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"Propaganda is amazing. People can be led to believe anything." - Alice Walker
 "The oblique paradox of propaganda is that the lie in the throat becomes, by repetition, the truth in the heart." - John Grierson
"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little."  -  Edmund Burke 
"What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do." -  John Ruskin 
"It's not who you are on the inside but what you do that defines you!" -  Darius Shah 
"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better."  -  Samuel Beckett (1906-04-13 - 1989-12-22) Irish playwright, novelist, poet and winner of the 1969 Nobel Prize in Literature  .

May 21/22, 2019

May Fundraiser
Writers' Appeal to Readers: Please Support ICH Today
Dear Readers,
Since 2002, Information Clearing House has been delivering an essential daily news and analysis service to its subscribers - free of charge.
Tom Feeley, ICH editor and publisher, has maintained a fiercely independent policy by not accepting funds from advertisers, corporations or governments.
ICH is entirely funded by its citizen-readers which ensures that it is a reliable source of unbiased information, reaching out to millions of people each month.

From its broad range of opinion, analysis, reader commentary, and comprehensive daily news links, readers of ICH are empowered to acquire a critical, intelligent perspective on international political developments. That empowers critical ability for people to challenge prevailing agendas and power structures - to create a more just and peaceful world.

In this time of increasing censorial information - where alternative voices and viewpoints are being shut down - it is all the more vital for readers to help sustain ICH.

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Without your support, we are all diminished.
John Pilger
Paul Craig Roberts
Pepe Escobar
Peter Koenig
Andre Vltchek
Paul Edwards
Finian Cunningham


Do Iranian 'Threats' Signal Organized U.S.-Israel Subterfuge?
By Gareth Porter
There's credible evidence that Israel could be playing a key role in this subterfuge.   - Continue
WikiLeaks cable, makes a strong case against claims that Tehran arming the Houthis
By Dave DeCamp
Judge ruled on Monday against Trump's lawsuit to stop a subpoena for his tax records by House Democrats.   - Continue
The Trump Administration Panicked Over Nothing
By Daniel Larison
"Do they think that we are stupid?" asked the NATO official.   - Continue
UK Dirty Ops on Iran?
By Finian Cunningham
The deployment of British commandoes in "top secret" missions at this crucial juncture raises perplexing questions.   - Continue
Israel's War Criminals In Their Own Words
By Philip Giraldi
Shooting unarmed Palestinian demonstrators "preserves Israeli values".   - Continue
How to Survive the Journey Ahead: A Graduation Message for a Terrifying Age
By John W. Whitehead
Those coming of age today will face some of the greatest obstacles ever encountered by young people.   - Continue


Newly Revealed Documents Show Syrian Chemical "Attacks Were Staged": 35 deaths that were originally attributed to these staged chlorine events cannot be explained and it cannot be ruled out that these people were murdered as part of the staging effort.
Trump downplays Iranian "threat" to US interests: "We have no indication that anything's happened or will happen," he told reporters at the White House, adding: "We have no indication that they will."
War criminal: Senator Lindsey Graham clashes with lawmakers over intelligence reports on Iran: Senator Lindsey Graham, a Republican, said he received his own briefing Monday from National Security Advisor John Bolton
All The Times John Bolton Called For War With Iran: Bolton makes it quite clear that "only military action" could accomplish what is required to stop Iran from developing a nuclear weapon.
5,000 terrorists amassed in Afghanistan close to CIS border - Russian FSB chief: Terrorist cells are now infiltrating into former Soviet countries where they are forming ties with organized crime
China's coastguard 'can expect military treatment' in South China Sea: U.S. admiral issues warning as Beijing sends more non-naval vessels into troubled waters to asset claims
Ron Paul: Fair Trial? US Steals Assange's Legal Papers:The treacherous government of Ecuador has opened Julian Assange's private quarters at its UK embassy up to US investigators, who have seized Assange's legal defense documents.
Global sea levels could rise far more than predicted: Researchers say two-metre sea level rise is possible if global temperatures warm by five degrees Celsius by 2100.
NASA's Plans Lunar Outpost:The plan calls for, an outpost that will orbit the Moon and serve as a spaceport for missions to the surface.
Venezuela to ditch Visa & Mastercard by early 2020 : Venezuela will develop an independent national payment system to get rid of international giants Visa and Mastercard in response to US sanctions
Thousands of Immigrants Suffer in Solitary Confinement in ICE Detention: The United Nations special rapporteur on torture, said that solitary confinement should be banned and that isolation for more than 15 days constitutes "inhuman and degrading treatment.

Peace and Joy
Tom Feeley

Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,801

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan :

Total Cost of U.S. Wars Since 2001

4.81 Trillion - Spending $1 million an hour, non-stop, 24 hours a day, you won't run out of money for 411 years.
$ 4,811,178,258,237
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