IBank is dedicated to creating jobs in California — and a new project at the California Science Center in Los Angeles is doing just that.

The California Science Center is able to expand thanks to revenue bonds issued by IBank.

The IBank Board approved more than $145 million dollars in financing on September 22, 2021.

Proceeds from the sale of the bonds IBank issued are being used to construct, furnish, and equip the Samuel Oschin Air and Space Center — an approximately 200,000 square foot addition to the museum.

The addition will create a new place for exhibits, events, and educational programs. It will also house the Shuttle Endeavour — making the museum the only place in the world to see a complete space shuttle system with a flown-orbiter.

In addition to preserving an important part of space exploration history, guests will have an unparalleled educational experience as they view this national treasure up close from multiple angles and elevations.

The project is expected to create approximately 500 construction jobs. And once complete, it will employ about 74 full-time workers and 53 part-timers.