Annual General Meeting
The AGM was held April 26
th 2018 at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre in Nanaimo. Member Representatives were presented with the 2017 financial statements from Cara Light of Grant Thornton along with reports from the Chair, Dr. Judith Sayers and CEO Graham Bruce.
The President of Southern Rail, Derek Ollmann explained the current position of rail operations and SVI's continued support and commitment to expanding rail service. Dan Brown from the Cowichan Valley Regional District Parks & Trails presented the CVRD trail development plan for 2018 and a comprehensive report of the trail system already constructed. Deanna Beaudoin, Executive Director of McLean Mill Society at Port Alberni explained what had been accomplished to allow for the steam train to operate this year between downtown and the Mill. Attendance is growing at the museum and rails with trails could become an additional way of attracting more visitors. The full AGM report will be posted on the website in June.