IB Bulldogs Blast

Greetings Tubman Families and Friends,

I am excited to assume the role of AIC at Tubman School and look forward to working together as we continue to sustain the great things that are already happening at Tubman. Over the next few weeks, it is my hope to implement systems and structures that will strengthen the overall school culture and climate. I have an open door policy, and operate with professionalism and integrity. Have a fabulous week!


Principal Carey

Upcoming Events


Important Dates & Upcoming Events:

November - American Indian Heritage Month


  • 11/08: Election Day - No School
  • 11/11: Veterans Day
  • 11/11: Fun Friday Theme - Pajama Day
  • 11/14: School Tour at 9:00 a.m.
  • 11/14: Kindness Day with Bulldog Buddies
  • 11/14: Instruction Core Walk
  • 11/16: Picture Day (PreK-7th)
  • 11/17: FOT - Bingo Night at 6:00 p.m.
  • 11/18: Fall Assembly (Kdg, 5th & 6th)
  • 11/18: Fun Friday Theme - Super Hero Day
  • 11/21: Parent Teacher Conference Day
  • 11/21 - 11/25: Thanksgiving Holiday Break - No School 
  • 11/28: School Tour at 9:00 a.m.
  • Click here for Tubman Calendar
  • SY22/23 CPS Calendar
  • Fun Friday Themes


2022-23 CPS Holidays and Non-attendance Days

Nov 8: Election day - schools closed

Nov 21: Teacher conferences - no classes

Nov 22-25: Thanksgiving holiday - schools closed

Dec 23: School improvement day - no classes

Dec 26-Jan 6: Winter break - schools closed

Jan 16: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - schools closed

Feb 3: Professional development day - no classes

Feb 20: President's Day - schools closed

Mar 17: School improvement day - no classes

Mar 29: Teacher conferences - no classes

Apr 3-7: Spring break - schools closed

May 29: Memorial Day - schools closed

June 7: Last day of school  

Tubman News

NEW: Excused Absence Requests Now in Aspen - Parents/Caregivers can now report student absences in Aspen's Parent Portal. This new method is easier as it reduces the need for parents to call, email, or send in paper notes. You can also report absences on multiple days and submit dates in advance for approval. 

NEW: Junior Achievement Day for our KDG-2nd grade students was a huge success. The students was able to engage in financial literacy discussions with employees from Optomi. Thanks to our school counselor Heather Beeker for organizing this event. (Click here for photos)

REMINDER:  Picture day is Wednesday, November 16, 2022 (PreK-7th) & January 26, 2023 (8th Grade).  (Click here for more information)

UPDATE: Report Card Pickup is Monday, November 21, 2022. 

  • 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (In-person) & 11:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Virtual)
  • Teacher will be be flexible to accommodate working families, by allowing for virtual options during the in-person times. Please reach out to your child's teacher.

REMINDER:  School Tours for Prospective Families

  • Please help grow our school community and encourage prospective families to attend our in-person monthly tours. More information is located here. At this time, our schools are limited to prospective families. Current families will have the opportunity to visit during report card pickup.

REMINDER: Tubman Performance Flyer and Media Consent Release

Media Consent and Release Form:

If you have not yet done so, please sign and return the CPS media consent and release form (English or Spanish) to your child’s homeroom teacher. Student media will be used to highlight Tubman's special events with the community on our school website, community blast, and our social media page.

Welcome to our Restorative Justice Coordinator

Mr. Brandon Reynolds - blreynolds1@cps.edu

Questions from the Community

Can any additional information be provided about the event last week at a local business?

There was an incident between two middle school students at a nearby business after school hours. We consider student safety to be our number one priority, therefore these events are being looked into and addressed to help our students and community move forward from this. 

My student is involved in organized after school activities at Tubman and/or the Tubman aftercare program Right at School, are they supervised during this time?

Yes, students are under direct adult supervision for all organized after school activities for which they are registered.

What is being done to help students involved or affected?

The school administrative team is leveraging systems currently in place to ensure student safety. We are also utilizing resources from our Behavioral Health Team (BHT) to support all students. These include one-on-one counseling sessions, restorative justice conversations and restorations, social work support (with appropriate referrals), and whole class social emotional lessons. Finally, our new Restorative Justice Coordinator will be working with our staff and students.  

Is CPS volunteer approval status required for attendance at the upcoming Art Integration Showcase or the Winter Dance Show?

No, those attending these upcoming performances do not need to apply for CPS volunteer approvals.

Will new OST after school programs be available for winter?

Yes, stay tuned for the winter schedule coming soon. 

Will Principal Gibson be returning?

We are unable to provide any additional information beyond the notice sent by CPS Network Chief Asaf last week. 

Are the "Fun Friday" themes listed on the website for all students?

Yes, all students are welcome to participate in our Fun Friday themes. 

What is the difference between a school fee and a classroom fee?

Information on student school fees can be found via the flyer linked here. School fees can be paid in Aspen and are used for Literacy, Math, Science and Social Science materials/consumable/texts, classroom/office Supplies and technology supplies/equipment. Classroom fees are collected by room parents this year and are used by teachers to purchase items such as art supplies, inquiry or project materials, celebrations, etc.

Middle School Cafe

Greetings Harriet Tubman Middle School community, 

You are invited to join families, teachers, staff and community stakeholders to join the Middle School Cafe that will be held virtually on Monday, November 14th at 6pm. To register for the cafe, click on the link below:

Middle School Cafe Registration Link:


The Middle School Cafe will be held monthly featuring various topics that are important to the Harriet Tubman middle school community. The topic for this month will focus on bullying and restorative justice practices. During the cafe participants will actively engage in community-led focused conversations that are centered on ways to collectively strengthen learning and wellness outcomes of our middle schoolers. 

If you have any questions, please email the LSC Equity Committee at: 

mailto: tubmanequity@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you.  

In case you missed an edition of the IB Bulldogs Blast

Common Links

Tubman Volunteer Handbook

Meet Our Educators

Student Fee

Tubman School Counselor Request Form SY 22-23

Tubman Family Handbook

COVID Testing Sign Up Directions

Friends of Tubman (FOT)

Friends of Tubman (FOT)

Harriet Tubman Elementary School

2851 N. Seminary Ave.

Chicago, IL 60657

Phone: (773) 534-5725

Fax: (773) 534-5784


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