IC Blessings

August 1, 2022

Parish Life Commission Events

The Parish Life Commission has been busy organizing events for our parish families to connect outside of Mass. Please join us at one or more of the following events. We look forward to seeing you there!   

Meet & Greet for New Parishioners

August 10th - St. Francis Room

Immaculate Conception - 7:00-8:30 pm 

Parish Park Stroll

August 18 - Flat Rock Park - 5:30 pm

Movie Night - Flat Rock Cinema

Wednesday, August 24

Save the Date

The annual Parish Fall Festival will

be held Sunday, October 16th.  

More information to follow.

Other Upcoming Events

Estate Planning Seminar

August 9 - St. Francis Room

Stewardship Committee

Thursday, August 11th Catholic Charities Food Distribution 4-6 PM - Outside Main Church

Women's Guild Annual Christmas Faire

November 10, 11, 12 

St. Francis Room



After 27 years as an Environmental Engineer with the Navy, and then 4 years as a Civil Engineer with the Army, Mark Taylor retired and moved from Charleston, SC to Rutherfordton, NC. While in Charleston, he was a member of Immaculate Conception Parish in Goose Creek. In Rutherfordton, he was a member of Immaculate Conception in Forest City. In 2017 when he and his wife, Laura, moved to Hendersonville, he joined Immaculate Conception here! As Mark notes, “I definitely have an affinity for the Immaculate Conception!”

Here at Immaculate Conception, Mark is an active member of the Knights of Columbus and serves as the Financial Secretary of the Council. “I believe with the Knights, we demonstrate our faith by our works,” he explains. Mark was recently selected as the Council’s Knight of the Year.”

Mark is also the Formation Director for the Secular Franciscan Order (OFS), “I got interested in the Secular Franciscans in 2007 as I was looking to go deeper in the Catholic faith,” he remembers. “There was a Secular Franciscan Order in another parish in Charleston where I was at the time and I thought I’d give it a try.” Mark found his faith growing as he was formed with the Franciscan Charism, and finds it “wonderful to be a part of a worldwide Catholic Religious Order where we help and support one another,” Mark is also a Eucharistic Minister, and helps out at the Attic.

Mark and Laura have 3 children and 7 grandchildren and love being with them whenever they can. “Laura likes to cook,” Mark laughs, “and I like to eat so we’re a very good match!” He also likes to cook, especially on his BBQ smoker. “Back in the 90’s I got interested in BBQ and attended an all-day judge certification course in Columbia, SC, and became a certified BBQ judge with the SC BBQ Association,” he shares.

Mark finds Immaculate Conception Parish filled with “great people who sincerely want to love and serve the Lord.”

Welcome Fr. Bean

Thank you all for your warm welcome over the past few weeks! I figure now that I’m settling into the parish, and have been able to briefly meet many of you after the Masses I’ve offered, I’d give you more of a formal introduction! I’m Fr. Matthew Bean and am honored to be your new parochial vicar here at Immaculate Conception. Given the amount of “Fr. Matthews” in the diocese, I prefer to be called Fr. Bean.

I was born and raised outside of Buffalo, NY, and come from a close knit family of my parents, Patrick and Megan, and my brother Tim who is 2 years younger than me. After completing my first 2 years of college in Buffalo, my family moved to Richmond, VA where I attended the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, and earned a bachelor’s degree in history. I love history and had a strong desire to teach, but during my junior year in college, I began to feel called to the priesthood.

After graduating in 2010, I spent some time in a contemplative Benedictine community in Oklahoma, and then entered seminary for the Diocese of Arlington, VA. I was sent to St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia where I studied philosophy. From there I was transferred for theological formation at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, OH. During my 4 years there, I began to feel called to serve the people of God outside of the metro D.C. area, and transferred to the Diocese of Charlotte to serve in Western North Carolina. I was ordained on June 17, 2017 at St. Mark’s in Huntersville, along with Fr. Christian Cook and 3 others. I’ve been privileged to serve at St. Thomas Aquinas in Charlotte, and St. Mark’s in Huntersville, and I look forward to serving here in the beautiful mountains!

In my free time, I enjoy reading, but usually end up listening to a good audio book while driving or ending my day. I have a deep love of history, so from a young age I have been collecting coins - something I really enjoy! I also embrace my “nerdy” side, and collect Star Wars and Star Trek memorabilia. I enjoy watching good movies, and despite the current trend of everything being digital, I still have to have the hard copy of what I’m watching.

I also enjoy exercising, but usually in a gym, as I’ve never gotten used to the humidity here!

I really look forward to serving you and getting to know you all, and I look forward to what the Lord has in store for me with you!

