July 2022 | IATDMCT Monthly E-News Blog Icon LinkedIn Icon Twitter Icon Facebook Icon
››› 20th Congress in Prague, Czech Republic, 18-21 September 2022!
››› Call for Applications to Host IATDMCT 2026
››› 2022 IATDMCT Member-Get-A Member Campaign
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››› IATDMCT Blog
››› Published Ahead-of-Print in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring – Latest Update
››› News from the Communication Committee
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The Annual IATDMCT Meeting – 20th Congress of the International Association of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring & Clinical Toxicology in Prague, Czech Republic, September 18-21, 2022



The 20th International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring & Clinical Toxicology (IATDMCT 2022) will be held from Sunday 18th to Wednesday 21st September 2022 in Prague, Czech Republic. IATDMCT 2022 will be the 20th opportunity for experts in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology from the whole world to meet and shape the future of our field. The theme of the congress is Bridging the Troubled Waters.

Registration is Open!


  • 17 September 2022: Regular registration deadline
  • 18 September 2022: Pre-congress symposium
  • 18–21 September 2022: Congress days

The scientific programme of IATDMCT 2022 is continuously updated on the website!

The Congress dinner will be held on September 20 in the Municipal House Restaurant. Tickets are still available! https://www.iatdmct2022.org/congress-dinner/

23rd International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring & Clinical Toxicology 2026

IATDMCT 2026Deadline: July 31, 2022

At the 2022 IATDMCT Congress in Prague, the venue for the 2026 Congress will be chosen.

Members interested in submitting a proposal to host the Congress must submit an application by July 31, 2022. The purpose of this application is to provide guidance for candidates and to facilitate the task of selecting the final site, for the Site Selection Committee. You may choose to submit the information required on the application form in a different format, but all questions on the form should be addressed. Very often a tourism office, conference centre, or hotel in the region can help you gather the information.

For more information on the application process, please contact: Congress Site Selection Committee

Click here to email your nomination

2022 IATDMCT Member-Get-A-Member Campaign – The Competition is On!


IATDMCT Professional


Join us in maintaining the IATDMCT membership! We look forward to inspiring many further colleagues who share with us the idea of an optimized and personalized drug treatment to join us in IATDMCT. Please ensure you renew your membership in order to retain your IATDMCT member benefits.

Our 2022 Member-Get-A Member Campaign now is up and running! Members are invited to inform their colleagues (who are not members yet) about the benefits of membership. Let’s build a strong partnership together!

Campaign Deadline: August 31, 2022.

As usual the top recruiter (with at least 50%-paying members) will gain a free registration for the IATDMCT Congress 2022 in Prague.

Click here for complete participation details!

Follow the IATDMCT Institutional LinkedIn Page for Updates

LinkedInFind the latest news and follow our IATDMCT institutional page on LinkedIn!

Click here to access the page!

IATDMCT Blog: IATDMCT Blog: Applicability of Volumetric Absorptive Microsampling in Pediatric Populations

Jana Stojanova Blog PhotoThis month we are publishing a recent contribution to the Compass about the applicability of Volumetric Absorptive Microsampling in pediatric populations, by Constantinos Pistos, on behalf of the Alternative Sampling Strategies Committee. This application promises to overcome some of the challenges of performing TDM in children, however plasma to whole blood relationships must be demonstrated, and often new therapeutic windows must be established for clinical applicability.

Read more

Published Ahead-Of-Print in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring – Latest Update

TDM Journal

Stay ahead with the latest scientific research developments in the fields of TDM and CT!

