This past year we all encountered unprecedented challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with a tense and contentious political scene, we have definitely experienced an extraordinary year.
As IAOPCC has shifted to virtual events for a second year, this means we will not be holding an in-person venue in Chicago for 2021. While we all miss the excellent networking and meeting of new colleagues at the in-person convention, we do plan to be back in-person for 2022.
While we are transitioning to a new normal, it is exciting and encouraging to see the many positive things that have occurred, and IAOPCC has also had some important silver linings.
Special programs like the Registered Pet Funeral Director and Pet Bereavement Specialist will be offered online to provide easier access for all members and employees to receive these certifications. Our Educational Programs are key to one of the new strategic goals to increase the visibility and reach of IAOPCC so that a wider range of people have access to the unique and high-quality programs of the organization. Such accomplishments could not have happened without committed IAOPCC members, your Board of Directors, and exceptional staff at the Home Office.
As we have the past two years, IAOPCC will be attending the VMX 2021 conference June 5-9, 2021 in Orlando, FL along with the Southwestern Veterinary in September 23- 26, 2021 in San Antonio, TX, to maximize our visibility assuming these events are held in-person. Both of the conferences are among the largest Veterinary conferences in North America and we are excited to continue to shine light on our organization.
This year there are two Board of Directors seats up for election and that vote will take place this fall. Please keep an eye out for more information coming this summer regarding nominations and the election process.
Please feel free to reach out to myself or any board member with questions you may have.
Robert Blosser
Happy Spring! Spring has sprung, and I for one am glad. It is always refreshing to see the new growth that Spring brings – it lightens our mood and gives added hope for the future.
As previously announced, your IAOPCC Board made the difficult decision to cancel this year’s conference for a second year in a row. Based on the survey results from our members and suppliers, and with such a large part of our international community unable to travel to the U.S. for the conference, it was determined that it would be better for our members to hold our In-person Conference in 2022. Good news is that our 2022 Conference will remain in Chicago, IL, and will be held in what will be a newly renovated Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza River North. I am already looking forward to it!
Last month, your Board of Directors traveled to Atlanta for their bi-annual meeting. During that meeting, strategic plans and goals for the association were developed for the year. Some of those goals are already well underway and many completed, including:
Our 2021 Accreditation Workbook Standards is currently being printed and includes the addition of our Alkaline Hydrolysis Accreditation Standards! If you are not already an Accredited Facility, you can now request your copy of the 2021 Accreditation Workbook containing the most up-to-date standards, processes, and procedures. This is an invaluable tool to assure that you are operating at the highest level of excellence!
I am so excited to announce that we are currently working on our next online course, The Registered Pet Funeral Director Certification. Scheduled to roll-out in September, this promises to be a “one of a kind” course not found anywhere else in our industry. This is one of our most requested courses each year, and now it will be available to you and your employees.
Good News! Deb Bjorling, your BOD, has been hard at work to gain RACE Approval for all our Continuing Education courses – this is a huge accomplishment and an important game-changer for our industry! For more information on RACE Approval, please CLICK HERE.
We are currently planning to re-structure our Doyle L. Shugart Scholarship Program to better serve our members. With the restructure of the program we will be offering online CEU opportunities for member scholarships! Watch for more information as it becomes available over the summer.
As you can see, we have lots of exciting things happening with your association. You do not want to miss any of the details, so please continue to watch your emails, and check the website often to stay abreast of all the announcements, events, and happenings.
I look forward to seeing everyone’s smiling faces via “ZOOM” at our annual membership meeting this September. There will be more info to follow, so make sure you add our address to your email.
Go ahead and mark your calendars now for September 22–24, 2022. It will be a grand time as we gather together in Chicago, IL for the first time in 2 years to celebrate 51+ years of passion, purpose, and excellence with the IAOPCC!
Remember, if you have news to share, please be sure to email Kathleen at the Home Office at We love highlighting our members and their accomplishments!
Take care, stay safe, and Healthy and know that your IAOPCC association and Board are here to help you in any way we can!
Save the date for the IAOPCC 50th Annual Conference to be held September 22-24, 2022:
Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza River North
350 West Mart Center Drive
Chicago, IL
Look for registration information in late Spring 2022!
with Martin Hopp, IAOPCC Board Member
Supply Problems as COVID-19 Continues
Who would have thought in March 2020 that some 15 months later our lives and businesses would still be controlled by COVID-19? I think we have all had enough of it!
In talking with many of our International members, the economic cost in our countries is only now starting to impact us. We as an industry have been very lucky to survive so well, for so long, and only those businesses with strong business practices in place will survive what we hope will be the last few months of this worldwide pandemic.
We all seem to be facing our next challenge, which is the availability of stock and materials. China and India have been hit hard by the second wave and are starting to put a lot of pressure on the supply chain of many of our memorial items and even the fleet we drive.
