IASWECE Newsletter
September 2019
Dear friends and colleagues,

On the weekend of September 6 -7, the first Waldorf school in Stuttgart, Germany celebrated its 100th birthday in Stuttgart's largest concert hall, the "Liederhalle". Although at the time of the founding of this school, there was, as Rudolf Steiner said, "not enough money and not enough space" to create a kindergarten, it is nonetheless a very special moment for all Steiner/Waldorf early childhood educators - a moment to look for treasures, like the children in a kindergarten in New Zealand are doing in the photo above. If the children might find a crystal, a flower or a bird fallen from the nest, we may find imaginations to deepen our understanding of the little child, inspirations to formulate our essentials in a new way and intuitions to renew our practice.

In this issue you will find a reminder of suggestions from the IASWECE Council for celebrating Waldorf 100 in kindergartens, a link to the live stream of the major Waldorf 100 celebration in Berlin on September 19th, and a selection of events and conferences in the coming months. We also include a biography and special thoughts about Joan Almon, a colleague who crossed the threshold in July, and who was active for Early Childhood and the worldwide Waldorf movement in an incredibly strong way. And finally, you will also find some impressions about early childhood in China, Egypt and South Africa.

All the best to those who have now begun a new school year and also for those who, like our colleagues in New Zealand, still have four more months until their summer holidays!

On behalf of the IASWECE coordinating group
Philipp Reubke
Waldorf 100
What would you or your kindergarten like to do to celebrate 100 years of Waldorf education?
Upcoming Waldorf 100 Conferences and Events
Follow the live stream of the Waldorf 100 festival in Berlin on September 19th
The live stream begins on 19.09.2019 starting at 10.00 am MET. The official ceremonial act begins at 10.30 am. The live stream will be translated into English as an option. After the end of the event the live stream will be available online. During the live broadcast it is not possible to jump back to an earlier section – so be on time if you don’t want to miss a particular item on the program!

Other Waldorf 100 Conferences:
  • September 27th - 29: "The Kingdom of Childhood". Waldorf 100 conference in Bangalore, India. Program and registration
  • October 5th: "Working together for the child in the 21st century". Forest Row/UK. Organized by the Steiner-Waldorf Schools Fellowship in the UK. Program and registration
  • October 4th - 6th: WECAN Birth to Three Conference. Keene, USA. Program and registration
  • October 19th- 21st: "Demain entre nos mains". Waldorf 100 conference in Verrières near Paris, France. Organized by "Fédération Pédagogie Steiner-Waldorf en France'. Program and registration
  • November 7th: “The art of education: Empowering our children to shape their future”. Brussels, Royal Flemish Theatre Organized by ECSWE. Program and registration
  • November 9th: "Right to the future- what do children need for tomorrow?" Kassel/Germany. Organized by the Association of Waldorf Kindergartens in Germany. Program and registration
Waldorf Worldwide
Remembrances of Joan Almon
Waldorf Education in Egypt: "Everyone is amazed that such a thing is possible."
Natalie Kux, Switzerland

Building the Kingdom of Childhood Together: A Vignette from Yulin, Guangxi, People’s Republic of China
Stephanie Hoelscher, USA

Work in the Townships and Learn about Waldorf - News about the Birth to Three Mentoring Project in Cape Town
Nomathemba Tindlini, Cape Town, South Africa

How You Can Help
IASWECE provides financial and pedagogical support to projects in order to develop and foster the quality of Waldorf early childhood education all over the world. 
Job Offers
info@iaswece.org    www.iaswece.org

The IASWECE Newsletter is published on behalf of the IASWECE Council by Philipp Reubke, with support from Clara Aerts, Susan Howard, and Lara Radysh. 

Country Projects, Partnerships and Support: 
Clara Aerts, Belgium 
Tel 0032 498 223 281  
Membership, Working Groups, and World List: 
Susan Howard, USA  
Tel 001 413 549 5930                                
Conferences, Country Projects, Newsletter 
Philipp Reubke, France 
Tel 0033 977 197 137