Parts of the Sanctuary Continued

The term ambo is derived from the ancient Greek word meaning “Step” or “Elevation” and is the immoveable stand to the left of our altar. The ambo came into common use once the persecution of Christians ended in the fourth century and churches were built. At that time the ambo was designed as a raised area making it easier for the congregation to hear.

During the Mass, the ambo is the focal point for the Liturgy of the Word. As stated in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, (No. 309), “only the readings, the responsorial psalm and Easter proclamation (Exsultet) are to be proclaimed; it may be used also for giving the homily and for announcing the intentions of the Prayer of the Faithful”. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal also explains: “The dignity of the word of God requires that the church have a place that is suitable for the proclamation of the word and toward which the attention of the whole congregation of the faithful naturally turns during the Liturgy of the Word.”

When the early churches were built the ambos had steps going up each side with an area at the top big enough for the reader and servers with candles to stand. Ambos today are typically only large enough for one person in which case candles may be set up next to the ambo.

The design and location of the altar and ambo emphasize the close relationship between the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist: from the holy altar we receive the Body and Blood of Christ, and from the ambo, Christ’s holy doctrine. In this regard the ambo, like the altar, is not just an object, but a sacred place.

Transitus of St. Francis: A Beloved Franciscan Tradition

By Joanita M. Nellenbach, OFS

St. Francis of Assisi died in the night hours of Oct. 3/Oct. 4, 1226.

For centuries, the Franciscan Family has paused on the evening of Oct. 3 to celebrate the solemnity of St. Francis’s Transitus, his passing over from earthly death to eternal glory.

During the service we pray and reflect as we listen to the account of the final step in Francis’s journey, the step that would bring him home to his beloved brother, the Risen Christ.

He asked to hear the Gospel of John 13: 1–17 read to him. That account of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet is read to us, too, reminding us of our own call to service.

And we are joyful, as Francis was. He called his brother friars together, consoled them with his words, and asked them to sing his poem, the “Canticle of the Creatures.”

He sang, too. “I feel myself so near to God,” he said, “that I cannot hold myself from singing.”

Throughout the service we sing the verses of “All Creatures of Our God and King,” adapted from that Canticle.

When Francis saw she who had come for him, he said, “You are welcome, my Sister Death.”

The Transitus concludes with the professed Franciscans renewing their permanent commitment, which begins with the promise to “live the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

St. Francis of the Hills Fraternity hopes that you will join us for this holy and joyous celebration on October 3.

Giotto di Bondone, “Scenes from the Life of Saint Francis, 4. Death and Ascension of St. Francis” (Wikimedia Commons) 

St. John Vianney

Relics in Our Church Altar Stone

As we welcome a new priest to our parish, it is appropriate that we learn something of St. John Vianney, patron of parish priests, whose relics are contained in our church altar stone.

Born in Dardilly, France in 1786, John received very little education because of the French Revolution, and had to make his First Communion and confession in secret. He was impressed by the stories of the heroism of those who risked their lives for their faith. He felt called to be a priest, but his studies were interrupted when he was drafted into Napoleon’s army.

As a young soldier he became separated from his group, and found himself in a small rural village with a number of army deserters. When a decree of amnesty was passed in 1810, John returned to his studies and was ordained in 1810.

In 1818 be became the pastor of the church in the small village of Ars. By his example, guidance, and holiness, his parish became the model for other parishes. He was known for his devotion to the Blessed Virgin, and was dedicated to the sacrament of reconciliation for his parishioners. By 1845, Ars had become a pilgrimage site, and about 20,000 pilgrims came to seek the guidance of the Cure’ d’ Ars, as he was known, and to make their confession to him. He often spent 12-15 hours daily in the confessional. He died in 1859 and was canonized in 1925 by Pope Pius XI.


Now that the pandemic has somewhat subsided and we can gather in person, we would like to invite anyone who has joined the parish in the past 2 years to join us at a “Wine and Cheese Meet and Greet” gathering on Wednesday, August 10, from 7 to 8:30 pm in the St. Francis Room which is located in the lower level of the church.

We will share wine, cheese, snacks and cookies, and get to know more about you and share information about our parish! If you do not drink wine, we will have another beverage available. To make sure that we have enough refreshments, please let us know that you are coming by calling Kathy Meersman, 698-6586, or the Parish Office at 693-6901. We look forward to meeting you!

