If this past year taught us nothing else, we all should have learned the importance of controlling your own destiny. In a time when we were all faced with unprecedented challenges and unforeseen circumstances, it became clear that if you took control of your life and your business you had success. Moving forward we all need to continue to do just that, take control! Don’t wait for someone else to tell you what to do, search out the opportunity and attack it. Those that do this will have a great year, those that are complacent will not and will miss opportunity.
The IAOPCC is positioned to have a great year! Financially we are stable, and our 2021 budgeting is forward looking. We will be investing in our future by working harder and smarter. 2021 will bring a significant push for growth of our membership base and our partnerships.
Kathleen Schaab continues to do an exceptional job in servicing our Member’s and Partner’s administrative needs. During the renewal period, please allow one full day for Kathleen to respond to you, or feel free to contact me if you need an immediate response.
We are working on the 2021 Conference daily. It is shaping up to be the best we have ever held and we are very excited to bring you more details in the coming weeks/months. Plan to attend the event that will be held in Chicago, IL on Sept. 16-18th, 2021.
Each and every IAOPCC Member plays a critical role in keeping the IAOPCC informed about what is happening at the local, state, and regional level that is affecting you, our member. If/when you hear of issues, proposed legislation, or opportunities that affect you please contact us immediately via e-mail at info@iaopc.com. IAOPCC exists in part to help protect our members livelihoods, but we cannot help address an issue unless we know that it exists. Please take the time to let us know about issues and opportunities as you come across them!
Finally, I want to thank all of you for renewing your support for our association! We know that you don’t need to be members, but are because you see the value in our organization and what we are doing to help you in your businesses. Thanks again for your support and get out there and as always “Never let fear slow you down”.
Robert Blosser
As I write this column, we are excitedly looking forward to our first in-person IAOPCC Board Meeting in Atlanta in more than two years! Your BOD will meet in March, (of course practicing all COVID-19 protocols!) and begin laying out the many projects planned for 2021. While the Board has continued to meet monthly via zoom conference, there is nothing quite like getting to sit down across from each other and lay out detailed plans to meet the goals that have been set. One of those goals includes finalizing plans for our Annual Conference in September in our association’s “birthplace” of Chicago! We are so excited to be celebrating the IAOPCC’s 50th anniversary this year -- That’s 50 years of continuous Membership, dedication to best practices, and a commitment to elevating the standards of excellence in our industry. Reflecting back, I realize how much has been accomplished over the past fifty years:
- From small conferences of 15 attendees to large conferences of 100+ attendees coming from all over the world to network and share ideas;
- The establishing of standard terminology and industry guidelines;
- The development of training and certification programs that are specifically designed and laser-focused on pet aftercare;
- The introduction of the industry’s only Accreditation Program representing best practices in pet cremation care and management.
The list could go on and on! Through the years, we’ve all seen many changes: within our industry, within our businesses, and within our own practices and protocols. And while change is often a catalyst for growth, it is also the one thing you can always count on -- change will continue to happen! As a member of the IAOPCC, you can count on the IAOPCC to continue to change, to evolve, and to grow with our industry. We are committed to becoming better and continuously looking for ways to improve for our Members.
As we begin to finalize the details of this year’s conference, we will be reflecting on and appreciating our past while looking forward to our future. A few items on our Agenda includes:
A special night of recognition, awards, and fun aboard the Odyssey on Lake Michigan Dinner River Cruise;
- An on-site tour of Hinsdale Pet Cemetery & Crematory
- Live Demonstration Workshops including:
- How to Pour a Cap on a Crematory Floor!
- Creating Unique Paw Prints for Your Clients!
- Setting Up Your Transportation Vehicles!
- How to Build a Butterfly Garden for Your Business!
- And of course, we have several world-class speakers dedicated to motivating and guiding you toward increasing your bottom-line!
I am looking forward more than ever to seeing everyone at our 50th Annual Conference, September 16-18, 2021 at the Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza River North in Chicago, IL.
Mark your calendars now for an exciting time as we celebrate 50 years of passion, purpose, and excellence with the IAOPCC!
