Hello Everyone,
I wanted to take this opportunity and thank each of you who attended our Virtual Annual Meeting in September. Hopefully this is our last virtual meeting for the foreseeable future. We are looking forward to celebrating our 51st anniversary and being in-person for our 2022 meeting in Chicago, Illinois! Please remember that these meetings are important for you to attend as a member as this is where all membership votes take place. This year there were two items to be voted on, first was the open Board of Directors positions, and second was an amendment to our Bylaws. The Bylaw amendment vote passed almost unanimously and three Board of Directors seats were filled. Elected to your Board of Directors were: Keith Shugart, Nancy Bates and myself.
The Board of Directors then appointed officers for 2022:
- Robert Blosser - President
- Robert Erdman - Vice President
- Debra Bjorling - Treasurer
- Keith Shugart - Secretary
I would also like to highlight and point out some of the goals that your Board of Directors set at the beginning of 2021 and worked diligently to complete this past year:
- RACE Approval for our CE program for Pet Bereavement Certification
- Development of our On-Line Course for the Registered Pet Funeral Director Program
- Alkaline Hydrolysis Accreditation & Standards
- Increased Social Media Presence for IAOPCC
- Bylaws Restructure & Approval
- Formation of a Government Affairs Committee
- Increased presence at large Veterinary Conferences across the US
As always, we are looking for Committee Members and could definitely use our members’ expertise! If you are interested in serving on a committee, please contact Kathleen at the Home Office.
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! Stay safe and please let me or any Board Member know if we can help you in any way.
As always - “Never let fear slow you down”
Robert Blosser
Happy Holidays & New Year!
It’s hard to believe we are in the midst of the holiday season and quickly closing in on another year. As we near the closing of 2021, I am so proud of the many accomplishments of your IAOPCC over the past year and excited for the plans for the upcoming year.
Our Virtual meeting in September was very successful and included the confirmation of two BOD members as well as the addition of a new Board Member - Welcome aboard Nancy Bates! Many of you know Nancy and her husband Dan and their successful business, At Home on the Range, in Montana, US. Nancy joins the Board with a wealth of knowledge and vast years of experience in running a successful business. I know Nancy will be a wonderful addition to our Board and I am looking forward to working with her.
Over the past two years, we have continued to witness major changes and shifts within our world, our lives, our businesses, and our industry. And while change can sometimes be difficult, it can also bring forth the very best in us all. As a member of the IAOPCC, it is comforting to know that we are all working towards the same goal – taking care of and serving others while moving our industry forward in the best possible way. In March, your BOD will be coming to Atlanta to meet. I look forward to it every year as it is a time of growth for your association and excitement for your Board as we begin to lay out plans and goals for the year. We will also be finalizing all the details of our 2022 Conference in Chicago. We already have so many exciting opportunities planned for our Conference, including:
A special night of recognition, awards, and fun aboard the Odyssey on Lake Michigan Dinner River Cruise
- An on-site tour of the beautiful Hinsdale Pet Cemetery & Crematory
For the first time ever, live Demonstration Workshops including:
- How To Pour a Cap on a Crematory Floor
- Creating Unique Paw Prints for Your Clients
- Setting Up Your Transportation Vehicles
- How to Build a Butterfly Garden for Your Business
- And of course, we have several world-class Speakers dedicated to motivating and guiding you toward increasing your bottom-line
You will not want to miss the 2022 Conference! I am looking forward to seeing everyone IN PERSON for the first time in two years. Make your plans to be at our 51st Annual Conference, September 22 – 24, 2022 at the Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza River North in Chicago, IL. I cannot tell you how excited I am to be in the “birthplace” of our association for our 51st Anniversary. As you can see, we have lots of wonderful events planned, so mark your calendars for an exciting time as we celebrate more than 50 years of passion, purpose, and excellence with the IAOPCC!
Note for our Accredited Members: we are continuing to conduct our 2021 - 2022 Virtual On-site inspections for Accredited facility Members. If you became accredited in 2016 -2017, please watch for your emailed letter with all the details. If you have not yet checked into becoming an Accredited Member, please consider requesting your Workbook. Commit today to being among the top in excellence of standards for our industry. More than 87% of our membership is working towards Accreditation. So, be a part of history and get your accreditation started today!
Please continue to watch for emails and visit our website to stay abreast of announcements regarding our Conference, registration, events and happenings!