The IAOPCC has a fantastic membership base, and if anyone is looking for advice on sourcing supplies, pick up the phone and ask a fellow IAOPCC member for help and information. This is the real strength of being part of an International body, the information we can share.
Our IAOPCC Supplier members are listed on our membership website. If you are not already using their services, give them a call if you are having problems getting stock. As an IAOPCC Supplier Member they are committed to providing superior services and helping you to meet your needs if at all possible.
As COVID-19 draws out, I urge all our International members to make sure that their membership is up to date. It is important that we have the right contact details and everyone has access to the most up to date information to get us all through the next 6 months or so.
As previously announced, we unfortunately had to move our in-person Conference in Chicago to September, 2022. With the unpredictability of country travel bans and based on our member responses to our survey, the Board felt this was the best decision for our association. Please know that we as a Board are committed to ensuring that we continue to support all of our members as we normally do, through easily accessible training programs, multimedia announcements, and of course the industry’s only Accreditation Program.
If anyone has any questions, my door is always open and so is Kathleen’s at the Home Office.
I hope everyone is well and please stay safe. I look forward to seeing you all via Zoom at our General Membership meeting in September.
All the best,
Martin Hopp
Pets in Peace
+61 407964092
We are excited to roll out our newest Online Program with the introduction of our first Pet Bereavement Specialist Certification! This is the first in a series of three online certifications for Pet Bereavement. CLICK HERE for Promotional Video!
CLICK HERE for information on the course and how to register.
The Most Popular Pet Name of the Century (Maybe)
A survey of tombstones from the oldest continually operating pet cemetery in the U.S. reveals a passion for "Princess."
Americans naming their pets Princess is as reliable as death and taxes — at least according to a survey of pet names from the oldest continually operating pet cemetery in the United States.
We would like to welcome the newest IAOPCC members:
Affiliate Member
Michelle Keck, East Setauket, NY
Regular Members
Compassion Pet Cremation, Lakeland, FL
Dillon Family Services, Inc., Sand Springs, OK
Loyal and True Pet Cremation Services, The Gardens at Willowcrest Park, Anderson, IN
Pawsitive Memories, Sandwich, MA
Peebles Pet Services, Oakland, TN
Supplier Members
Greenburgh 718-813-4977
Kap-Lind Enterprises, Inc.
Kap-Lind was established in 1977 and created to supply beautiful, quality urns. Our main focus has always been on American Made products to honor your beloved pet. For generations our dedication to client service has brought us the honor of lifetime customers and new customers who continue to push our standards to new levels. Kap-Lind is a family owned company, very proudly supporting our craftsman for decades. Our products made by the ones we love for the ones you love. It is our goal to provide you with quality products, superior customer service and quick turnaround times.
The greater majority of Kap-Lind urns are made in St. Louis Missouri using an old world style of casting and spinning metal to create beautiful memorials. Each urn is individually hand-made by craftsmen who take great pride in creating classic, distinctive and elegant urns with many different pleasing designs to meet the individual needs of your customers. New products and tried and true styles make Kap-Lind a versatile manufacturer and distributor. Check out our new website at or contact us at 314-682-6031.
Kap-Lind offers cremation urns and memorials in a variety of different style and materials to meet the varying interests of your customers. From Hand-Spun Pewter to Ceramic to Eco-Friendly Kap-Lind has an extensive library of products to choose from. Our on-site engraving makes each urn as unique as their beloved pet. We can even engrave the actual pets paw or nose print on any metal urn!
Kap-Lind has been a member of the IAOPCC for decades! Why? Because the IAOPCC offers so many tools to assist a small manufacturing company. From their incredible, dedicated board members to their combined knowledge of the industry; their support has been integral part of the success of Kap-Lind. Their on-line resources, support system, professional development conferences and net working opportunities makes the IAOPCC a priceless organization to partner with.
By Christine Ogorsolka Johnson
Fellow IAOPCC Members: With my business, Eden Memorial Pet Care Inc., I have found my blog a useful tool for continued growth within my business in many ways. Not only do I use the blog for marketing; but it is a useful tool to educate the public and my veterinary hospitals and staff in the importance of Pet Aftercare and the many sides of our industry. In many of these articles you may find that they are more geared toward “clients”. Please free to take what you need from this information and use it for ideas and education to continue the growth in your Pet Aftercare business. Enjoy!
Top Careers For a Caring Pet Crematory
Top careers for a caring pet crematory are not just about finding the right person to fit the job but having the education behind them. But how do you get the training for an industry that is still growing and doesn’t have many options for educational opportunities?
