Immaculate Conception Church
208 7th Avenue West
Hendersonville, NC 28791 

Church Office
611 North Church St.
Suite 101
Hendersonville, NC 28792

We are a joyful Catholic community of disciples of Jesus Christ, moved by love, to seek the lost and the broken and bring them home
IC Blessings
March 1, 2021
Rest In Peace
Marie Kawalec, mother of Barbara Frazier &
grandmother of Lauren Frazier

Jacquelyn Toth, sister of Beverly Toth

For all those who died from the Coronavirus.

Eternal rest grant to them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.
Caroline Long grew up in Shreveport, LA, as the youngest of 7 children. She came to Flat Rock 25 years ago and joined Immaculate Conception Parish.
“I didn’t know anything about autism until my son, Liam, was diagnosed with it in 2003,” she admits. That diagnosis changed her life, and eventually the lives of so many families in our parish and community.
Caroline read everything she could on autism, consulted a specialist in Baton Rouge, and then came up with a plan for him. Then her daughter, Bridget, was diagnosed with autism. “Her needs were very different from Liam’s,” she explains, “so I had to go back to the drawing board and learn more.” She found that diet, nutrition, and ABA therapy was the most effective treatments for them. As her children did well and started getting better, she started getting calls from parents asking for help with their autistic children. After several years, her dad and Fr. Nick, our parish’s pastor at that time, encouraged her to start something here to help other families.
That was over 11 years ago, and the birth of St. Gerard house here on our parish campus. As the founder and Executive Director of St. Gerard House, Caroline and the staff “work with children on the autism spectrum, and recognize that all God’s children are a gift and have much to teach us as we teach them,” she says with conviction. “There are 120 families on our waiting list, and we are working hard to serve more families.”
Caroline has been actively involved in parish ministries for over 16 years. She was very involved with Immaculata School while her children were there, served on the Parish Council, was part of the Be My Witness program, 100 year anniversary, and the building committee while building the St. Gerard House.
Being a part of the Immaculate Conception community has shaped Caroline’s children’s lives tremendously! “Liam is now 20 and loves to celebrate Mass more than anyone I’ve ever seen,” she shares, “It’s a beautiful thing to watch. Bridget is 18 and loves to sing! Singing is in her soul, and that’s how she speaks to God.”
As the Executive Director of St. Gerard House, Caroline spends a great deal of time collaborating, and participating with many other nonprofits and churches in our community to serve the needs of the greater community.
When she does find time to relax and have fun, she “loves spending time at the lake, hiking, walking in the Flat Rock Park and at Carl Sandburg, biking, and getting together with friends of all ages. Being from a large family makes me really miss being with folks of all ages and interests.”
Caroline misses the intimacy of daily Mass in the chapel due to the pandemic. “For years, that was my daily family,” she shares, “and there is a real hole in my heart for that group. This parish has the most interesting community of people who are so alive with their faith,” she continues. “I’ve learned so much from them and feel welcomed all the time. I owe much of my strength and faith growth to the people here, and feel honored and blessed to be able to do this work and share this mission with our parish.”
Parishioner, and WLOS TV news anchor, Jay Siltzer, surprised viewers in February when along with the noon news, they got to see Jay get engaged!
“It involved a lot of planning and behind the scenes work, but we pulled it off,” a happy Jay exclaims!
