Iowa Bandmasters Association
January 2020 eNews
Conference Honor Band Submission Reminder

Beginning with the 2018-19 school year, the process for submitting an application and subsequent recordings for consideration to perform at the IBA Conference is entirely online.

Recording submissions must be uploaded by 11:59 PM January 15, 2020. By this second deadline, directors will upload each selection individually to the recording submission page also found in the conference menu section of You must login to the the website with your member ID and password to see these links.

We have revised the submission guidelines to accommodate online submission. Please read them carefully.

Chris Strohmaier, IBA President-Elect

Iowa Band Conductor's Forum
JANUARY 17 & 18, 2020

This event is a shared initiative among four universities, created as a forum for presentations, discussions and activities focused on the Art of Conducting.

Session topics will include rehearsal tactics and strategies, rehearsal planning, repertoire, performance practices and a conducting seminar.

The Forum is available to conductors and teachers at all levels: middle school, high school and college/university. The Forum is offered at no cost to participants. However, we do ask that you let us know (by responding to that you are coming by January 10. We need to plan for the Friday evening meal and Saturday lunch (complimentary for all participants, but donations gratefully accepted).

Michael Golemo
Mark Heidel
Danny Galyen
Robert Meunier

Credit Opportunity
One hour of Graduate or Licensure Credit through AEA Learning Online is available.

Activity Title: The Art of Conducting - Instrumental Music
For registration information, visit
or login with your account, Click “Course Search” and search “168471”

Class Location: Iowa State University/Online
Class Dates: on campus January 17, 18, 2020 online January 17 - February 17, 2020
Target Subject Area and Participants: Fine Arts - Elementary, Middle Level, High School
Number of Credits: Cost: $95 Licensure $190 Graduate (multiple institutions)
Instructor: Liz Fritz email   cell/text 563-379-8908

This is a blended course with required attendance at The Iowa Conductor Forum.
NOTE: You only need to register for this course if you want license renewal or graduate credit, otherwise there is no fee to attend the forum.

The course will be cancelled one week before the start date of the course if there is not a minimum of 10 registrants.
Arts Advocacy Day - Still needing Advocates
The Iowa Alliance for Arts Education is sponsoring its annual Arts Advocacy Day at the State Capitol in Des Moines on Wednesday, January 22, 2020.  They are currently recruiting advocates to attend this event.  

Advocates will have the opportunity to speak to legislators on the importance of arts education in our state. IAAE is also planning a celebration to mark the adoption of Iowa Fine Arts standards by the State Board of Education. Advocacy Day will begin with a training session at 8:00 a.m., followed by the opening of Iowa House/Senate and visits to your assigned legislators. In the afternoon, there are will be IAAE presentations to the House and Senate Education Committees.  

If you would be willing to be an arts advocate, you can register by clicking the link below. 

Our January newsletter includes more information on Arts Advocacy Day.

or visit our website

Leon Kuehner, IAAE Executive Director
The 1st IBA COLLEGIATE WORKSHOP is on the calendar!
Please plan to join us to connect collegiate students with Iowa Bandmasters Association. With the spring Conference difficult for students to attend, we are reaching out to assist students in networking with their future colleagues and present skills needed in their journey to becoming a band director.
When: Saturday, February 8, 2020
Where: University of Iowa, Voxman Music Building
Time: 9:30 a.m. registration; sessions from 10:00 a.m. -3:30 p.m.; lunch sponsored by West Music Co.
Cost: Free for those with paid IBA Student membership ($20); paid online before the event or at registration on February 8th

Conference Room Block
The Marriott room block is now available to make reservations for the conference.

Iowa Bandmasters Association 2020
Last Day to Book: Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Des Moines Marriott Downtown for $134 USD per night
Iowa Bandmasters Association
93rd Annual Conference
May 14 - 16, 2020