IASWECE Newsletter
July 2022
Dear Colleagues and Friends around the World!

We all want children to be happy. However, we live in turbulent times and the future is uncertain. What is true happiness? What can we do so that those who are children today have the strength and courage to embrace their future as adults, and are able to face the challenges that come their way with positivity? And how can we help children who are already experiencing tremendously difficult and traumatic situations at a very young age?

In this issue, several authors invite us to reflect on resilience, pain, and the capacity to overcome, and give us ideas about how to understand, protect and help children.

In addition, you can read the Annual Report on IASWECE 2021's activities, with detailed information on all the international projects that receive educational and financial support, thanks to our donors.
Very warm greetings,

Lourdes Tormes
On behalf of the Council of IASWECE

Resilience: Not Just Bouncing Back
By Joan Almon

Multi-dimensional resilience allows us to face life’s obstacles and transform them into steppingstones.

On Research into Resilience
By Christof Wiechert

The question is, how does an individual cope with traumatic or otherwise shattering events in his or her life? 

Fears in the First Seven Years:
On the Effect of Feelings Between Parents and Child
By Karin Michael

Children live in a strong emotional bond with their parents. This is an important basis for healthy development, but in unfortunate cases, it can also be the cause of deep grievances.

No Freedom Without Development
By Philipp Reubke

Thoughts on free play and religious tolerance in Waldorf kindergartens.

Mom, Are We Going to War?
By Andrea Wiebelitz

How do we deal with the children in such stressful times? How do we respond to children's questions about war?

Taji La Upendo - The Crown of Love
By Tabitha Wangeci Gikingo 

Waldorf Worldwide
IASWECE's Annual Report 2021

We are pleased to present you our 2021 Annual Report. We hope that the activity described will motivate you to continue to support our work on behalf of the young child worldwide. 

Balkans Awakening
By Anita Huqi and Anila Shaqira

Peoples’ Declaration for Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Health

Healthcare as a participative, respectful, diverse
and collaborative system.

Family Festival at the Goetheanum
4th to 7th August 2022

Publications from IASWECE
Eurythmy in Kindergarten
by Sabine Deimann

Eurythmy in Kindergarten is a beautifully illustrated answer to the question, “Why eurythmy in kindergarten?” This unique, artistic form of movement with its deep connection to the formative power of speech is especially important for the development of young children’s speech, which is increasingly under threat in our times.

The following publications and resources have been created through the collaboration of IASWECE Council members and colleagues from IASWECE Member countries.

Books with prices in $ can be ordered through the WECAN bookshop in the USA (just click on the links below).

Books with prices in € can be ordered by sending an email to [email protected]. We will take your order, calculate the shipping fees, and send the books to you after receiving your payment through wire transfer.
How You Can Help

IASWECE provides financial and pedagogical support to projects working to develop and foster the quality of Waldorf early childhood education all over the world.  

How you can make a donation:

Job Offers
The IASWECE Newsletter is published on behalf of the IASWECE Council by Lourdes Tormes, with support from Susan Howard, Clara Aerts, Ursula Dotzler and Lara Radysh. 

Country Projects, Outreach, Collaboration and Support
Clara Aerts, Belgium
Tel 0032 498 223 281

Membership, Training, Recognition and World List
Susan Howard, USA
Tel 001 413 549 5930

Newsletter, Website, Publications, Birth to Three, and Projects
Lourdes Tormes, Spain
Tel +34 653 91 31 99