Winter 2018
Hello everyone,

We are so looking forward to spring here in Idaho. If you have endured a crazy winter so far this year, then you will want to mark your calendars to be with us in Fort Lauderdale in September for our annual conference. Your Board of Directors and Conference Committee are hard at work getting everything set up and ready to go.  

Please join us for the IAOPCC 47th Annual Conference on September 20-22, 2018 at the beautiful Bahia Mar Fort Lauderdale Beach   in Florida. Registration will open in Spring 2018!

Mindfulness in the Workplace - Dr. Laura Smallwood
Jon Kabat-Zinn introduced a program called Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) as a clinical intervention for people battling chronic pain over 35 years ago. Since that time, the scientific evidence for a broad array of physical and mental health benefits associated with the practice of mindfulness have grown exponentially. More recently, businesses have begun to look to mindfulness training as a human resource intervention.  

Congratulations to the Bjorling Family, owners of Hamilton Pet Meadow, for receiving the Anthony J. DeCarlo, VMD Hero Award for years of unwavering support and dedication to animal welfare. The Bjorlings were honored at the Save U.S. Pets Gala on December 7, 2017 .

Please share your news with the IAOPCC membership! Send updates, articles and award announcements to .
How would an Animal Chaplain be able to light a path on promoting inter faith dialogues in our society?

The power of an inter faith movement. For years I have witnessed religious groups talk about working towards inter faith efforts. The goal was to break down the disagreements in their spiritual practices and have religions come together more often. The most common season of the year that this takes place is Thanksgiving.

Well intended as it is, I have not really noticed any sustained effort on this issue.

Animal Chaplains can be the ones to forge a path toward effective and peaceful inter faith efforts. In life and in death, animals have a way of bringing people together, and this can be used to bring inter faith efforts to new and sustained levels.

Just consider how you are more inclined to interact with a person on the street who is walking a dog, as opposed to if they were alone. In addition, it is more likely we would look past something “different” about that person and focus instead on the dog.

Consider how much this concept can help break down the walls of religions and build inter faith efforts while making the image of what you do so much more enhanced.
Members are encouraged to submit questions to Joe at , which will be answered in upcoming issues of the eNews & Views .
Be Cautious on TCJA 2017 Changes – 1031 Exchange Narrowed
It’s still being debated and discussed if the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act 2017 (TCJA) has been a complete boon to the economy or a bust. Truthfully the effects won’t be felt completely until next tax season, and for years after as different parts implement themselves and go-away themselves.

The Home Office has distributed dues renewals for the 2018 membership term, which began on January 1st. If you haven't already, be sure to renew your membership with the IAOPCC to ensure that there are no interruptions to your membership benefits. Please follow the link below to renew online .
To login to your membership account, please follow these steps:
  1. Enter username - The Primary email address we have on file for you.
  2. Enter password - Personally created; If you have never logged-in, use Password1 (case sensitive) and you will be asked to change your password.

  • Once you are logged-in, select Membership located in the left-hand menu.
  • Where it says Shop For, choose your facility name from the drop down menu and select Go to Shopping. Be sure you are renewing under your facility name.
  • Choose the appropriate membership type and Add to Cart. Review your cart and select Check Out.
  • Fill in your payment information and select Purchase Now

Thank you for your on-going commitment to your International Association of Pet Cemeteries and Crematories, the  Recognized Leader in the Aftercare Industry!

If you have any questions or comments regarding your membership renewal or need assistance, please email  or call the Home Office at (800) 952-5541.

Our goal is to provide a list of resources that you can draw from to provide your staff and clients for educational and informational services. If you have a resource that you would like to submit for consideration, please email the Home Office at

From the Risk Engineering Organization of The Hartford
Aggressive driving behaviors are among the leading causes in highway crashes and fatalities across the country. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) defines aggressive driving as “committing a combination of moving offenses so as to endanger other persons or property.”1 Many drivers do not realize their behavior is considered aggressive driving.

The e News & Views will now be distributed three times a year along with a special printed Conference edition of the News & Views each Summer. The IAOPCC offers several advertising options to fit every budget!

The  International Association Of Pet Cemeteries & Crematories (IAOPCC)  is an organization dedicated to advancing the standards, ethics, and professionalism of pet cemeteries and crematories around the world.   With Members in more than 15 countries, we are the Recognized Leader in the Pet Aftercare Profession !