Thank you!
IASWECE Donors and Sponsors

We are very grateful to the donors and sponsors who have supported IASWECE in 2022! 
To donate for 2022 visit

Individuals and Kindergartens
Aerts, Clara
Eks, Svetlana
Gjessing Paulsen, Eldbjorg
F., Frauke
Henning, Erika
J., Sigrid
Jensen, Silvia
L., Dorothea
Popescu, Gabriela
R., Martin
R., Markus
S., Ulrike
Taplin, Jill
Waldorfkindergarten Bad Endorf, DE
Waldorfkindergarten Hildesheim, DE
Walter-Baumgartner, Jacqueline
Van Zyl, Heather
Country Associations
Asociación de Centros Educativos Waldorf de España, ES
Australian Association for Rudolf Steiner Early Childhood Education Inc., AU
Steinerbarnehageforbundet i Norge, NO
Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America, US, CA, MX
Związek Szkoł i Przedszkoli Waldorfskich w Polsce, PL

Associations, Foundations and Sponsors

European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education, BE
Editorial Rudolf Steiner, ES
Centro de Formación de Pedagogía Waldorf, ES
Kindling, UK

NESWCE, UK & Hochiming & Hanoi, VT 
If you have not yet made a contribution for 2022 we hope that you will do so now and support our work
 on behalf of young children around the world!

According to the new European data protection regulations, we need the formal consent of individuals
before we can publish their names. If your name is missing and you would like it published please fill out this consent form and email us at [email protected].