June 2023 eNews

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Inside this issue

  • Presenting at the NAEYC Institute
  • New Policy Research Fellows
  • Resources: Blog: Hello Family Update, and ICS Highlighted by The Duke Endowment
  • What We've Been Up To: Speaking at the Health Summit, Leadership Attends Florida Prosperity Summit, and Early Childhood Developmental Health Systems: Evidence to Impact Center Selects Three Implementation Sites
  • Bulletin Board: Board Member Authors Book, VP of Strategy & Finance Moonlights as Music Director, and Pride and Juneteenth Reading Material
  • Upcoming Events: 2023 Conferences to Put on Your Radar

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Presenting an Equity-Focused Assessment at the NAEYC

Professional Learning Institute

by Katie Hammond, MPH, ICS Director of Science Communications

ICS team members Dr. Tyson Barker and Katie Hammond presented at the 2023 National Association for the Education of Young Children Professional Learning Institute on June 7 in Portland, Oregon. The NAEYC PLI empowers early childhood professionals with fresh ideas and insights to participate in and facilitate the highest quality professional development. This year’s theme was “Joyful, Equitable Learning For All,” with nearly 200 sessions to support professional learning in the early childhood field.


During our interactive presentation and workshop, we helped foster conversations among early childhood practitioners on how they use measurement in their work, and how to find equitable and effective assessments that suit their varied needs. These practitioners shared key insights and wisdom about how they approach assessment in their work, solve common issues, and ultimately work to ensure their assessment practices meet the needs of the children and communities they serve. We enjoyed learning from these living experts and are excited for them to incorporate the IMPACT Measures Tool® in their process of choosing and using assessments!

Early childhood professionals ranked what assessment qualities are most important in their work. As you can see in the top-left photo, everyone’s needs are a bit different! 

The closing plenary at NAYEC Institute 2023 highlighted exciting developments

in early childhood education in Oregon.

ICS Launches Class of

Policy Research Fellows

Earlier this month, ICS launched its new ICS Policy Research Fellows class for 2023-2024. The fellows include distinguished professionals selected from early childhood academic, education, healthcare, and policy fields. Throughout the program, the fellows will share their expertise to assist ICS in its mission to ensure the success of young children from birth to age 8, and their families. 

Dee Stegelin, PhD, Chair of ICS Policy Research Fellows

Senior Fellow, ICS; Professor Emerita of early childhood education in the College of Education at Clemson University

Bryndle Bottoms, PhD

Research Assistant Professor, Yvonne & Schuyler Moore Child Development Research Center, Child Care Research Team, University of South Carolina

Ariel Ford, MA     

Director of the Division of Child Development and Early Education for the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services

Heather Googe, PhD

Research Assistant Professor, University of South Carolina, Yvonne & Schuyler Moore Child Development Research Center Director-South Carolina Child Care Inclusion Collaborative

Erin Hamel, PhD

Associate Dean; Executive Director, Macfeat Early Childhood Laboratory School; Associate Professor - Early Childhood Education, Winthrop University

Veronica Parker, PhD

Alumni Distinguished Professor

at Clemson University,

College of Behavioral,

Social and Health Sciences,

School of Nursing;

Director of the Center for

Research on Health Disparities

Keller Ann Ruble, M.Ed.

ICS Consultant, (and former

ICS Policy Research Associate)

A meeting of the minds in Columbia, SC with the ICS staff and Policy Research Fellows on June 6.


Hello Family: A Mid-Year Update on Our Journey Towards Transformative Change

by Kaitlin Watts, Director of Spartanburg County First Steps

Excerpt: As we reach the midpoint of the year, we get to reflect on the mid-year progress made by Hello Family, a unique initiative in Spartanburg, South Carolina, that seeks to improve outcomes for young children and their families. This initiative is driven by over 60 partners providing services and resources for all children born in Spartanburg, aimed at ensuring that every child can arrive at the schoolhouse door healthy, thriving, and ready to learn.

To meet every new Spartanburg family in a meaningful way, the community partners financed an expansion of several of those services to full-scale within the city. Over the first 18 months of that effort, those services have ramped up and the effects have already been transformative. We wanted to share a few of the highlights from the last six months and let you view the 2021-2022 annual report.

Read Kaitlin's full blog about the progress being made.