The monthly Therapeutic Drug Monitoring column provides you with the latest posts of ahead-of-print. Bringing to you articles posted online June 13 - July 13, 2022:


  • Development and Validation of a Simple Method for Simultaneously Measuring the Concentrations of BCR-ABL and Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Dried Blood Spot (DBS): A Pilot Study to Obtain Candidate Conversion Equations for Predicting Plasma Concentration Based on DBS Concentration
    Mukai, Yuji; Yoshida, Tatsunari; Kondo, Takeshi; Miura, Jun; Inotsume, Nobuo; Toda, Takaki
  • Tacrolimus Population Pharmacokinetic Model in Adult Chinese Patients with Nephrotic Syndrome and Dosing Regimen Identification using Monte Carlo Simulations
    Liao, Minghao; Wang, Minglu; Zhu, Xu; Zhao, Limei; Zhao, Mingming
  • Teaching a New Dog Old Tricks: Ultra-fast liquid-chromatography/tandem-mass spectrometry analysis of nine ß-lactam antibiotics for improved therapeutic drug monitoring
    Hodgkins, Christopher; Cordwell, Stuart J.; Kocic, Danijela
  • Predictive Capacity of Population Pharmacokinetic Models for the Tacrolimus Dose Requirements of Pediatric Solid Organ Transplant Recipients
    Pasternak, Amy L.; Park, Jeong M.; Pai, Manjunath P.
    Ialongo, Cristiano; Sapio, Maria; Angeloni, Antonio
  • Pharmacokinetic Model Based on Stochastic Simulation and Estimation for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Tacrolimus in Korean Adult Transplant Recipients
    Choi, Suein; Hong, Yunjeong; Jung, Sook-Hyun; Kang, Gaeun; Ghim, Jong-Ryul; Han, Seunghoon
  • Population Pharmacokinetics of Nivolumab in Japanese Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
    Tohi, Makiko; Irie, Kei; Mizuno, Tomoyuki; Okuyoshi, Hiroyuki; Hirabatake, Masaki; Ikesue, Hiroaki; Muroi, Nobuyuki; Eto, Masaaki; Fukushima, Shoji; Tomii, Keisuke; Hashida, Tohru


  • Significant Improvement in Digoxin Immunoassays Over Four Decades: Newer Assays are Less Affected by Interferences
    Dasgupta, Amitava
  • The appropriately designed TDM clinical trial: endpoints, pitfalls and perspectives.
    van Gelder, Teun


  • Passage of venlafaxine in human milk during 12 months of lactation: a case report Letter to the editor
    ChemD, Sara Baldelli; Pogliani, Laura; Schneider, Laura; Clementi, Emilio; Zuccotti, Gianvincenzo; Cattaneo, Dario

››Submit your high quality research – Information for authors.

News from the Communication Committee

communicationsThe Communication Committee would like to inform the membership that advertisements for professional positions (Ph.D. and Post-Doc job opportunities) in the field of TDM/CT, will be published in the E-news instead of on the IATDMCT website. Please e-mail the office with the advertisement for the position and it will be published in an upcoming monthly E-news. (IATDMCT office email: [email protected])

Below please find informative links about the current situation, which specifically addresses the rapid identification of COVID-19 cases as well as adverse reactions due to interaction of drugs:

IATDMCT Events Calendar
  Are you aware of additional events of potential interest for the IATDMCT society? Share this information with your IATDMCT colleagues by posting it on our Events Calendar.

» Click here to Post an Event on our Online Events Calendar today!

Visit the IATDMCT Events Calendar and stay informed about the upcoming TDM and CT Meetings. By doing this you can comfortably and directly reach all related online resources.

  20th International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring & Clinical Toxicology
  IATDMCT 2022
  2022 ACCP Annual Meeting

ACCP 2022


Join your peers at the 2022 ACCP Global Conference on Clinical Pharmacy! Early Registration Deadline is September 19.

Click here for more information!

  Iberoamerican Pharmacometric Network (RedIF) 2022 Congress

RedIF 2022


The Iberoamerican Pharmacometric Network (RedIF) 2022 congress will take place in Porto Alegre, Brazil from October 5th to 7th. Between Aug 22 and 29 there is submission for late breaking abstracts!

Financial support for tickets/stay for 6 students selected to present their work orally is offered. Do not miss it!

Please visit the website for more information: https://redifcongress2022.eventize.com.br/index.php?language=en.

Learn more...

Contact E-News

Communications Committee LogoCo-editor: Manuela Neuman
Co-editor: Ryuji Kato
Co-editor: Miao Yan

NOTE: Items appearing in the IATDMCT monthly E-News do not necessarily have the endorsement of the Association.

IATDMCT | International Association of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology
[email protected] | www.iatdmct.org