SignOn Once 2018
Take the ID Federation Survey!

Is password management a concern at your agency? Please take our survey and help ID Federation create an insurance world where every user needs only one password.
ID Federation is working on your behalf to create an insurance world where passwords are obsolete. Your answers to our survey will help us achieve that goal.  

Introducing the New ID Federation Website

We're thrilled to announce our new website refresh! We want to make it easy to access our content and find the information you're looking for. With you in mind, we've cleaned up our platform under the same domain name (

ID Federation in the News
Changes Afoot in the Way Agents & Carriers Do Business

Have you noticed lately how complicated it's gotten to sign in to your accounts? It's not enough to have a strong password. You may also need to enter a one-time PIN that is emailed to you or texted to your phone.

With cyber crime an ever-growing threat, we all must do our part to safeguard our systems against attacks and make sure that our customers' personal data is protected.

Michigan Agent Talks about SignOnOnce
Michigan Agent  magazine interviewed Brian Bartosh, president of Top O' Michigan Insurance in Alpena, and a member of the ID Federation board of directors. Following are excerpts from that interview in the August 2018 issue.

What are some of the other benefits of a single sign-on solution?

"Look at it like this: Imagine a world where passwords become nearly obsolete. Instead of having to remember endless sequences of numbers and letters when you sit down at your work station, you enter one authenticated username and password to access your agency management system (AMS), which then gives you access to your carriers. That's a huge time saver that translates into more time attending to your clients rather than talking to IT."
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ID Federation at Industry Events

Learn more about SignOn Once from ID Federation representatives at these industry events in 2018:

AUGIE (in conjunction with Applied Net 2018)  October 13-14, Nashville, Tennessee

ACT (in conjunction with Applied Net 2018) , October 14-15, Nashville, Tennessee