Updates & Announcements | 07 July 2022

ICPA Annual Conference 2022

The International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA) is holding its annual conference from October 23 to 28, 2022, in Orlando, Florida. This will be its first in-person conference since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and we are hopeful that our network will have a panel this year! 


Registration for ICPA's 24th Annual Conference is now open!

Take advantage of the Early-Bird registration rate by signing up before August 31, 2022. 

Visit this link for more information 

ICPA 2022 Annual Conference Registration

ICPA Network Website

ICPA recently launched a new platform for its Network Groups. Our website can now be accessed by clicking on this link: EXTERNAL PRISON OVERSIGHT AND HUMAN RIGHTS NETWORK.

If you have visited this website before, you will notice that our newsletters are no longer listed here for public access. They can now be found in ICPA’s RESOURCE CENTRE. Just type “POHR” in the search bar or use the filters on the right to find all of our published newsletters. 

That being said, you can also find our newsletters, discussion groups, and future events by logging into the ICPA website with your existing member account. Remember that basic membership with ICPA is free. We are in the process of populating our website with more information and discussion topics, so please stay tuned!

Future Newsletters

In the coming weeks, we will be releasing the eighth issue of our newsletter titled, “Training and Resources for Prison Oversight and Monitoring Bodies.”

We're pleased to announce that plans are in motion for two future issues: one on Women in Prisons for this upcoming fall and another on Disabilities Behind Bars for the winter. If you are interested in contributing to either of these newsletters, please contact our Deputy Chair, Emad Talisman (emad.talisman@oci-bec.gc.ca).

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or if you would like us to facilitate networking opportunities.

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