In the last couple years, I have really made my focus the subject matter of educating staff, accreditations and the importance of both not only in many industries but specifically to the pet care and pet aftercare professions. So how does one go about getting more education within these industries? And what resources are out there for people interested in these fields and wanting to make themselves stand out amongst the crowd?
Wanting a job where you help people and pets?
Let’s look further into the positions of Crematory Operators and Grief Counselors in the Pet Aftercare industry. These two positions are probably not only the most common in the industry but two of the most important when it comes to having a caring pet crematory and pet memorial business.
Pet Crematory Operator– What’s that?
Let’s first take a look at Crematory Operator. Now you might be saying to yourself, who wants to do that job? Isn’t that depressing? We get that a lot! And the answer isn’t black and white. Of course, the job has its difficulties like any other job, but the rewards of this position are beyond words. For almost two decades in this industry myself, I have learned each and every job within my company. Crematory Operator was my first and most crucial task to learn for the growth of Eden Memorial Pet Care. Yes of course it’s not for the faint heart, but each beloved pet is placed in their own body bag and then placed into the chamber in the most dignified way possible.
Many of us in this profession find ourselves talking to them as we send them on their journey. Now not “crazy" talk…but more of a caring conversation and send off.
“It’s ok Buddy…here we go.”
Pet Crematory 101
Now chances are you won’t be signing up for classes at your local college for Pet Crematory Operator 101, but one can only dream! Currently, this position is one where you would not only get on the job training within a reputable pet crematory, but there are also certifications you can work toward with certain pet memorial associations. Associations like the IAOPCC and CANA are all good places to start.
Most pet crematories, which are reputable (or which have a good reputation) and/or are accredited, will have at least one Certified Pet Crematory Operator on staff. If you are currently working at a pet crematory and would like to get your certification, let your boss know that this is a goal you have and how important it is not only to you but to the growth of the company. Any good business should gladly assist in getting you started into a crematory operator program and hopefully have the means to financially support you in this endeavor.
What does a Pet Crematory Operator learn? I assure you it’s not just about the “how tos” but covers everything from technical, legal, ethics and proper procedures and protocol.
“The course is taught using video with small group activities, case studies, videos, whole class discussions and lecture.”
In 2019, I offered the program to both our Head Facility Manager, Jennifer Camsuzou and Head of Crematory Operations, Erika Ricketts. Each of them pleasantly surprised at all that they learned, even with 1-3 years' experience as a trained on-site operator. When Erika was asked what her big take away was from the certification course:
Erika replied: “The information breakdown on how the ovens function”
Pet Bereavement Counselor 101
Another needed and equally important position is one of a Grief Counselor. Now many of you many have heard of Grief Counselors for anyone going through the loss of a loved one—family member, child, spouse. But what about a pet, animal companion, or fur-baby? For many people, pets are their family. Whether you are an empty nester with a fur-baby, a child who grew up with a family pet or anywhere in between, pets are important to us. The grief we can experience with losing a BFF (best furry friend) can many times be more devastating than losing a human family member. So why shouldn’t we have help to get us through the grief?
In the more recent decade with the boom in the pet industry has come an increase in all things relating to pets—healthcare, nutrition, products, pet professionals and yes….pet grief counselors! In our local county, San Luis Obispo, the local hospice organization, SLO Hospice, has seen such an increase in their monthly Pet Grief Support Group that they have now added another group meeting in other parts of the county.
More than someone to talk to
I cannot stress enough how important it is to find a well-trained facilitator for grief counseling. In my experience through the years most people, after losing a pet, just need someone to talk to, be heard and know they aren’t alone. I have had many hour-long conversations with clients where we have laughed, cried and hugged just sharing our pet experiences. But sometimes there is someone who needs more in-depth counseling.
A Pet Grief Counselor is a nice career choice, which requires a very sensitive and well-trained individual. Currently there are online courses you can take i.e., through IAOPCC/CANA and other online source. Beyond that, there are groups to receive training through volunteer services like hospice organizations. But to further your education deeper into more extreme psychology, you, of course, will need education from a four-year university and beyond.
If you are someone within the pet care and/or pet aftercare industry seeking to add to your resume, then online certifications are a great place to start. The IAOPCC has recently released their new online course, which caters to this side of the business. Recently, myself and one of my long-time employees of Eden Memorial went through an online certification while we are waiting for the IAOPCC organization to announce their new course. Even with 20 years experience of between us, we both still learned a lot; including skills to understand different types of grief. Just recently, this same employee just was certified through the very in-depth course through IAOPCC. She had nothing but positive things to say!
Laurie says: “The course gave me the tools to help people through the grieving process by being a good listener, helping them with the decision to euthanize and in some cases PTSD.”
