IB Bulldogs Blast


Greetings Tubman Families and Friends,

Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful winter break. We are thrilled to have the students back at school. Report Cards went home Friday. Please review these with your child and reach out to our educators as you have any questions Below are a few updates.


Principal Carey

Upcoming Events

Lunar New Year is Sunday, January 22, 2023

2023 is the Year of the Rabbit

Happy Lunar New Year to all who celebrate!


Important Dates & Upcoming Events:


  • 1/17: Dining Night Out Fundraiser at Zizi's
  • 1/18: National Thank You Month with Bulldog Buddies
  • 1/19: LSC Communications Committee Monthly Meeting at 12:30pm
  • 1/19: Friends of Tubman Monthly Meeting at 6pm
  • 1/20: Fun Friday: Basketball theme
  • 1/23: Middle School Cafe at 10am
  • 1/24: School Tour for Prospective Families at 1pm
  • 1/24: Boys Basketball: Tubman vs. Bell at 4:15 pm @Bell
  • 1/25: Boys Basketball: Tubman vs. Audubon at 4:15 pm @Audubon
  • 1/26: 8th Grade Picture Day
  • 1/26: PPLC Monthly Meeting at 3pm
  • 1/27: Fun Friday: Favorite Band/Music theme
  • 1/31: Boys Basketball: Tubman vs. Burley at 4:15 pm @Burley
  • 1/30-2/17: Annual I HEART Tubman Pledge Drive

Tubman Calendar

SY22/23 CPS Calendar

Fun Friday Themes


2022-23 CPS Holidays and Non-attendance Days

Feb 3: Professional development day - no classes

Feb 20: President's Day - schools closed

Mar 17: School improvement day - no classes

Mar 29: Teacher conferences - no classes

Apr 3-7: Spring break - schools closed

May 29: Memorial Day - schools closed

June 7: Last day of school  

Tubman News

NEW: CPS Visitor Management System

CPS is implementing a new safety and security system at all schools. This system requires security guards to scan a driver’s license or other form of identification into the system, and then printing a guest pass. Please be patient with Security as we learn and implement this new system.

NEW: Student Elevator Usage

The elevator is only to be used by students with medical clearance. To be medically cleared, a parent must submit a letter written by the student's physician and this letter must be approved by the school nurse. The goal is to keep the elevator available for the students that need it. If you have any further questions, please reach out to the school nurse.

NEW: Staff Updates

You may have noticed a few new faces in the building.

  • Welcome to Ms. Suzanna Olsen who will be filling in for Mrs. Rose while on leave. A few words from Ms. Olsen: My name is Suzanna Olsen and I am so excited to soon be working with your students at Harriet Tubman! I just finished teaching first grade as a maternity sub at Goudy Elementary. With the upcoming return of my colleague, I feel very lucky to have found this new position. Prior to teaching in Chicago Public Schools, I worked in Seattle teaching Kindergarten for one year and First Grade for three! In my spare time, I love spending time outdoors, cooking good food, or reading books for my book club. I look forward to meeting you all soon!

  • Welcome to Ms. Jennifer Kaporis, who will be assisting in the Main Office!

NEW: After School Programs

NEW: Middle School Cafe

Greetings Harriet Tubman Middle School Community, 

You are invited to join the Middle School Cafe that will be held virtually on Monday, January 23rd at 10am. To register for the cafe, click on the link below. Once you register, you will receive a unique link for you to join the cafe.  


Middle School Cafe Registration Link:



The Middle School Cafe is held monthly featuring various topics that are important to families and caregivers of the Harriet Tubman middle school community. The topic for this month will continue the focus on bullying and restorative justice practices. During the cafe you will meet the new Restorative Justice Coordinator, Brandon Reyonolds. You will also have the opportunity to build your network of support as a middle school family member/caretaker by actively engaging in family-led focused conversations that are centered on ways to collectively strengthen learning and wellness outcomes of our middle schoolers.  


Your feedback is needed. There are many themes to explore in Middle School. Please take 5 minutes to complete the survey by clicking here. Your responses will help to ensure the topics that the cafe explores for the rest of the year are relevant and meaningful to you. This will also help in the planning and securing resources for the cafes for the rest of the year. Thank you in advance for your support. 


If you have any questions, please email the LSC Equity Committee at: tubmanequity@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you.  


Middle School Cafe Schedule

REMINDER: Excused Absence Requests Now in Aspen - Parents/Caregivers can now report student absences in Aspen's Parent Portal. This new method is easier as it reduces the need for parents to call, email, or send in paper notes. You can also report absences on multiple days and submit dates in advance for approval. 

To report an absence, please log in to the Aspen parent/caregiver portal. Select "Forms" from the main menu, click the "+" under the "Add" column and enter the required information.

REMINDER: Recess & Inclement Weather - Students will have a daily outdoor recess, except when there is inclement weather. This is determined by administration and takes into account many factors, such as, but not limited to temperature and wind chill, active rain or snow, ice on the playground, etc. 

Criteria used as general guidelines are:

25 degrees and up - outside

16 - 25 degrees but must have feels like of 20 degrees or higher - outside

16 - 25 degrees but feels like lower than 20 degrees - inside

20 degrees or below - inside

All students are expected to go outside and stay outside for the entire recess period. Students must stay within the predetermined boundaries of the playground during recess period. There are to be no contact games or hard ball games. Any injuries or unsafe conditions should be reported to the supervisor on duty. When the whistle is blown, recess is over. Students should line up quietly and quickly by class. Upon entering the school, students must be quiet and return to their classrooms in an orderly manner, so as not to disturb classes already in session.


Chicago SAFE Walk!

Have your student tell you why we walk, where we walk, who we walk with, and how we cross the street!

Chicago SAFE Ambassadors from the Chicago Department of Transportation spoke with 2nd and 5th grade students about how to get to their destination as safely as possible using different forms of transportation.

In case you missed an edition of the IB Bulldogs Blast

Common Links

Tubman Volunteer Handbook

Meet Our Educators

Student Fee

Tubman School Counselor Request Form SY 22-23

Tubman Family Handbook

COVID Testing Sign Up Directions

Friends of Tubman (FOT)

Friends of Tubman (FOT)

Dine Out for Tubman Tonight!

Our next dining out night will is tonight from 4-8 p.m. at Zizi's, which is located right by school at 2825 N. Sheffield. Enjoy a delicious meal from one of our fave small businesses while supporting our school! Both dining in and carry out are available. Please present the flyer at the time of order. If you need to print a new one, please click HERE.

Join Us for the Next FOT Meeting

Our first FOT meeting of 2023 will be held on Thursday, January 19 at 6 p.m. via Zoom. We would love to see more new faces and hear your ideas for ways we can continue to engage and support our community! Join us next week at the link below!

Meeting Link: 


Meeting ID: 890 4390 5476

Passcode: 037439

Save the Date: I Heart Tubman Pledge Drive

Holiday Shop Recap

Thanks so much to our community for supporting our first Holiday Shop this past December! It was wonderful to see the excitement and joy of the kids and every student was able to choose gifts for their families. The shop raised $365 for our school as well as many spirits! 

Harriet Tubman Elementary School

2851 N. Seminary Ave.

Chicago, IL 60657

Phone: (773) 534-5725

Fax: (773) 534-5784


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