-Immaculate Conception’s Welcoming Committee

A Parish Life Commission Event

Stewardship Committee Sponsors

Estate Planning Seminar


Immaculate Conception parish sponsored estate planning seminars in 2017 & 2018 which were well attended. We planned to host another one in 2020, but COVID forced us to pause. We will again offer an estate planning seminar on Tuesday, August 9, at 6:00 PM in the St. Francis room. What has changed over the last four years, and is my estate plan up to date? Things you may want to consider may include:


1. Are my beneficiaries up to date? 

2. Should I consider a trust or is a will sufficient?

3. What should I do with my life insurance policy/annuity I acquired years ago?

4. How do I include Immaculate Conception and/or Immaculata in my gifting plan?

5. Will a Charitable Gift Annuity provide more income for me in retirement?

6. How do I create a bequest in my will or establish an endowment?

7. How do I minimize taxes on my required distributions from my retirement accounts?

8. What is a Qualified Charitable Distribution from an IRA?

9. How will recent changes in the tax law impact my estate plan?


These are questions we often ask ourselves whenever there is a change in our lives. If you have questions or a need to create or review your will or estate plan, this is a terrific opportunity to learn more at no cost to you. Attorneys Lee Mullgan, Esq. and Brad Henry, Esq. will help guide us through these challenges. To register for this seminar please email John Maimone at [email protected] or leave him a text or voice mail at

440-813-5375. We hope you can join us to learn more about protecting and helping your loved ones.


Sincerely, Your Stewardship Committee

Catholic Charities will be coming to Immaculate Conception on Thursday, August 11, for their next Manna Express event. Any person in need of food and diapers is welcome to come and receive these items. The Knights of Columbus will be distributing the items from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. outside the Main Church.

Leave No Neighbor Behind

As Summer is almost over and Autumn is approaching fast, we need to remember our neighbors in need. Therefore, we will be collecting food and cash donations for IAM on August 20 and 21, at all Masses. Our goal is to make sure that families in need are able to have food on their tables and assistance in paying their bills. To make it easier, starting at our August food drive, we will have reusable food bags with a recommended food items list inside. These Blue Shopping bags with the Knights of Columbus Logo will be available the weekend of August 13 and 14,  after Masses for those who would like to use one. All you need to do is take the bag with you when you shop, use the list to purchase what you would like to donate, and then put the food in the bag and drop the bags off at the IAM truck in front of the Church before Mass the next weekend (August 20 and 21). 

We thank you in advance for your continued generosity.  You may also make cash or check donations to IAM. We will have our donation bucket during the weekend.  All donations go to IAM. 

 Please help us Leave No Neighbor Behind.


The garden committee is inviting you to join them in a COMMUNITY GARDEN WORK DAY - Saturday - August 27 from 9:00 to 11:00 A.M. No experience necessary.  (Rain date: September 3)

If you would like to join us, bring your garden gloves, a trowel and clippers. Don’t have any? No problem, we have extras. We will be weeding, digging and trimming to make our church property look great.

If you have any questions call Ann Nolan at 674-8492 or email Terry Sardinia at [email protected].

Looking forward to seeing you on the 27th!

A Cup of Encouragement

Purpose-Verb-, “Have as one’s Intention or objective”.


I think that one of the most encouraging scriptures in the Bible is found in Jeremiah 29:11, “I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity, and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for.”

Undoubtedly, God has a plan and a purpose for your life. When you were baptized and confirmed, the Holy Spirit imparted His gifts into your life (1 Corinthians 12:4-11).

Those gifts are meant to be given away in the service of others; when you do so, you will assuredly discover your purpose.

Here are some Hints to help you on your journey of discovery.


1    What are my passions and gifts? (At the intersection of these two elements, you’ll find your purpose in life.)

2    What would I work on or want to do for free? (Usually a good sign of what God has designed you to do.)

3    What energized me when I was a child? Does it still animate me? (Knowing your calling is often directly connected to childhood passions and gifts.)

4    If I could do anything and take a pay cut, what would that be? (You may have to blow up your financial goals to pursue your true calling.)

5    What barriers are preventing me from pursuing my true calling? (Can you begin removing them?)

6    If I’m not engaging my gifts and talents where I am now, could I make changes in my current role to better engage them? (Don’t rule out the possibility that where you are is where you need to be).


Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.”

--St. Catherine of Sienna


Dave Coe

Questions? Have a prayer request?

Contact Dave @ [email protected]

A wonderful time was had by all who attended the Parish Pool Party.

Immaculate Conception Church
208 7th Avenue West
Hendersonville, NC 28791 

Church Office
611 North Church St.
Suite 101
Hendersonville, NC 28792

We are a joyful Catholic community of disciples of Jesus Christ, moved by love, to seek the lost and the broken and bring them home
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