The Illinois Center for Specialized Professional Support (ICSPS) creates, supports, and delivers professional development for career, technical and adult education professionals across Illinois. ICSPS provides technical assistance, develops publications, and facilitates program improvement strategies for our partners as they relate to equity, college transition, recruitment, retention, and completion−encouraging achievement of special populations learners. We invite you to check out our refreshed website at to learn about what exciting professional development we have planned to enhance your curriculum and engage you.

Through the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ICSPS team is working remotely to support our partners, colleagues, and friends – and deliver quality professional development.

Over the past few months our world has been turned upside down with the growing concerns over COVID-19. While there is a call for social distancing, please know that ICSPS is here to support you. We will continue to hold learning communities, provide virtual learning opportunities, and share information to provide support during this time. These actions are intended to limit the disruption to academic and professional progress while following the current COVID-19 guidelines available from the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as well as state and local health officials.

Advisory Committee Guidebook: Partnerships in Career and Technical Education

The Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) and the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) are pleased to share the revised Advisory Committee Guidebook: Partnerships for Career & Technical Education. This guidebook was developed by the Illinois Center for Specialized Professional Support (ICSPS) in coordination with the Illinois Community College Board’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) team and the Illinois State Board of Education College and Career Readiness department to provide guidance for CTE programs as they work to improve their Advisory Committees.

Secondary & Postsecondary Special Populations Super Strategies

ICSPS in coordination with ICCB and ISBE have developed a series of Super Strategy documents outlining effective strategies to help K-12 staff and community colleges become acquainted with each of the special populations as identified under Perkins V. The Super Strategy documents provide ideas for successfully recruiting, supporting, and retaining special populations students in CTE programs.

New Webinar Series and Resources Help Young Adults with Autism

The Autism Training and Technical Assistance (ATTA) Project and ICSPS have developed a webinar series and additional resources to help young adults with autism as they transition out of high school to postsecondary education or the workforce. Families, educators, and communities will also find guidance on many current topics, such as ways to support students with autism during COVID-19 and remote learning for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

September 24 & 25, 2020

Forum for Excellence - Online

This Year's Conference Theme - EQUITY AND INNOVATION

Due to the interruption of the COVID-19 pandemic the 2020 Forum for Excellence will be held entirely online, and to be considerate of resources the conference will be free for attendees.

The Adult Education and Perkins Administrator meetings will take place on September 23, 2020. 

Conference registration will open at the end of July .

Currently accepting Request for Presentations  here !

Additional topic areas for the Forum include:
·      Curriculum Development 
·      ICAPS
·      Data/Accountability
·      Marketing programs
·      On-boarding / Intake
·      Orientation
·      Instruction
·      Assessment
·      Transitioning Students
·      Recruiting Students

We want to hear from you! Please complete this survey to assist the planning team in meeting your expectations.
Wednesday Webinars

(Must register for both!)

Email Etiquette: Tip, Tricks, and Tone -
July 22, 2020 at 10 am

Illinois workNet’s Virtual Job Fair: Connecting Job Seekers to Employers -
July 22, 2020 at 11:15 am

Spotlight on IT (Information Technology) Career Pathways - July 29, 2020 at 10 am

Experiences of AJCs in Service Alignment Local Discussions - August 5, 2020 at 10 am

Strategies in Addressing Program Alignment in Customer Services:
the Community Resource Academy & Integrated Resource Team - August 12, 2020 at 10 am

Programmatic Access: Job Center Certification & Customer Service -
August 19, 2020 at 10 am

The Collaborative Career Pathway Approach and IntegratingLabor Market Information (LMI) Effectively in Service Approach -
August 26, 2020 at 10 am

Help Wanted!
ICSPS is looking for dependable and action-oriented people to join our team! To learn more about applying to be our next Workforce Training Coordinator or Access and Transition Coordinator click here !