If you have news to share, please be sure to email Kathleen at the Home Office at info@iaopc.com. We love highlighting our members and their accomplishments. Honestly, we all need to hear GOOD NEWS as much as possible so please, do share!
Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas, the Happiest of Holidays, and Many Blessings in the New Year! Take care, stay safe, and healthy and know that your IAOPCC association and Board are here to help you in any way we can.
My very best to you always,
Donna Shugart-Bethune, IAOPCC Executive Director
Save the date for the IAOPCC 51st Annual Conference to be held September 22-24, 2022:
Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza River North
350 West Mart Center Drive
Chicago, IL, USA
Come and celebrate over 51 years of Commitment to Excellence.
Look for registration information in the late Spring.
with Martin Hopp, IAOPCC Board Member
Another Year Without an In-person IAOPCC Conference
It’s been a hard 18 months with COVID-19 affecting everyone around the world. The good news is that COVID-19 may have affected our lifestyle and family life, but COVID-19 seems to have had a positive effect on all of our businesses.
The IAOPCC members I talk to around the world are all reporting that they are assisting more families now than before COVID-19. It surprises me how our industry is tracking the same in so many countries.
I do not know about your businesses, but at Pets in Peace in Australia we are struggling to find enough staff and we are having more staff having time off with COVID-19 tests, requirements, etc. As far as business is concerned, this has been the hardest part of COVID-19.
We have had an increase in membership from outside of America this year which shows the strength of the IAOPCC around the world. I understand a lot of pet crematoriums join the IAOPCC to come to the conference. For our Membership to grow when we have not been able to hold a conference for two years now is a great achievement!
It is also great to hear that so many international members are using the IAOPCC logo on their premises and in their advertising. The general public is being told to look for industry groups or associations when they have a problem with a service, or just want to check out the service they should receive. By advertising the IAOPCC logo you are showing that you are part of a professional industry.
I can see light at the end of the tunnel and the world will open up soon. I am looking forward to the day we can get together, meet each other in person, and talk about our businesses!
If any International member would like to talk with me at any time, please feel free to give me a call on +61 407964092 or email me at marhopp@gmail.com. When travel gets back to normal, if you want to visit Australia, our doors are always open to show you around!
If I do not talk to you before Christmas, I hope everyone has a safe and happy Christmas!
All my best to you,
Martin Hopp
IAOPCC International Director
Coming Soon! We are so excited to roll out our newest On-Line Program, our Registered Pet Funeral Director Certification Program!
Be sure to check out our other online courses:
Pet Bereavement Certification:
CLICK HERE for information on the course and how to register.
Certified Pet Crematory Operator Program (CPCO):
CLICK HERE for information on the course and how to register.
Mark Greer
Costa Mesa, CA
(800) 839-4604
Andrea Bogard
Sarasota, FL
(941) 751-3382
Derryl Breazeale
Norcross, GA
(770) 447-4418
Kaia Lagoni
Fort Collins, CO
(888) 271-8444
Lorri Lindquist
Hayward, WI
(715) 699-6777
Spencer Lee
Tuscan, AZ
(520) 325-1101
Gerardo Garcia
Golden, CO
(303) 955-6776
Steve Rohleder
Kansas City, MO
(816) 941-2009
Jamie Minea
Inver Grove Heights, MN
(651) 450-7727
Debra Whiteing
Westcliffe, CO
(719) 783-9099
Richard Kosto
Mount Dora, FL
(352) 455-4878
FT the Americas
Kelly Vinning
Medina, OH
(330) 441-2539
Sukeny Wongso
Oakland Gardens, NY
(718) 813-4977
Matt Valego
Owensboro, KY
(270) 683-3475
Lori Simmons
St. Louis, MO
(636) 717-6542
Joni Cullen
Janesville, WI
(608) 758-0807
Paul Seyler
Apopka, FL
(407) 886-5533
Henry Cornell
St. Paul, MN
(651) 633-8690
Joshua Blosser
Poynette, WI
(608) 635-7270
Darren Crouch
Albuquerque, NM
(505) 830-2500
Kristy Mize
Prattville, AL
(334) 300-5611
Jennifer Hyde
West Chester, PA
(888) 738-6365
Ebony Williams
Winston-Salem, NC
(336) 659-8486
Alan Boot-Hanford
Sarasota, FL
(941) 404-4761
Charles Crook
Piedmont, SC
(866) 332-3294
Ryan Bator
Wixom, MI
(248) 532-0110
Irwin Maltz
Merrick, NY
(516) 665-8323
Justin Davis
Richmond, IN
(765) 966-7676
Carrie Peterson
Northfield, MN
(507) 301-1760
Nikki Nordeen
St. Paul, MN
(888) 588-8767
Mike Prussel
Summerville, SC
(603) 718-3104
We would like to welcome the newest IAOPCC members:
Affiliate Members
Andrea Nager, Bellefontaine Cemetery Association, St. Louis, MO
Serenity Pet Aquamation, Yangebup, Western Australia
Regular Members
Abbey Glen Pet Memorial Crematory, Lafayette, NJ
Abbey Glen Pet Memorial Crematory, Quakertown, PA
EVERMORE Compassionate Pet Aftercare, Stratford, Ontario, Canada
Furreverfriends LLC, Long Beach, CA
Heavenly Days, Urbana, MD
Legacy Pet Crematory, West Babylon, NY
Paws into Grace, Escondido, CA
Regency Forest Pet Memorial Park Crematory, Middle Island, NY
River Clare’s Pet Cremation Services, Spring Creek, NV
Valley Pet Crematory, Williamsport, MD
Supplier Members
FT the Americas, Medina, OH
A membership vote was taken on September 30, 2021 following the IAOPCC Annual Membership Meeting.