Jay met his now fiancée, Trini Fares, ten years ago at Hillendale Elementary School when she invited him to talk to her students about the weather. Jay returned to her classroom several times over the years. “I enjoyed her class,” Jay says, “as her students were prepared and well behaved.”
Trini offered condolences when his wife died from leukemia, and she attended the funeral of his son, Malachi, following his death from brain cancer.
Early during the pandemic, while running at a local park, Jay saw Trini and stopped to talk to her. “We’ve been inseparable ever since,” Jay confides. Love blossomed as they shared their faith, families, laughter and experiences.
“I wanted my proposal to be special, and involve her first grade class,” shares Jay. With the help of many at the school and TV station, Jay’s hope for a special proposal became a reality. Using materials dropped off at their homes, Trini’s students made colorful posters that said, “Will you marry Jay?”
On the day of the proposal, Jay came to the school and contacted Trini through the school’s communication system. He asked if the class would help him ask Miss Fares a question. As the class held up their posters, Jay asked Trini to marry him, and she said “yes.” After giving her the ring, he admitted that he hadn’t taken the tag off the ring in case she didn’t like it.
As Jay enjoys cooking and often shares his favorite recipes during the cooking segment of the noon news, we’re sure Trini can look forward to many wonderful home cooked meals! Congratulations and blessings to you both!
To Linda Bevins and Susan Laborde
Congratulations to the 2021 St. Gerard House 50/50 Cash Prize Raffle winners. Top prize of $10,000 went to Linda Bivens and Susan Laborde won the second prize of $5,000. Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's event that raised over $27,000!
Welcome Greg and Brenda Banach
Greg and Brenda Banach moved to Mills River at the end of November from coastal Georgia, south of Savannah where they lived for about 6 years. They have been married 35 years and are from the Chicagoland area.
Greg retired from the University of Chicago and was a Chief Plant Engineer, licensed for 47 years. He is a Third Degree in the Knights of Columbus and a Navy Vietnam War Veteran. Greg enjoys fishing, especially offshore.
Brenda is a retired Accountant. She enjoys Arts and Crafts and sewing. They are both enjoying the changing seasons that they have missed over the last 6 years. They are very happy to be members of the Immaculate Conception parish. They look forward to the coming year and hopes of returning to a more social environment.
The Good Samaritan Attic
The Good Samaritan Attic is a ministry that provides used furniture and household items at no cost to those in need. Since the need in our community has been overwhelming we find our inventory has become very low. We are in need of kitchen/dining room table and chairs, dressers, couches, mattresses and box springs, sheets, towels, pots, pans, and much more. 
If you are moving or downsizing and would like to donate furniture or household items, or if you have any questions regarding this ministry, please contact Margaret Cavagnaro at (828)280-1298. Pickup is available and we also offer receipts for tax purposes, if needed.
The Good Samaritan Attic could not exist without the generosity of our parishioners and members of our community. Thank you for your continued support.
Scammers are using priest names and even their pictures to dupe you via email. Fr. Cook's name and picture are being used in email scams. Father Cook will only send emails from the parish email address. Beware of receiving scam/spam emails saying they are from Fr. Cook, but with a non-parish email address; do not be fooled, even when an email appears to be from Fr. Cook. The message in the scam email is something like this:
"Hi, How Are You Doing? I Need An Assistance From You, Email Me As Soon As You Get This Message Peace and Blessings"

