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March 11/12, 2019
Important Update

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Peace and Joy  

"If those in charge of our society - politicians, corporate executives, and owners of press and television - can dominate our ideas, they will be secure in their power. They will not need soldiers patrolling the streets. We will control ourselves." - Howard Zinn
"They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what was happening ." -  George Orwell
"The truth is not in the commercial media because the truth is a dagger pointed at its heart, which is its pocketbook." - George Seldes  
"One cannot wage war under present conditions without the support of public opinion, which is tremendously molded by the press and other forms of propaganda."  - Douglas MacArthur (1880 - 1964)


Open Letter To ICH Readers
By John Pilger, Paul Craig Roberts, Pepe Escobar, Peter Koenig & Finian Cunningham
ICH Empowers critical ability for people to challenge prevailing agendas and power structures - to create a more just and peaceful world.  - Continue 
Russia To Defend Its Venezuela Oil Assets In 'Toughest Way Possible'
By Tsvetana Paraskova
ICH Lavrov "condemned the threats the US has made toward the country's lawful leadership.   - Continue
"Lights Out!" Did Trump and His Neocons Recycle Bush-Era Plan to Knock Out Venezuela's Power Grid?
By Whitney Webb
ICH The U.S. has long had a plan on the books for targeting the civilian power grid of adversarial nations.   - Continue
Washington is Waging a New Dimension War Against China - and will Lose out Bitterly
By Peter Koenig
ICH It's an aggression against leading Chinese businesses and against China's embracing a policy of a multi-polar world.   - Continue
Marco Polo is back in China - again
By Pepe Escobar
ICH All roads seem to lead to Rome as Italy expresses its love for China's Belt and Road Initiative.   - Continue
US creating international dictatorship - ex-President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
By Going Underground
ICH Former President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad talks about Yemen, the relation between capitalism and oppression and his distinction between Judaism and Zionism!   - Continue
50+ Retired Generals and Diplomats Urge the United States to Reenter Iran Deal
By The American College of National Security Leaders
ICH Iran's continued compliance is not ensured and the benefits from the agreement risk being lost.   - Continue
Benjamin Netanyahu: Israel is a state 'only of the Jewish people'
By Al Jazeera
ICH Netanyahu admits the state is not one for 'all of its citizens'.   - Continue
Trump is trying to pay his way to an annihilation of Palestinian statehood, and an erasure of Israel's crimes
By Robert Fisk
ICH This was the first time in modern Arab history that America has offered the bribes before anyone has agreed to the terms.   - Continue
By Chris Hedges
ICH Israel's dominance of the Democratic Party is eroding. It is losing legitimacy in the eyes of the public.  -
Trump's 2020 budget proposal is going after Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, and more
By Tara Golshan
ICH The $4.7 trillion budget proposal, seeks to slash $845 billion from Medicare - $241 billion from Medicaid a program, while increasing the defense budget to $750 billion.   - Continue

Syria, Russia: Al-Rukban camp is like a detention camp, must be evacuated immediately: Syria and Russia again called on US occupation forces in al-Tanf area to end the detainment of displaced Syrians in al-Rukban camp and to allow them to leave
At least 20 civilians killed, including children, in north Yemen: Air strikes by a Saudi-led coalition killed 23 civilians in Kushar district.
Apartheid: Israeli Leaders: In Their Own Words:Palestine Advocacy Project Exposes US-Backed Israeli Leaders' Racist and Extremist Rhetoric
Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East?  Netanyahu's comments have shattered that illusion; His comments that the country belongs to 'Jewish people alone' strike to the heart of the nature of Israel
Watch: UK: 53 gallons of 'blood' poured outside #No10. The protest organised said the mess symbolised 'the blood our children', in relation to worrying predictions about climate change.
Anger at US award for Martin McGuinness's 'military service': Victims of IRA violence have criticised the city of San Francisco for posthumously honouring Martin McGuinness
Since 9/11, The United States Has Spent $6 Trillion on Wars That Have Killed 500,000 People: The United States has continually exhibited its diabolical quest for global dominance through investing obscene amounts of money into global wars.
Watch: The True Cost:A global investigation into the clothes we wear, the people who make them, and the impact the industry is having on the world. The True Cost pulls back the curtain on the untold story and asks us to consider, who really pays the price for our clothing?
What's Behind US-Backed Electricity Blackout in Venezuela : The automatized control system of the Simon Bolivar Hydroelectric Plant, which is popularly known as El Guri, was attacked.
Power station blast adds to sense of chaos in Venezuela: An explosion rocked a power station in the Venezuelan capital early Monday, witnesses said
Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget: How much is a trillion? Spend $1 million an hour, non-stop, 24 hours a day, for 411 years. 4.75 trillion would take 1,952 years to spend at one million per hour.

Trump promised over and over to 'save' Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

Exclusive poll: Young Americans are embracing socialism:  Generation Z has a more positive view of the word "socialism" than previous generations, and - along with millennials - are more likely to embrace socialistic policies
Brits Won't Eat US Chicken - Should You?: The Dangerous Treatment Masking Harmful Bacteria in Meat

Peace and Joy

Tom Feeley

Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,801

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan :

Total Cost of U.S. Wars Since 2001

4.76 Trillion - Spending $1 million an hour, non-stop, 24 hours a day, you won't run out of money for 411 years.
$ 4,756,603,215,084
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