Please continue to watch for emails and visit our website to stay abreast of announcements regarding our Conference, registration, events and happenings! If you have news to share, please be sure to email Kathleen at the Home Office at info@iaopcc.com. We love highlighting our members and their accomplishments!
Take care, stay safe, and Healthy and know that your IAOPCC association and Board are here to help you in any way we can.
with Martin Hopp, IAOPCC Board Member
Who would of thought that this pandemic would still be effecting the world 18 months after we first heard of COVID-19.
Even though most of our business comes from our local area, I miss not being able to visit other countries and see how the pet cremation industry is going around the world. We have been very lucky with the amount of people effected by the COVID-19 in Australia.
My thoughts go out to every member who knows someone who has been affected. I know our members in the UK, America, and many other countries have had to work hard to meet the safety need of their governments around the COVID-19 rules.
Hopefully can see light at the end of the tunnel with a vaccine being rolled out, but I think we all have a few more months of this interruption to our business and our lives.
I have gained strength during the last 18 months by being able to talk to other members going through the same problems and worries that we have been confronted with. Getting advice and support from other people who are in the same industry has been so important to my business and mental health.
Please remember we as members are all in this together. If you need to talk to someone look up the membership list of the IAOPCC and you will find someone who will always have time to talk to you.
Usually in my International report I would give you numbers of new members and a list of members who have achieved Accreditation with the IAOPCC but I do not feel the numbers are important at this time; it the safety of our members and the success of their business that is the most important matter Internationally at the moment.
Please stay safe and remember the IAOPCC is a family and if anyone wants to talk about anything my phone is always on!
Martin Hopp
Pets in Peace
+61 407964092
We are excited to roll out our newest Online Program with the introduction of our first Pet Bereavement Specialist Certification! This is the first in a series of three online certifications for Pet Bereavement. CLICK HERE for Promotional Video!
CLICK HERE for information on the course and how to register.
with Steve Woods & Keith Shugart, Co-Chairs of the IAOPCC Standards Committee
Welcome to 2021! We are all hopeful that this year will be a great improvement over the trials and hardships experience by many people in our industry, our communities, and nation.
As we begin 2021, I would like to encourage us all to make it a priority to refresh our business practices and compare them to the new 2021 IAOPCC Accreditation Workbook that contains all the latest IAOPCC International Pet Cremation Standards! This new edition is currently in print and will be available to you shortly.
Remember, these International Standards were put in place after diligent and extensive research by your peers and members of the aftercare community. The Standard Committee Members were comprised from new and older established large crematory and small crematory operations. They were from veterinarian-owned crematories as well as cemetery and crematory combination businesses. We had representation of North America and international operations. The standards were discussed and debated at length (years in fact!) before being approved by the IAOPCC Standards Committee. The final steps included approval by the IAOPCC Board of Directors before being voted on and accepted by the IAOPCC membership at the annual conferences.
The IAOPCC Standards are the recipe for the success and smooth operation of your pet aftercare business when used on a daily basis. When your clients have a question about your procedures or policies all you have to do is state that this procedure, technique or policy is an international pet cremation standard. Tell them that you are a member of the IAOPCC and follow their strict standards. You can show the client the standard that is in black and white.
Your client, whether pet parent or veterinarian will respect you and your business even more because you try to provide best pet aftercare properly and you are transparent.
The IAOPCC Standards Committee would like to hear from you if you have any further ideas to add to or improve our international pet cremation standards.
Robert Erdman is the Chairman of the sub-committee on Alkaline Hydrolysis standards. Please get in touch with Robert with any further ideas that you have on alkaline hydrolysis so we can get the standards for that procedure moving this year and possibly publish them in the next IAOPCC Standards Workbook.
Please contact the IAOPCC Home Office at info@iaopc.com and they will direct your ideas to the standards committee members so we can act on them.
Have you renewed your IAOPCC membership for 2021?
Renewing your IAOPCC membership online is easy! CLICK HERE to login to your membership profile and renew your membership.
If you need your login information, please contact the home office at info@iaopc.com.