Do not reply to these emails, and delete immediately. Thank you!
When I was young, I dreaded the coming of Lent. I was told “You have to sacrifice something!” (Who wants to sacrifice anything as a kid?)
So I disliked Lent. But Lent for me now means something different. Oh, I still sacrifice,
but I understand “what it is” better. It’s a chance for us to grow. And to adopt an attitude more like Jesus had, a positive attitude.
So instead of giving up candy, or that favorite TV program or whatever, I now sacrifice my frustrations and aggravations. Such as that neighbor who neglects his property, or that person whose opinion is always so directly opposed to mine and wants to argue.
So if you’re inclined to give up sweets or a TV program for Lent, wonderful. Do it.
But if a different approach makes you a better follower of the Lord, do that. He accepts all kinds of approaches!
---Sid Baker
The Yeshua Catholic International Leadership Institute is hosting a Catholic Vision for Leading Like Jesus S-3 Encounter on line.
This is a wonderful opportunity to refresh you as a leader or invite a friend or family member to attend.
The encounter will take place on March 12, 19 & 26.
Click on the following link for more information.

If you have any questions please contact David Coe at [email protected]
The term “hobo” came about after the Civil War as the veterans of that war left their battle site camps to be HOmeward BOund. Often wounded, poor, suffering from depression and disappointment, these men set out on foot to find their way back to their loved ones. Fr. Edward Hays, noted author and speaker, says that Jesus journeyed through his life as a hobo, one with “nowhere to lay his head” as he went about the work of his father while headed to his heavenly home. This should remind us that we too are homeward bound pilgrims in this life – hoboes who cannot rest until we rest in God our final destination.
In their travels home, these Civil War hoboes used common chalk marks on barns and fences to communicate with one another. Perhaps we can enrich our Lenten journey by reflecting on a few of these symbols.
An X with a line over it meant, “A good place to camp.” – Where would be a good place for you to “camp” this Lent to best experience a closeness to God?
Two hash tags together meant, “Danger! An unsafe place.” – What do you need to stay away from in order to best experience this Lenten season?
A drawing of a cat meant that “A kindhearted woman lives in this house.” – What acts of kindness can you offer someone struggling to find their home in Christ this Lent?
A circle with an arrow through it meant, “Go!” – The angel at Christ’s empty tomb told the women, “Go now, and tell his disciples that he is going ahead of you to Galilee…” Jesus himself commanded his disciples, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Good News!” How will you GO and proclaim the Good News of Easter joy?
On March 17, it’s amazing how many of us become “O’Johnsons” or “McAllens” for the day. We wear green ties, green sweaters, green hats, and eat corned beef and cabbage for dinner. But just how really Irish are we? Take this short Trivia test to find out! (Answers are at the end of the newsletter.)

1.    People traditionally wear green on St. Patrick’s Day to avoid what?
2.   What 3 colors are in the Irish flag?
3.   Kissing the blarney stone gives you what gift?
4.   What nationality was St. Patrick?
5.   What are you eating if you’re eating a boxty?
6.   According to legend when is the best time to sneak up on a leprechaun?
7.   What traditional music instrument did Guinness adapt as a logo?
8.   What would you pour on top of an Irish coffee?
9.   What does the circle at the center of a Celtic cross represent?
10. Name the famous kind of glass made in southern Ireland..
A Cup of Encouragement
Wisdom Of The Ages
In this month’s “Cup” I want to focus on advice that has stood the test of time. It comes from a trusted source, Mike Aquilina’s Book “A Year With The Church Fathers, Patristic Wisdom For Daily Living” St. Benedict Press, Charlotte, N.C. (page 77) By Hermas. His advice is:
Get rid of all your doubt, and don’t hesitate to ask of the Lord. Don’t say to yourself "How can I ask of the Lord and receive from him, when I’ve sinned so much against him?” Don’t think that way. With all your heart turn to him and ask of him without doubting. Then you will know the multitude of his tender mercies. You will know that he will never leave you, but will fulfill the request of your soul. For he is not like humans who remember the evils done against them. He himself does not remember evils, but has compassion on his own creation. So cleanse your heart of all the worthless things of this world, and from the arguments I mentioned, and ask of the Lord and you will receive all. None of the requests you make to the Lord without doubting will be denied.”
Too much worrying doesn't change anything, but TRUSTING in GOD changes everything.
Closing Prayer: Lord Jesus, I open my heart to you to receive your love for me. Please forgive me of all my sins, bringing me close to your most Sacred Heart. Please come into my heart filling me with your love, Holy Spirit, and knowledge of your will for me. I pray this prayer not doubting, with faith, the expectation that you will answer me. Amen.
God Bless you and yours. May I pray for you? If so, simply email me at  Dave Coe.
Knights of Columbus - Op Lamb Distribution
1.   Getting pinched.
2.   Green, white, and orange.
3.   Gift of gab
4.   British
5.   A potato cake
6.   When they’re mending their shoes
7.   Harp
8.   Cream
9.   The sun