
 Not For Profit - For Justice

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February 27/28, 2019
"You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It's a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis." - Harold Pinter, 2005 Nobel Lecture
"The real battle for Americans today is a battle to reassert our independence from an overbearing and unsustainable state. Today, we can all celebrate that there are fundamental cracks in the federal state's veneer, and we can be grateful for the options we still have in our own lives to live free, to practice charity and faith, creativity and productivity and to rediscover our own power as individuals and communities." -- Karen Kwiatkowski - (1960-) retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel
"Liberty has never come from Government. It is always come from the subjects of Government. The history of Liberty is the history of resistance." Woodrow Wilson
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it." - John Lennon

"The power of authority is never more subtle and effective than when it produces a psychological "atmosphere" or "climate" favorable to the life of certain modes of belief, unfavorable, and even fatal, to the life of others." -Arthur Balfour

"When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic." -  Dresden James

"Chief among the spoils of victory is the privilege of writing the history."  - Mark Alexander 
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Peace and Joy


Michael Cohen: If Trump Loses In 2020 'There Will Never Be A Peaceful Transition Of Power'
Watch Full Session Testimony on Capitol Hill
ICH "I pray the country doesn't make the same mistakes that I have made or pay the heavy price that my family and I are paying." Michael Cohen . - Continue
Trump Sticks To Sanctions - U.S., North Korea Summit Fails
By Moon Of Alabama
ICH North Korea will "be compelled to find a new way for defending the sovereignty of the country" if the U.S. is unwilling to budge. - Continue
N. Korea offered to halt nuclear, long-range rocket testing for partial relief of sanctions - FM
ICH Washington demanded "one more" measure beyond dismantling Yongbyon, which went too far for Pyongyang. - Continue
Israel is playing a big role in India's escalating conflict with Pakistan
By Robert Fisk
ICH The "war on terror" - especially "Islamist terror" - may seem natural for two states built on colonial partition whose security is threatened by Muslim neighbours. - Continue
No Justification for Israel to Shoot Protesters with Live Ammunition: Report
By United Nations Human Rights Council
ICH Israeli occupation force soldiers, committed violations of international human rights and humanitarian law. Some of those violations may constitute war crimes. - Continue
The Witchfinders are now Ready to Burn Corbyn
By Jonathan Cook
ICH Corbyn's success has outraged vocal supporters of Israel - some 80 MPs are stalwart members of Labour Friends of Israel. - Continue
How Amnesty International is Reinforcing Trump's Regime-Change Propaganda Against Venezuela
By Joe Emersberger
ICH Amnesty is providing cover for a possible dirty war in Venezuela. - Continue
Regime Change Is Urgently Needed In Washington
By Andre Vltchek
ICH Is it going to be Nicaragua, Cuba or Iran next? Is anything going to propel people into action? - Continue
Democratic candidates are warmongering imperialist pigs
By Glen Ford
ICH "'Social imperialists' like Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are weak on peace." - Continue
Here You Have Our Future
By Charles Hugh Smith
ICH There is a template for global instability, one that has been repeated throughout history... - Continue

US Army transported 50 tons of gold from Syria, report says: The U.S. Army is transferring tons of gold from Daesh-held areas in Syria to the U.S., multiple reports said.
Lawmakers seek 'urgent briefing' on U.S. arms in hands of al Qaeda: Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates may have transferred American-made weapons to al Qaeda-linked extremist groups in Yemen.
GOP maneuver will block Yemen bill from getting Senate vote: House Republicans added the anti-Semitism amendment at the last minute before the resolution was set to pass the House.
Saudi pushes EU to scrap money-laundering blacklist; The adoption of a European Union money-laundering blacklist, which includes Saudi Arabia as well as Puerto Rico and three other US territories 
Israel's prime minister has gone too far this time:This dramatic development should mark the breaking point in Netanyahu's already battered relationship with a majority of American Jews.
North Korea disputes Trump's account of summit breakdown: Pyongyang says it seeks partial - not total - sanctions relief, laments US wasted opportunity that 'may not come again'.
Jeremy Corbyn's Labour is a crucial ally in the fight against antisemitism: Jewish members and supporters of the Labour party sign a letter urging that anyone seeking an end to bigotry and racism should back Labour and Corbyn
Facebook Eliminated Over One Billion Page-Views to Conservative Websites in 2018: Now, Thanks to James O'Keefe, We Have Proof This Was The Plan
How the U.S. Is Strangling Haiti as It Attempts Regime Change in Venezuela:The people of Haiti demand to know who stole the oil money that was gifted to them in solidarity by the people of Venezuela.
Amid unrest in Ferguson, police used text burner app: In 2014, US law enforcement officers began using secret messaging app Silent Phone which destroys text messages.
Cohen plays the role of Judas before House committee: As a lawyer and as an American, I am disgusted with the appearance of Michael Cohen as a witness against the president.
Michael Cohen may not be 'star witness' material, but his testimony rings true: Cohen's description of Trump, whose legal problems he "fixed" for a decade, had the ring of truth: a man eager to win at all costs, who puts his self-interest ahead of the public interest, and who feels the rules don't apply to him.
US economic growth slows to 2.6 per cent rate in Q4:Economists believe growth has slowed even more in the current quarter.

Peace and Joy

Tom Feeley

Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,801

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan :
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