Questions from the Community
Can any additional information be provided about the event last week at a local business?
There was an incident between two middle school students at a nearby business after school hours. We consider student safety to be our number one priority, therefore these events are being looked into and addressed to help our students and community move forward from this.
My student is involved in organized after school activities at Tubman and/or the Tubman aftercare program Right at School, are they supervised during this time?
Yes, students are under direct adult supervision for all organized after school activities for which they are registered.
What is being done to help students involved or affected?
The school administrative team is leveraging systems currently in place to ensure student safety. We are also utilizing resources from our Behavioral Health Team (BHT) to support all students. These include one-on-one counseling sessions, restorative justice conversations and restorations, social work support (with appropriate referrals), and whole class social emotional lessons. Finally, our new Restorative Justice Coordinator will be working with our staff and students.
Is CPS volunteer approval status required for attendance at the upcoming Art Integration Showcase or the Winter Dance Show?
No, those attending these upcoming performances do not need to apply for CPS volunteer approvals.
Will new OST after school programs be available for winter?
Yes, stay tuned for the winter schedule coming soon.
Will Principal Gibson be returning?
We are unable to provide any additional information beyond the notice sent by CPS Network Chief Asaf last week.
Are the "Fun Friday" themes listed on the website for all students?
Yes, all students are welcome to participate in our Fun Friday themes.
What is the difference between a school fee and a classroom fee?
Information on student school fees can be found via the flyer linked here. School fees can be paid in Aspen and are used for Literacy, Math, Science and Social Science materials/consumable/texts, classroom/office Supplies and technology supplies/equipment. Classroom fees are collected by room parents this year and are used by teachers to purchase items such as art supplies, inquiry or project materials, celebrations, etc.