New Board Member Election: Nancy Bates, Robert Blosser and Keith Shugart
- Bylaws Update
Have you renewed your IAOPCC membership for 2022?
Renewing your IAOPCC membership online is easy! CLICK HERE to login to your membership profile and renew your membership.
If you need your login information, please contact the home office at info@iaopc.com.
Tragic Goodbye Inspires Florida Bill Seeking
to Regulate Pet Cremations
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Imagine losing a family pet, having it cremated and later finding out the ashes you received didn’t actually belong to your pet at all.
That’s exactly what happened to one Florida resident. Click here for more .
We want to hear from YOU! Please share your news with your IAOPCC peers! Send updates, articles and award announcements to info@iaopc.com.
Special Opportunities Are Often Not So “Special”
It’s one of those calls most pet loss companies don’t look forward to receiving. You know the call – the one from the local media outlets offering a special opportunity; one in which they know your company will want to participate.
“Our radio station is running a special commercial to thank veterans for everything they’ve done, and we know you’d like to have your company’s name mentioned as a sponsor for just $50” or “We’re creating a calendar to support the fire department and you can have your firm listed for just $75.” Heard this before?
I suggest that you “pass” on these opportunities. Most are designed solely to get you to increase your advertising expenditures. Plus, most of them offer little in the way of real marketing value to your pet loss company.
There are many great causes out there, and local businesses should be proud to help them. But if you want to support the Boy Scouts, the Humane Society, the girls’ basketball team, or the local food pantry, call them to find out what they need. Better yet – consider establishing a contributions committee at your firm.
A contributions committee is typically made up of employees at your firm. After management sets the annual budget, each month (or quarter) the committee considers requests from local organizations to support their causes. The committee helps to decide how the firm spends its “contributions” budget.
It removes you from having to be the “bad guy” and constantly say no to these organizations. From my experience, most organizations don’t get upset if they know you have a process and budget in place (and realize that your firm can’t support every cause.) Not to mention, your employees will appreciate this added opportunity to make a difference in the community.
Approach your charitable contributions with the same consideration you put into other business decisions. Start with a plan and follow it faithfully. Establish a committee to review opportunities carefully and critically, and you’ll find that you’ll waste far less money. And do something that employees will take a real interest in.
The 2021 Accreditation Workbook is now available.
Being an accredited facility allows you to demonstrate to your community and your clients your ongoing commitment to excellence. Request your Accreditation Workbook today! Email info@iaopc.com for more information.
Our goal is to provide a list of resources that you can draw from to provide to your staff and clients for educational and informational services. If you have a resource that you would like to submit for consideration, please email us info@iaopc.com.
Please click on the link below to view member resources:
The eNews & Views is distributed to members three times a year along with a special printed Conference edition of the News & Views each Summer. The IAOPCC offers several advertising options to fit every budget!
The International Association of Pet Cemeteries & Crematories (IAOPCC) is an organization dedicated to advancing the standards, ethics, and professionalism of pet cemeteries and crematories around the world. With Members in more than 10 countries, we are the Recognized Leader in the Pet Aftercare Profession!