that of a supplier to other suppliers – we design and sell our products through a network of distributor partners.

CLICK HERE for article.
We want to hear from YOU! Please share your news with your IAOPCC peers! Send updates, articles and award announcements to info@iaopc.com .
Consideration to promote celebrant (Animal Chaplain) services to clients:

A celebration of life, with either a religious or spiritual foundation, can add to the healing process after the loss of a beloved pet. Following is an outline of a suggested way to promote this service.

During the meeting with family members a question could be asked about religious/spiritual beliefs. If they answer religious a follow up could be asked about their affiliation and participation.

If there is a sense that there is an interest in a service, one can be suggested here. An Animal Chaplain can preside at the service, and I have also seen this done virtually (by phone of skype).
That is not the best option, but if there are no other possibilities, it can be done.

It is important to have Animal Chaplains who are willing to perform inter-faith services, and to structure the service by having a meeting of their own with the family. Many times people have said to me that they would want a service but not in the “structure” insisted upon by their religious denomination.

Speaking with the family, and obtaining information about their pet, as well as discussing certain prayers, poems, and scripture passages will help make the service something they will remember.

Finally, a few “administrative” details:

  • If possible, try to have a few animal chaplains in your area that you can call on. If you have someone on staff who is willing to preside, I am happy to work with them if that is needed.
  • Having worked with many funeral directors, most build the cost into their services for the family. Obviously, it is also possible to have the chaplain work directly with the family, but this is another step in the process for them and I am sure they appreciate things being easier for them.
  • I am happy to discuss any of the points made here, and additional questions you may have

Thank you for all you do to help people during a very difficult time in their life

Joe Dwyer
Our goal is to provide a list of resources that you can draw from to provide to your staff and clients for educational and informational services. If you have a resource that you would like to submit for consideration, please email us  info@iaopc.com .  

The eNews & Views is distributed to members three times a year along with a special printed Conference edition of the News & Views each Summer. The IAOPCC offers several advertising options to fit every budget!

The  International Association of Pet Cemeteries & Crematories (IAOPCC)  is an organization dedicated to advancing the standards, ethics, and professionalism of pet cemeteries and crematories around the world.  With Members in more than 15 countries, we are the Recognized Leader in the Pet Aftercare Profession !