Hartsdale Pet Cemetery was chosen to participate in Wreaths Across America with 2,100 other cemeteries in all 50 states. A small, socially distanced ceremony took place on Saturday, December 19th. Wreaths were laid on Hartsdale’s War Dog Memorial and other memorials surrounding the War Dog to honor our fallen heroes. This was the first year that canine heroes were honored and Hartsdale is the first pet cemetery to participate in the event.
Click below to view the ceremony:
We would like to welcome the newest IAOPCC members:
Affiliate Member
Mark McClure, Pittsburgh, PA
Regular Members
All-Tenn Pet & Horse Cremation, La Vergne, TN
Crevasse’s Pet Funeral Home, Gainesville, FL
Historic Congressional Cemetery, Washington, DC
Pet Memo, Zagreb, Croatia
Sacramento Pet Aquamation, Folsom, CA
The Cremation Co, LLC, Hillsville, VA
Supplier Members
Since 1957, M. Cornell, Inc. has been based in St. Paul, MN, specializing in the design and distribution of top quality, affordably priced wooden urns made in Poland. M. Cornell is a second-generation family-run business!
M. Cornell, Inc. has two locations, an office and a warehouse, both in St. Paul, MN. They have a dedicated year-round staff and in-house art department.
M. Cornell, Inc. works closely with their clients to provide custom made products in addition to their regular product line. They have a very low minimum order quantity for custom projects. M. Cornell, Inc. offer 400 styles in their regular product line ranging from $5.00 to $25.00. All urns are produced by hand from seasoned wood grown in sustainable forests. Great emphasis is given to ensure tight closure with latches, lock & key or raised interior lip.
M. Cornell, Inc. has been an IAOPCC member since 1999! "IAOPCC is the premier organization for the end-of-life pet industry; being a member gives us great credibility when developing relationships with new customers".
To contact M. Cornell, Inc.:
Phone: (651) 633-8690
By Christine Ogorsolka Johnson
Fellow IAOPCC Members: With my business, Eden Memorial Pet Care Inc., I have found my blog a useful tool for continued growth within my business in many ways. Not only do I use the blog for marketing; but a useful tool to educate the public and my veterinary hospitals and staff in the importance of Pet Aftercare and the many sides of our industry. In many of these articles you may find that they are more geared toward “clients”. Please free to take what you need from this information and use it for ideas and education to continue the growth in your Pet Aftercare business. Enjoy!
Importance of a Reputable Pet Crematory
Importance of a reputable pet crematory and the questions you should be asking yourself and your veterinarian are crucial when faced with the passing of your BFF (Best Furry Friend). People are always surprised when I explain to them that when it comes to Pet Cremation & Aftercare services; regulations vary from state to state and even counties. With the pet industry booming in the last ten years, what used to be considered, as a “back door service” with veterinarians is now much more of a personalized business that has become more closely compared to a “funeral home” experience. So, when that time comes that your BFF (Best Furry Friend) is ready to cross the Rainbow Bridge, how confident are you on the service provider that your veterinarian has chosen? Have you done your research on the facility? And have you had your questions answered and your wishes fulfilled?
Pet Cremation a popular choice –
Pet Cremation is at an all-time high, with more pet crematoriums being built than pet cemeteries. People are more nomadic these days and/or do not have the means to have a “home burial”. Gone are the days that “Spot” or “Mr. Fluffypants” is buried under the tree in the backyard. So, then what…cremation. Cremation is a beautiful way to memorialize your family pet, your BFF; or your choice to keep the cremains in a beautiful urn or jewelry or spread the cremains in a favorite place. With this choice of aftercare for your beloved family member comes trust in your veterinarian to provide you with this service. Why not…they have been a part of your pet’s life since day one; so, shouldn’t they be the one person you trust to help you at the end of life of your pet? Have they chosen a caring pet crematory to provide the services you want for your beloved?
You do have options –
Veterinary Hospitals and Clinics all provide this service and choose a crematory facility (usually local) to contract with and supply the appropriate services. Just as any business should do, they will compare service types and pricing. All crematories offer different services, transportation and pricing structures. But what about regulations and ethics–Is this considered as well? In most cases yes…but you as the owner and pet parent have the right to ask what facility is your pet going to for his/her aftercare services.
