NEW: Middle School Cafe
Greetings Harriet Tubman Middle School Community,
You are invited to join the Middle School Cafe that will be held virtually on Monday, January 23rd at 10am. To register for the cafe, click on the link below. Once you register, you will receive a unique link for you to join the cafe.
Middle School Cafe Registration Link:
The Middle School Cafe is held monthly featuring various topics that are important to families and caregivers of the Harriet Tubman middle school community. The topic for this month will continue the focus on bullying and restorative justice practices. During the cafe you will meet the new Restorative Justice Coordinator, Brandon Reyonolds. You will also have the opportunity to build your network of support as a middle school family member/caretaker by actively engaging in family-led focused conversations that are centered on ways to collectively strengthen learning and wellness outcomes of our middle schoolers.
Your feedback is needed. There are many themes to explore in Middle School. Please take 5 minutes to complete the survey by clicking here. Your responses will help to ensure the topics that the cafe explores for the rest of the year are relevant and meaningful to you. This will also help in the planning and securing resources for the cafes for the rest of the year. Thank you in advance for your support.
If you have any questions, please email the LSC Equity Committee at: We look forward to hearing from you.
Middle School Cafe Schedule
REMINDER: Excused Absence Requests Now in Aspen - Parents/Caregivers can now report student absences in Aspen's Parent Portal. This new method is easier as it reduces the need for parents to call, email, or send in paper notes. You can also report absences on multiple days and submit dates in advance for approval.
To report an absence, please log in to the Aspen parent/caregiver portal. Select "Forms" from the main menu, click the "+" under the "Add" column and enter the required information.
REMINDER: Recess & Inclement Weather - Students will have a daily outdoor recess, except when there is inclement weather. This is determined by administration and takes into account many factors, such as, but not limited to temperature and wind chill, active rain or snow, ice on the playground, etc.
Criteria used as general guidelines are:
25 degrees and up - outside
16 - 25 degrees but must have feels like of 20 degrees or higher - outside
16 - 25 degrees but feels like lower than 20 degrees - inside
20 degrees or below - inside
All students are expected to go outside and stay outside for the entire recess period. Students must stay within the predetermined boundaries of the playground during recess period. There are to be no contact games or hard ball games. Any injuries or unsafe conditions should be reported to the supervisor on duty. When the whistle is blown, recess is over. Students should line up quietly and quickly by class. Upon entering the school, students must be quiet and return to their classrooms in an orderly manner, so as not to disturb classes already in session.