Dear Students & Parents:
August 1st is officially here! There is a certain buzz in the air once the month of August rolls around. The energy and excitement are all pointed to the day the doors open and students return. We have been busy this summer preparing for the school year. As always, we ask for parent support; the success of our school and students depends on it. Schools across the country face new and emerging challenges. One of my summer reads promoted the need for balance with technology. The book cited research and data that was alarming about the intentional addictiveness of the devices that are ultimately affecting focus, attention span, working memory/short-term memory, self-esteem, emotional wellness (anxiety & depression), Also, researchers have discovered that the neuroplasticity of the brain allows it to continually change. When neurons are not fired for activities such as reading and/or are replaced with scanning web pages, the circuits that support those intellectual functions and pursuits weaken and begin to break apart or may not be forming. All of these reasons have created more challenges for teachers and schools. We know that a child's success depends on the school as a team.
We understand that families have unique situations and a cell phone for many is about safety and being able to contact your child after school. However, we ask for your support to discourage use during the school day and we encourage parents to create a balance and be aware of what your child is exposed to on their phone. A good place to start is to look at your child's weekly screen time report.
Enjoy the rest of your summer. We will see you soon!
H. Minch-Hick
ICMS Principal