Many pet parents have come to me and have said, “I didn’t know I had options!”
Well, you do. You not only have options but you now have the knowledge of what questions to ask so that you can make the best decision for your family.
Top 10 Questions to ask when looking for a reputable Pet Crematory near you:
- What are the different pet cremation services available to you?
- Can each service type be explained to you properly?
- If choosing a Private Cremation service, how do you know this pet is “actually” your pet coming back?
- If you choose no cremains back, what is the pet crematorium’s process and where are the cremains spread?
- Is the pet crematory facility associated with any reputable organizations, accredited and/or regulated?
- Has the veterinarian and/or staff visited the facility and know it is a reputable company?
- Does the crematory facility available for tours to clients? Or may you schedule a private pet cremation viewing with your pet?
- What is the identification process for your pet after he/she passes?
- When will your beloved be transported to pet crematory and do you have the option to take the pet yourself to facility or schedule a special pick up?
- What is the timing of your pet’s cremation and if you have chosen for cremains to be returned to you- when can you expect them to be returned?
Don’t be overwhelmed
I know…it’s a lot of questions…and there are more. I do feel these are the most pertinent and popular among our clients. Being in this industry for nearly two decades I can assure you that there is not one question more important than the other. When it comes to your BFF, your pet companion or your beloved family member…all questions are important when it comes to choosing a reputable pet crematory in your area.
In your research, you will start learning the lingo of what pet cremation services available to you– Private Cremation, Separated Private Cremation, Communal Cremation. These are all pretty standard…the important thing here is to remember this is a very personal decision. Just make sure the services can be explained to you in a clear manner.
It’s all about who you are associated with
Common concerns like “getting your pet back”, proper identification, procedures, record keeping, etc. can all be put at ease by one important factor— is the facility associated with national and international associations. Associations like: International Association of Pet Cemeteries and Crematories (IAOPCC), and the Cremation Association of North America (CANA) are two leaders in the industry.
And even more important than being a part of these associations is the fact that many of these organizations offer education and accreditation programs. Does the facility your veterinarian use have an accreditation or offer education to their staff? Eden Memorial Pet Care is not only the 1st and only IAOPCC Accredited Facility in California but we also have certified Pet Crematory Operators.
Follow the Code – the Code of Ethics
There is a Code of Ethics that these organizations stand by and in order to be associated with these organizations, pet crematories must abide by these ethics. Some may pay their dues…but many others are attending conferences, educating their staff and understand what honor it holds to have an accreditation. With accreditation, facilities are held to audits from organizations and must be following all rules and guidelines. So, make sure your pet crematory is either accredited and/or at least highly involved with these organizations. Just posting the logo on their website doesn’t mean anything. Call and ask them directly!
Goals turning into reality
My goal from day one with Eden Memorial Pet Care Inc has been to be above and beyond! Serving the Central Coast/Valley for 17 years and building a facility where people can have an experience, which can leave them with some comfort has been a dream turning into a reality. My mission in the last few years has been to educate the public (everywhere) on services and options available to you. Encouraging everyone to ask questions and to feel comfortable with the answers you are getting so you can make the best decision. Cremation isn’t for everyone and that is ok…but if you do choose it then make sure you are getting what you want and from a reputable company.
What’s the big deal with Accreditation?
Pet crematories, in the state of California are mainly regulated within each county by the Air Pollution Control District. Different States and Countries regulated differently. There are permits to apply for and rules to follow but this has nothing to do with caring for a person’s pet and how the pet is actually handled from the veterinary hospital to the crematory facility. Additionally, it has nothing to do with properly trained crematory operators and ethics within procedures. All of these things and more come from business that actively seeks out organizations and accreditation programs. With these associations come rules to follow, ethics to uphold and procedures properly learned.
The Short of the Long
· -Do your research
· -Ask questions
· -Feel confident in the information you have received
· -Plan- Pre-plan if you can –making decisions in the state of grief is extremely difficult
· -Go with the company who is reputable!
Christine Ogorsolka Johnson is a Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Mama Bear - if I'm not running my two kiddos around, you will find me working on the next business project, spending time with the people I love and seeking new adventures.