ICS Featured in The Duke Endowment Newsletter & Blog

ICS was recently featured in The Duke Endowment's Policy Pulse: Child & Family Well-Being, in an article entitled, "What Works: Improving Equity Through Evidence-Based Child Welfare Programs."

Excerpt: "For more than a decade, The Duke Endowment has supported the expansion of certain evidence-based child welfare programs. We have done so because rigorous evaluations found these programs strengthen protective factors and reduce risk factors associated with child abuse and neglect. These programs include the Incredible Years, Strengthening Families Program and Multisystemic Therapy, among others.

In the summer of 2021, the Endowment partnered with the Institute for Child Success (ICS) in Greenville, SC, to assess the relevancy of these types of evidence-based programs for racial and ethnic minorities. This assessment is critical because racial minorities participate in nearly all childhood programs, but historically, impact analyses center on white families. The question of relevancy for racial minorities was important to The Duke Endowment because 70 percent of participants in the Incredible Years and Strengthening Families Program were racial minorities. We want to make sure our investments support the needs of all families."

Continue reading about ICS's assessment of evidence-based programs.

What We've Been Up To

Tyson Barker, PhD Speaks at Health Summit

ICS's Tyson Barker, PhD (fourth on right) at the Health Summit: Advancing Early Relational Health in Miami, FL last Friday. He served on a panel promoting early relational health and resiliency to counter toxic stress and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

ICS Leadership Engages

Business Leaders in Florida

Pictured is the ICS CEO Jamie Moon (l) with Board Member Loranne Ausley

(c) and Chief Equity Officer Mary C. Garvey (r), who attended the Florida Prosperity & Economic Opportunity Solution Summit and brought home some valuable takeaways.

Early Childhood Developmental Health Systems: Evidence to Impact Center Selects Three Implementation Sites

The Early Childhood Developmental Health Systems (ECDHS): Evidence to Impact Center selected three Implementation Sites in Colorado, Hawaii, and Washington to advance equity- and family-centered early childhood developmental systems. The sites will help improve outcomes and reduce disparities in health and family well-being in communities with high levels of childhood poverty. 

The Implementation Sites will receive technical assistance and support from the Center, led by ZERO TO THREE in partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics, Help Me Grow National Center, Center for the Study of Social Policy, Family Voices, Inc. (national), Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development, and Institute for Child Success. The Center is funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).

Read more about the site selection.

Bulletin Board

photo and content source: https://mychildrenschildren.com/book/all-about-children/

Retired hospital pediatrician, medical geneticist

Robert Saul, MD

Board Member, Robert Saul, MD Authors Book,

All About Children

All About Children is a companion children’s book to my first title, My Children's Children: Raising Young Citizens in the Age of Columbine. It is our intent to provide material that can be enjoyed at multiple levels. It can be enjoyed purely for the illustrations, which demonstrate activities that encourage parents and their children to do positive things that can improve lives and the life of their community. It can be enjoyed for the combination of words and pictures and the messages noted. It can be enjoyed as a picture book with wonderful images that can be searched for, identified, and discussed at times of joint discovery with parents and children alike.

You can purchase the book from Amazon.

The Spartanburg Philharmonic Announces John Young Shik Concklin as Music Director

ICS Vice President of Strategy and Finance, John Young Shik Concklin was recently named Music Director of the Spartanburg Philharmonic (he will continue to serve in his role at ICS). Below, Karen Parrott, Board President of the Philharmonic and Chair of the Search Committee, describes the long and arduous recruiting process.

Excerpt: The long-awaited moment has arrived. After a search spanning two years, nine candidates and many, many concerts, the Spartanburg Philharmonic, in its 95th year, is thrilled to announce John Young Shik Concklin as their next Music Director. “From the very beginning, the search committee committed to finding the perfect fit for our organization and for our musicianswe believe John Young Shik Concklin is that person. John gets usSpartanburg, our community, our musiciansand we are thrilled that he is our tenth music director.”

Read the full Spartanburg Philharmonic announcement.

Pride Reading Material

Juneteenth Reading Material



Upcoming Events

The Impact and Practice team has been busy developing education content to provide technical assistance supports to independent and partner organizations during 2023 conference events.



Minneapolis, MN




Nashville, TN

National Association for the Education of Young Children



Minneapolis, MN

Division of Early Childhood (DEC) Conference

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ICS works on behalf of children from prenatal to age 8.


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