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"The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers." -Thomas Jefferson  
"Most Americans have no idea that what we are fed by the news media is nothing more than a portrayal of what powerful corporations want us to believe, that what happens to pass as education is as often as not mere propaganda, that what we learn in church may have very little or nothing to do with the truth, that what our parents teach us may be nothing more than an accumulation of their own personal biases, no doubt a rather subtle modification of what they were taught by their parents. And through such a process, governments and nations around the world wield control as to what their citizens, believe, value, and do." -  Doug Soderstrom
"And there are people still in darkness,
And they just can't see the light.
If you don't say it's wrong then that says it right. "
July 24/25, 2019
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We believe that no nation has a right to bully or threaten violence on those who do not follow it's dictates. 
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Peace and Joy - Tom Feeley


Gulf Crisis: Reciprocation Towards Disaster or Peaceful Resolution?
By Finian Cunningham
Reckless American aggression towards Iran is likely to be further compounded by London's servility to U.S.     - Continue
Iran - Seizure of a British Tanker - more than Tit for Tat
By Peter Koenig
Do they want to bring the Middle East to the brink of war? A regional war that could easily convert into a world war?     - Continue
Bought and paid for
US Congress Condemns Intern'l Movement to Boycott Israel
By Ron Kampeas
Also passed in the House Tuesday was legislation, that codifies giving $38 billion over ten years to Israel.     - Continue
Here Are The 17 Members Of Congress Who Voted Against Condemning BDS
By Aiden Pink
Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, voted "yea" in support of the resolution condemning BDS.     - Continue
Robert Mueller's opening statement
Video and Transcript
Russian interference among 'most serious' challenges to American democracy.     - Continue
Robert Mueller Testifying on his Report, Trump and Russia
Russian interference among 'most serious' challenges to American democracy.     - Continue
These Questions for Mueller Show Why Russiagate Was Never the Answer
By Aaron Maté
Why did you imply that key figures were Russian agents, and leave out countervailing information, including their (more) extensive Western ties?     - Continue
Will Comey Be Indicted?
By Paul Craig Roberts
Almost all of the participants in this conspiracy against democracy knew that they were participating in a conspiracy against democracy and the American people.     - Continue
The Just World Fallacy: Why People Bash Assange And Defend Power
By Caitlin Johnstone
Blaming the victim is more psychologically comfortable than seeing that we live in an unjust world where we could very easily become victim ourselves someday.     - Continue

Iran's president hints at quid pro quo for seized UK ship : President Hassan Rouhani suggested releasing the British-flagged ship captured by Iran if the UK releases Grace 1, the Iranian oil tanker seized in Gibraltar earlier this month.
Robert Fisk: Trump is powering the UK's preparations for war - it is he who needs to be deterred, not Iran:Let's stop pretending that Middle East sanity can emerge from the current inhabitant of the White House
Israeli sniper shot a 9-year-old Palestinian boy in the head:From 100 meters away, an IDF soldier shot a boy in the head in the West Bank village of Kafr Qaddum
EU rejects 'mini deals' claim, reiterates support for Brexit deal: European Union's Brexit Steering Group affirms bloc's commitment to withdrawal agreement brokered with former UK PM.
Global warming dwarfs climate variations of past 2,000 years: study: Earth's rapid warming in the late 20th century was far more widespread than any temperature variations during the previous 2,000 years
Facebook to pay $5bn fine as regulator settles Cambridge Analytica complaint: Facebook will pay a record $5bn (£4bn) penalty in the US for "deceiving" users about their ability to keep personal information private
Mueller: Trump could still be charged when term ends: Mueller made clear that he did not exonerate Trump and that the president could still be charged when he leaves office.
'Trump blew whistle on Jeffrey Epstein'; Pedophile's threat to expose President 'as a financial fraud' after he 'stole' his $125M mansion led to then-tycoon outing the pedophile to cops
Peace and Joy
Tom Feeley

Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,801

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan :

Total Cost of U.S. Wars Since 2001

4.86 Trillion - Spending $1 million an hour, non-stop, 24 hours a day, you won't run out of money for 411 years.
$ 4,860,403,487,827
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