Stop Listing Features
Tell Your Pet Parents the Benefits
During my career, I have had the opportunity to review many sales brochures. I am still amazed at how many times the marketing literature focuses only on the features of the products. The sales piece proudly lists all the “bells and whistles” of the product. The problem is that I have never found anyone who buys only based on features. People buy benefits.
Don’t leave the logical progression from feature to advantage to benefit up to your pet parents. Explain the benefit first. If that is a benefit that your prospect cares about, they will be interested in how your company can deliver that benefit. You then explain how your solution has a specific advantage over other solutions that leads to that benefit. The pet owner might want to know what it is about your solution that gives it this advantage, and then you can explain about the feature that delivers that specific advantage.
Let me give you an example. Let’s say your pet aftercare facility has a crematory on your premises:
Feature: onsite crematory
Advantage: we do all our cremations, not an outside company
Benefit: your pet never leaves our care
To see how Features, Advantages, and Benefits together create a compelling targeted message, consider the following statements:
Statement #1: “Our company has a crematory on our premises."
Statement #2: “We do not have other companies do our cremations. We have a crematory on our premises.”
Statement #3: “Your pet never leaves our care. We do not have other companies perform our cremations. We have a crematory on our premises.”
So which statement has more impact?
Knowing the difference between features, advantages, and benefits is essential; however, using this technique is not easily mastered. A mentor of mine provided me with this exercise to help me understand the Feature – Advantage – Benefit progression:
Feature: It Is
Advantage: It Does
Benefit: You Get.
Remember, benefits sell products. They are derived not from the product, but the pet parent’s point of view.
Joe Weigel is the owner of Weigel Strategic Marketing, a marketing firm that delivers expertise and results across three interrelated disciplines: strategy, branding and communications. You can visit his website at weigelstrategicmarketing.webs.com. He also can be reached at 317-608-8914 or joseph.weigel@gmail.com.
The Power of The Pause
When I am giving a presentation, I need to remain very mindful to include moments of silence, or a pause. During a service for a deceased pet this challenge increases, as does the importance.
The power of the pause is not easy to accomplish since we are usually uncomfortable with silence, but it is extremely effective during this emotional time for a family.
Pick up the nearest book, magazine or newspaper and read out loud an article that is three paragraphs or more. Work consciously at pausing every couple of sentences. Notice that it does take some focus. Now consider doing this with a group of people in front of you! I am sure you get the point. It may be difficult, but an important thing to do. I suggest practicing the power of the pause as much as possible.
The payoffs are worth it. If you are reading a prayer or a poem, the pause provides an opportunity for the people to really connect with what you have read.
If you are proclaiming a reading from the Bible, the family can interpret what the words are saying to them at that moment.
The pause also gives you the presider an opportunity to make a connection with the people you are with. They will appreciate these few seconds of silence and also realize you are not rushing through the service.
As always, I am willing to discuss this topic with you in more detail.
Joe Dwyer
Joe Dwyer's professional career began as a Chemical engineer at Schering Plough, having earned a degree in chemistry from Rutgers University. His career took a turn in 2000 when he joined the Archdiocese of Newark, NJ. He was instrumental in reshaping the administration within the Archdiocese and spent seven years as Vice Chancellor for Administration where he led the activities of the major departmental groups of the Archdiocese. Joe is a graduate of the Emerson Theological Institute certified as an Animal Chaplain.
We want to hear from YOU! Please share your news with your IAOPCC peers! Send updates, articles and award announcements to info@iaopc.com.
The eNews & Views is distributed to members three times a year along with a special printed Conference edition of the News & Views each Summer. The IAOPCC offers several advertising options to fit every budget!
Our goal is to provide a list of resources that you can draw from to provide to your staff and clients for educational and informational services. If you have a resource that you would like to submit for consideration, please email us info@iaopc.com.
The International Association of Pet Cemeteries & Crematories (IAOPCC) is an organization dedicated to advancing the standards, ethics, and professionalism of pet cemeteries and crematories around the world. With Members in more than 15 countries, we are the Recognized Leader in the Pet Aftercare Profession!