IB Bulldogs Blast

Greetings Tubman Families and Friends,


Thank you to our wonderful families who were able to attend our Staff Meet and Greet on Friday, September 23, 2022. It was great to have families visit their child’s classroom and meet the amazing staff here at Tubman. Please see the school updates below.


In partnership,


Principal Gibson, Principal Carey, and Assistant Principal Moore

Upcoming Events


Important Dates & Upcoming Events:

September 15 - October 15 is Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month


  • 09/26: Rosh Hashanah Holiday
  • 09/27:  Tubman Garden Club Harvest Sale at 2:45 p.m.
  • 09/29: LSC Communication and Engagement Committee Meeting at 11:00 a.m. (Zoom id: 4921294748)
  • 09/29: Friends of Tubman Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
  • 09/30: Fun Friday - Twin Day
  • 10/05 : Yom Kippur Holiday
  • 10/06: Shop for Schools Roscoe Village
  • 10/07: Shop for Schools Roscoe Village
  • 10/07: Fun Run
  • 10/10: Indigenous People’s Day- No School
  • 10/12: LSC Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
  • 10/14: Principal Conversation at 8:15 a.m. (Virtual)
  • 10/15:  FOT Annual Fall Fest at 10:00 a.m.
  • 10/24:  School Tour at 9:00 a.m.
  • Click here for Tubman Calendar
  • SY22/23 CPS Calendar

2022-23 CPS Holidays and Non-attendance Days

Oct 10: Indigenous Peoples Day - schools closed

Oct 21: School improvement day - no classes

Nov 8: Election day - schools closed

Nov 21: Teacher conferences - no classes

Nov 22-25: Thanksgiving holiday - schools closed

Dec 23: School improvement day - no classes

Dec 26-Jan 6: Winter break - schools closed

Jan 16: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - schools closed

Feb 3: Professional development day - no classes

Feb 20: President's Day - schools closed

Mar 17: School improvement day - no classes

Mar 29: Teacher conferences - no classes

Apr 3-7: Spring break - schools closed

May 29: Memorial Day - schools closed

June 7: Last day of school  

Tubman News

Tubman Staff Recognition and Professional Development


Each week our staff, admin team, and parents can shout out a staff member and we will include it in our weekly staff newsletter. Parents can send emails to any member of the administration team, and we will share it in the next staff newsletter for that week. The administration team selects staff members monthly who go above and beyond to support Tubman as a whole to receive our schoolwide BAGS Award.  BAGS stands for:

  • Balance
  • Action
  • Gratitude
  • Service


We will be excited to announce our BAGS Award winners in our next Community Blast for the month of September! 


This past Friday we gathered for a day of learning and planning. Our educators received professional development in the following areas: Envision Training, Calm Classroom Intro to Better Together Book Study, i-Ready Assessment Training, Paraprofessional Training, and IB Training.

Garden Club Harvest Sale

The Tubman Garden Club is hosting a Harvest Sale tomorrow on Tuesday, September 27th after school and you are invited! The sale will be happening from 2:45-3:30 outside of the main doors of our school. We are selling cilantro, carrots, basil, marigold seeds, tomatoes, and lots of other good stuff!

It will be cash only, so prepare accordingly. All profits go into helping us buy seeds, supplies, and other fun activities for our garden club!

We would love to see some of you there to support our students and garden!

-Genna, Kayla, & the Garden Club team

Go CPS Application Information

The GoCPS application is to enroll at Tubman Elementary for the 2023-2024 school year is open now through December 2nd. Please click here for the application. If you have a student enrolling at Tubman for next year, please note the following:

  1. If you are not a neighborhood family, you must apply through GoCPS for a spot at Tubman for your incoming student. Admission preference is given to siblings of students who already attend Tubman. Please email Ms. Gordon (jrgordon@cps.edu) and provide her with the name of your currently enrolled Tubman student, and the name of the applying student, so that she can assure sibling preference.
  2. If you are a neighborhood family and know you will have a Kindergartener enrolling for the 2023-24 school year, please email Ms. Gordon as well so that we can plan accordingly for enrollment.

The next school tour will be October 24, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.

Visitors Check-In Friendly Reminder

Do you have an appointment to visit a teacher or to volunteer? If so, don't forget to bring ID as it will be necessary to receive a visitor's pass using the CPS visitor pass system. Simply stop at the security desk so Mr. Harris can give you your visitor badge while you are at Tubman, and make sure you sign our visitors log. All visitors should enter through Door 1.

Lunch, Recess & Aftercare Contacts

Now entering our 6th week, there may be times where you as parents/caregivers have questions regarding lunch, recess or after-care. We kindly ask you to reach out directly to the lead adult listed below as questions arise.


Stephen Hartwell-Right At School Lead-phone(224) 428-8006

MathematiGals Description:

First Established: Lincoln Elementary in the 2014-2015 school year.

WHO WE ARE: Female students at Walter Payton College Prep in higher level math classes.

WHO FOR: Third and fourth grade girls.

WHAT: Different activities planned pertaining to interesting and fun math concepts led by female Payton students.

WHERE: Online

WHEN: Once a week. Likely 4:30-5:30pm.

WHY: To ameliorate young girls’ confidence and encourage interest in mathematics by creating a space to grow and learn about math on their own in order to establish this level of confidence and encourage their interest.

Medical Form Submission Plan

Students’ physical and immunization records are required by schools to ensure a healthy and safe environment for all students. In light of the school starting on August 22, 2022, parents/guardians need to turn in their child’s records as soon as possible. All forms are due by October 15, 2022. 


The physical and immunization requirements are as follows:


Physicals (Required for Pre-K, Kindergarten, 6th Grade and newly enrolled students)



Required for Pre-K, Kindergarten and all newly enrolled students   

  • DTap, Polio, MMR, Hepatitis B, Chickenpox, HIB and Pneumococcal

Required for 6th Grade          

  • Tdap and Meningococcal


All medical forms can be turned into the student's teacher or the main office. If you feel comfortable, forms can also be emailed to the school nurse at CReilly1@cps.edu


If anyone needs assistance obtaining health insurance for their child please call the Healthy CPS Hotline at 773-553-KIDS (5437) for assistance. 

Common Links

Meet Our Educators

Student Fee

Tubman School Counselor Request Form SY 22-23

Tubman Family Handbook

COVID Testing Sign Up Directions

Friends of Tubman (FOT)

Friends of Tubman (FOT)

Join Our Virtual Meeting This Thursday

We love new ideas and friends so please come out and join the next FOT meeting, which will be held virtually via Zoom this Thursday, September 29 at 6 p.m. We'll be discussing the upcoming Fall Fest and other events we hold throughout the year! FOT is a great way to get involved and get to know other families. We're also a lot of fun! Hope to see you there!



Meeting ID: 897 7849 6596

Passcode: 439352

Register for Fun Run and Get Free Pizza!

As you know, our 16th Annual Fun Run is coming up on October 7th and registration is now open to create your account and help raise funds for our school! Our official kickoff is THIS Wednesday, September 28 and if you register on or before that day you'll receive a coupon to Lou Malnati's for a free pizza! Head to mybooster.com to get started today! 

Last Call for Popcorn! 

FOT starts popping corn this Friday, September 30 so if you haven't signed up for a subscription yet, click HERE or click HERE to print the sign up form. If you'd like to donate popcorn to a student, click HERE

Save the Date: Parent/Teacher Fall Social

Harriet Tubman Elementary School

2851 N. Seminary Ave.

Chicago, IL 60657

Phone: (773) 534-5725

Fax: (773) 534-5784


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