*New* Membership Registration Card

It is important to note that IBA has a new membership registration card. IBA Secretary, Steve Cook, has recently moved and therefore the card is sent to a different address. Please double-check when renewing your membership that the mailing address is for Polk City. Please use this new member card.

IBA Summer Business Meeting & Work Session

In a week’s time, the annual IBA Summer Business Meeting & Work Session will be held on Friday, July 16th at Southeast Polk High School. The Board of Directors, district presidents, and committee chairs will meet first at 10:00 AM. The rest of the committee members should join at 12:00 PM for lunch and the work session to follow around 12:30 PM. 

This will be a great opportunity for some camaraderie and time to work on projects. A reminder that each committee or group will need a laptop and dress is business casual. If you’ve not filled out the Attendance Reporting Form please do so.