So as in any career, furthering your knowledge and expanding your education is always a good step forward. The difficulty in the Pet Aftercare industry is finding the resources to do so. As this industry grows, so will the opportunities, but for now you research through the pet aftercare associations and supplement where you can with online courses. There are courses from anything on social media marketing to business development. And more specifically geared toward pet care: Animal Chaplain/Ministry, Bereavement Counseling, Crematory/Cemetery Operations, Funeral Home Management. Whatever you are interested – there is something for everyone.
Christine Ogorsolka Johnson is a Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Mama Bear - if I'm not running my two kiddos around, you will find me working on the next business project, spending time with the people I love and seeking new adventures.
Your Marketing Messages Bear Repeating
Many companies, including those in pet aftercare, seem to be paranoid about repetition. Once they mention something in an email newsletter, a blog, or on a website, they don’t think they should mention it again. If someone on the staff suggests a repeat discussion of that subject, they’ll reject it outright, adding “we talked about that already” or “we already promoted that to our customers.”
It’s nice to think that your pet parents hang on every word you have to say. It’s nice to believe that they read every word of your newsletter or navigate your website in order. Guess what? They don’t.
All of us are overwhelmed by thousands of promotional messages every day. Even people who have photographic memories can’t possibly recall everything.
How can you improve your message’s chances of being retained? Research has shown that repetition makes learning stick, so it doesn’t hurt to state your message and key benefits again. And again.
A cardinal rule of marketing, known as “The Seven Times Factor,” says as a general rule, potential customers need to see an ad seven times or more before they buy. Additionally, many marketing experts say the average person will only notice one message in three. Do the math, and you’ll see that your message needs to be repeated at least 21 times to get the necessary exposure.
Websites also benefit from repetition. While companies typically design their sites in a linear order, people don’t visit them that way. They dart in and out, drilling as quickly as possible to the pages that have the information they’re after. Also, search engines often send them to specific pages instead of to your home or landing pages.
So, if you only mention a key piece of information on just one page of 20, you run the risk that most pet owners will miss it. If it’s something that every visitor to your site absolutely must know about you, mention it everywhere. You don’t have to word it the same, but make sure visitors can’t miss it.
Do I need to I say that again?
Joe Weigel is the owner of Weigel Strategic Marketing, a marketing firm that delivers expertise and results across three interrelated disciplines: strategy, branding and communications. You can visit his website at He also can be reached at 317-608-8914 or
How the Bond Gets Stronger
Having come from a large family with many cousins, we have had our share of losses. They have spanned from those who died very young to my one aunt who passed away at 102.
Regardless of the loss, one thing was always certain, there was a renewed bond among family members. Something about grief and mourning can create a bond where there normally was not one, and can also strengthen an already solid bond between people.
The same is true when a pet passes away. The glue that forms this bond among mourners is the influential qualities of the one who passed away. Most of the discussions when we are talking about their passing is about those qualities that had the most impact on us and the world.
The worthy challenge for all of us is to keep this bond strong over time as it will strengthen relationships and help us as time passes with the loss of a loved one. The way to accomplish this is to continue to celebrate the qualities of the loved one, especially in times when they are needed most.
Our Spartacus, a Beagle mix that we rescued in 2006, passed away on March 15, 2018. Spartacus had a large personality and was very smart. Most notable was that he was as tough as they came, but also had a soft side when it was called for. Everyone in our home wanted to cuddle with Spartacus, but when things got tough we would say we needed his strength.
As we all had to struggle through the pandemic in 2020, our family called upon the traits of Spartacus that could help us during trying times. It absolutely helped us to remember him fondly, but also kept our family bonds strong.
Please consider sharing experiences like this when you have a family who has lost a beloved pet. It will help you cope with the loss.
Joe Dwyer
Animal Chaplain
Joe Dwyer
Joe Dwyer's professional career began as a Chemical engineer at Schering Plough, having earned a degree in chemistry from Rutgers University. His career took a turn in 2000 when he joined the Archdiocese of Newark, NJ. He was instrumental in reshaping the administration within the Archdiocese and spent seven years as Vice Chancellor for Administration where he led the activities of the major departmental groups of the Archdiocese. Joe is a graduate of the Emerson Theological Institute certified as an Animal Chaplain.
We want to hear from YOU! Please share your news with your IAOPCC peers! Send updates, articles and award announcements to
The eNews & Views is distributed to members three times a year along with a special printed Conference edition of the News & Views each Summer. The IAOPCC offers several advertising options to fit every budget!
Our goal is to provide a list of resources that you can draw from to provide to your staff and clients for educational and informational services. If you have a resource that you would like to submit for consideration, please email us
The International Association of Pet Cemeteries & Crematories (IAOPCC) is an organization dedicated to advancing the standards, ethics, and professionalism of pet cemeteries and crematories around the world. With Members in more than 15 countries, we are the Recognized Leader in the Pet Aftercare Profession!