Shared Kitchen Certificate Process Advocacy
To produce in a commercial shared kitchen, like ours at The Hatchery, it is required to obtain the nationally recognized ANSI accredited Food Manager’s certificate, in addition to a City of Chicago Food Manager’s Sanitation Protection Certificate. Due to changes since the pandemic, the already lengthy process became longer and more cost prohibitive, with rule changes that turned the 2-3 month process into 5-6 months.
We connected with the BACP to request that the process be changed at a systemic level to allow small businesses to begin production in a shared kitchen more quickly. After the BACP held an internal review, they decided to return to their COVID era policy of accepting receipt submissions for their certificate as opposed to waiting the lengthy amount of time for the physical copy. This decision will reduce processing time and get entrepreneurs into our shared kitchen spaces much faster!
Grand Ave. Complete Streets Project Update
To widen sidewalks and put in place protected bike lanes, the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) introduced their Complete Streets Project this past spring. ICNC collected feedback from our community, and we were able to put affected businesses directly in contact with CDOT to voice concerns.
Through our efforts, we're excited to say that CDOT has adjusted plans to impact businesses less, shifting areas to include loading zones, curb shifts, parking availability, and more to minimize impact to business owners while still protecting our community's bicyclists.
If you'd like to be a part of our advocacy conversations, reach out to ICNC's Advocacy and Economic Development Specialist Ashlee.